Nothing in the universe is known and nekid wisdom is exposed to rare Earth’s eyesFilled with the bloody knives that stabbed the monsters all up in my head of dreams
For the last time, just like the first time in the middle of speakin’ the mind of tongues
I moved to California’s single wide to a double wide, I ain’t for no ape’s sad ass songs.
I’m clappin’ on the boards of executive services, elevate your conscious mind of bone
In church with sinners & in ivory towers with an elephant tusk, blinds closed at home
Jukebox played my hoedowns jams with played like games of religion all in my mind
Amigo just like me, mon amie we’re gonna bite our tongues to keep the peace, I’m fine.
Conman makin’ some iced tea on the last day of biting my tongue, tellin’ a bad joker
That the joke ain’t funny, there’s no humor in the tragedy of your comedy, just poke her
She won’t care if she’s rolled and in the corpus dillecti mode, Mother Earth come here
Whisper words, every one of them A to Z, conman pronouns verbalizing prepositions.
Cabal of chumps coached your children, innocent boy-girls who followed commands
Game began before you and I knew it was a fixed game, we concoct all too human gods
Cooler whip pie with a grey hair in it, you ate it, we all swallowed the pablum of daddy
On the one hand, idiots are afoot and on the other hand, morons in love with mommy.
You played at Hearts, Spades, Pinochle, Poker and Bridge to somewhere up in heaven
All greased gears grinding in the powershift during the drag race, I won the ¼ in seven
Actually 7.2 in the ¼ & nobody has ever broken the record, until now, I’m doin’ it in 6.9
Fix is in & out by the burgers & mustard near the wine & cheese, germs kill the 3rd kind.
Stuck in the middle with the honey and the mountain dew, place in Space for Homers
Kick you in the head before your first communion & last confession before you croak
Like a frog croakin’ more like a toad in pollywog stage of enlightened fake news blurs
Fantasy and reality merge as a gamete allows flagella to animate the creative ol' bloke.
Alive kickin’ until the rear view mirror disintegrates into finite, fragmented black holes
One blew up & now this here, there & now is what we’ve got to deal with, us & them too
I’m dead after I’m alive, all too human monotheistic divinity imports mortal, blue souls
I kid you not, again, once upon a Time in Space, the sound was silent snare rigmaroles.
Target in the middle of the bull’s eye, where angels fear to go without arms, wing flyers
From the first human who jumped off a cliff without LSD mind blowing, replica wingers
Adam to astronaut, out beyond Uranus’ that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna & Confucius knew
Looked precisely like the image in the #LookingGlass, reflection of the chit that I blew.
Moms and pops know the thing they did to make the rest of us in the Festivus spell
To be or not to be here & now for a spell, that’s existence per se, hell no, I never fell
From above or below this montage of gas expelled from the blown cosmic cylinder
Planted Mary Jane’s seed into fertile ground, I got head, Mama’s THC smoke bender.
Low inside where even stupid men fear to go, it’s that point of no return, you read me
Hope you do, the message is not for you if you don’t ascertain the gist of the History
First Cause to the dissolution implosion of the Singularity, teacher taught a teaching
First Word, do, done is second, that’s all folks, comedy & tragedy of the divine’s sting.
Looked precisely like the image in the #LookingGlass, reflection of the chit that I blew.
Moms and pops know the thing they did to make the rest of us in the Festivus spell
To be or not to be here & now for a spell, that’s existence per se, hell no, I never fell
From above or below this montage of gas expelled from the blown cosmic cylinder
Planted Mary Jane’s seed into fertile ground, I got head, Mama’s THC smoke bender.
Low inside where even stupid men fear to go, it’s that point of no return, you read me
Hope you do, the message is not for you if you don’t ascertain the gist of the History
First Cause to the dissolution implosion of the Singularity, teacher taught a teaching
First Word, do, done is second, that’s all folks, comedy & tragedy of the divine’s sting.
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, III-X-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Scored from the Void while listenin’ to #MA by @RareEarth (long version) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/WkJ1wqQo3zg }

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