
Friday, June 28, 2024

#KeepThemSeparated #YouGotTo #GladYouHaveNoBravado

Bleach in your arm would kill the virus?  Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind, ship of fools' make-up
Regardless of your sidestepping on stepping stones in the halls of freaks of nature, brothers n' sisters
Content is rollin' from the bottom to the top, like cream rising from the dregs of the basement's shop
Bottles of wine are all empty, drank all the Boone's' Farm & Spinada right out the bottle, I got jitters.

I didn't even spill any wine, drank every drop from my grandfather's wine cellar in 'Chi' on Ohio Street
I played baseball and basketball and football either baked or inebriated on some type of enhancements
Tried to pump up the muscles 'til the rips & tears of the meniscus and then it was off of my feet to pay
Longer than a short time but not as short as you'd want it, it was like orbiting Earth forever & a day.

On the cuff I've got a link, 18 of the cuffs for the 9-hole link at the club, I am a member of a Guild
You may not have heard of them, all of us are undercover lovers of the Truth, raw & occult filled
Bibles, books, beans and big brother funneling us into the tunnel, roller coaster cannot terminate
To the end after about 25 thrilling climbs, deep falls from 100's of feet above the tarmac, 1st date.

It was all over for me, the one I should have coupled with moved on to repopulate Earth with 8 kids
None of them mine, all of them, three different fathers, the 1st two died while on their fireman jobs
Firefighters so brave, they rush into danger ahead as if it's the only way to work for love of money
Wooden boards planed from the logs of the redwoods and my love for the forest of an empty city.

Perfectly off kilter as it should be, fighting the power until it gives up the push and the shove
Every spin & wobble of Earth in every town across all 7 continents, keeps gravity up above
The molten core of the planet leaves you with no other choice than to assume Earth's breath
It does what it does and we're passengers at the mercy of the odds that I'm needed for death.

Leftists of the Far Right have infiltrated the rank & file of the clowns, junkies & relatives
Distant cousins and close strangers you've seen & touched in their nakedness, bones within
Make the deal, it's an art and only the losers don't get it, they repeat ad infinitum, mortal sin
Mortal meaning the "Living" skin & bones, free will, nerves, mental thoughts of divine lives.

Baptized with water, if Earth was dry, we wouldn't have come to be that way, spit, but why
Knowing what I know means I really don't know what I thought I knew which is nothing, sigh
Killed the dead guys and brought them back to life like Frankenstein, you moron!  It's an idiot
Bastards deleted the load, it's not saved, it's lost in space, you're many too late, you're a robot!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, 6-28-2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{  Tricked this out of the universe while jammin' to @WARtheBand #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=ckDvu7lJ8d51txbY }

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