
Sunday, June 23, 2024

#StopUsNowAtThePerilOfOnenessOfTheMany #PITBULL #LukeBryant #TheOJays



{ mashed ribonucleic acid ‘SMELLGOOD’


Every single day’s night I’ve had a heart to heart with my soul since the end of the world
It’s always just as we know it, from the last gasp of hot breath & the Earth turns into gold
Wickedness is only the lack of the Good, substituted by the Bad, Evil & hungry for the Ugly
Boldly gone where no human has gone before, end of Time end of the day’s hard work fee.

Hand in your hand until you fall apart and turn the hot fool into the cold 208 bones of gods
Lens focusing the 20/20 vision upon the inner self, seeing absolute empty concept hot rods
I know what I believe even though it may not be true, it’s probably highly likely it’s false too
Both to the right and left of the zero on the Time line, there’s empty Space to infinity stew.

Cosmic and subatomic particles building the invisible into macrocosmic extinction’s sorrow
Feeling so bad you’ve persuaded the conscious among the throngs of students graduated ‘O’
Never A’s or B’s, tried to shoot for the D’s, just made it through the 4-year Bachelor blower
From the heights of the highness of the philosophers and academics who mutated lower.

Of the mice and the all too human, women and men, boys and girls, make it all fall apart
Not that it’s their mission on the planet, everyone is a useful idiot to get to the atomic part
Trouble in paradise with or without the angels in the outfield, they play games above below
Know the unknown is the occult of the five & dime stores, busted you for snappin’ the row.

Altar boy addicted to sugar, needed the fix at the store without a penny to donate to God
Busted near the alley, scared to admit I had 5 gumballs of sour apples & grapes pocketed
Hey, stayed strong for 65-70 years after that & those high fallutin moogs are mooted fun
Built a castle, a mote & steeds, a damsel used to be in distress, I facilitated, now it is done.

Hair of the dog in my mouth, I used to just foam but then the canine teeth came, vampiric
Like the scared streets in southern Louisiana where the Cajuns left their sucking sagas aloft
Flying in a purple or green dream that ends in a finale without an encore, a staged schtick
Outer Space as it was before we’re born, a space we’ll live & die in, a hard rockin’ too soft.

My girl new the score, it was One to Nothing, then she lost the full count, bottom of the 9th
Greeting a farewell disappearance with welcome arms, it’s the by and by, my ol’ baby girls
Fear of empty arms of the skull and bones left over by the vinyl grooves of ballad song digs
Regardless of knowing before it happens, we’ll die alone with U.S. POTUS’ reelection rigs.

Riverbeds of tears runnin’ from the iced snow of the mountaintop to the hot, salty ocean
It’s hard to believe the history of Mankind & Earth’s position in revolution about The Sin
Telling us that we’re left in the middle of nowhere due to disobedience of a golden rule
Known DNA Unknown appearing the day you die, no backstabbin’ anymore, all-star pool.

Phase of the smile and the frown, upside down happiness lookin’ like forlorn sadness et al
Meaning nothing more than the fact of life is not a fact, it never was a fact, it was blind faith
Of gods and dead ancestors, you get what I got, the occult stairway to heaven in prison, pal
Pistol whipping savages, swords decapitating the mongrels who kill & kill & kill a Nuke mate.

Here we go, countin’ backward from ten, inch by inch, step by step we mirror the success
It’s down to three, two & One, hand on my shoulder, my arm on your backside, I confess
Never will be another day like this one, in synch I’ve always waited for, never knowing it
Hand in mine, jump off a cliff now, you’ll disconnect the chord, as above, so below, #S#IT!

I don’t need what I’m gonna say I want, therefore do not purchase the essential Powerade
I don’t want it from you, get your own, drink your own, never share IT when you get laid
Mean green moves the gold without touching it in the safe place, all in the mind’s eye pain
Weight of free ounces and kilotons, cashed in from the high-minded product of Maryjane.

World joins in for the highs & lows, it’s going to be a fine supernova in the end, one & done
As above and so the thing you see before you is the same thing you’ll see in your hot lover
Only there to procreate an accidental conceptual analysis that’s deduced from your mother
Matter it doesn’t and that’s all that’s written on the wall, cave’s dark, annihilate Earth’s sun.

Mother superior & father Pope of The flock, some in and some lost forever in mire-muck fall
Nothing can be done with the impossible, low probability extinction of species won’t come
Think therefore the missiles fly by ON buttons & the generals & admirals that nobody knows
Put in what you take out, vice versa option, put everything in & take it out, nothing at all.

Country girls homegrown, PROJECT OOZE, cowboy boots, Stetson hats, Memphis to Cali
FedEx hillbillies’ rhetoric and tradition from One Hub to the Spokes, got a PhD for blah
Daisy dukes pleasing homegrown boys who hit me with a twenty, pen on the map fame
I know my way from an inner GPS, track Ones that like to hunt & fish, clean dead game.

Mud on boots again? Works done, ‘bout to get gone again, it’s Friday night every night
Retired without the balls and chains hangin’ off my ankles, on the chain gang out of sight
Known and unknown from the center’s epicenter to an outer limit beyond the Void’s teat
Sucked into a black hole, Singularity couldn’t cover it up, so futile, The Resistance’s feat.

Follow this bouncin’ ball, you’ve been here & done this, keep up, don’t fall back to start
Comin’ on any of the seven continents, mountain lions and snowcaps above, prey’s below
In and out of the stores where stuff is kept safe and cool for the next day’s 24/7 used part
Time line from a horrid, historical Past that’s over & ain’t comin’ back to life, a low blow.

Here’s a model to copy word for word, hand it in for your term paper, get an F like a fool
Not that you’re a fool that would plagiarize the girls hollering me back in in the deep pool
I represent Science, call me the master of the teleprompter reading until it fails to let me see
Hillbilly that I am, I come from a long line of city slickers from 2nd City, jump in the lake, me!

Tried and failed, tried and tried & finally succeeded becoming conceived in buy-wise wombs
Nailed the need and desire to be the best Pecker to ever evolve from random coitus’ blooms
Follow the First Cause to the Last Effect, brush back the hitter off of the plate, let him walk
Set for the windup, man on 1st leading off the base, not watching me, I picked him off, balk.

My deductions are tentative depending on the immediate changes from the red-hot thighs
End of Earth’s spin depends on the God, the Sun that heats the water & greens, I’m blown
I’ve gone from ignorance to sounds of silence & white noise, granted to the pet, she begs
Bred intercourse to produce animation of matter, extinction’s species myth, all Darwinized.

Son, hate to tell you, I’ve got no proof, just blind faith, nothing happens to you when you die
No rewards or punishment awaits any of us for our learned human behavior, corpus dillecti
Mud off your boots and smell good on, layin’ on your back in a casket, with Sunday’s wall flies
Landed right where I caught it in a snatch, open hand released, back on the wall, I tell no lies.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, June 23rd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt in a loop, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=H7mE3Ftpv4BOP2y_ }

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