
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

#SkimCream #GoldenMeow #Beyonce #Taylor #BlackSpace @CarlosSantana @TheOJays #SexualHealing @Marvin_Gaye @Sublime #DateRAPE

Sycophant admiral, General private
X X X the 3rd Marines

This is it, how it’s going to be from now on out to the ending, the finale’s last curtain call
Abrupt or long time coming wait for infinity to arrive at the unknown Singularity to fall
Down deep to the bottom of the pit that you never know hit you between the eyes’ high
As if you’ve drunk or ingested something that nobody can inject as venom or smack dope.

Begin at the finish line, it’s the same as the start in retrograde backward, for the life of me
Nowhere else the game can be is here, now, this here & that there pieces of the holy & free
Worth fighting and dying for, liberty to roam Earth unfettered by regulatory hierarchy codes
Required, desired & needed for the survival of the species genome in sexual healing modes.

Frozen stiff and locked into an unconscious place in Space where nobody goes but me, sacred
My bare feet step in & out of the same place twice, yet the fact is, same river ain’t the same
Same in name only, for goodness’ sake and not for the sake of clarity or divine indoctrination
Goodness’ place before the place we’ve come to stay & pray, down deep quickening chagrin.

Your letters & numbers were all memorized from 6 to 76 then I got 86’d from my own bar
Real things don’t come along very often so it’s a novelty to be given full attention, arrest it
Focus upon the marked spot, in the solar plexus where you can knock a cold wind out easy
Make a grown man get on his bare knees and pray to God or the powers that be, I’m xyzzy.

Fairway I navigate my own way, driving into the dogleg for a chip over the bunker’s green
I don’t golf but I did read about a golfer y’all ought to make acquaintance, king or queen
His name is Albert, my father who created me, why did I look past him, above or below it
The Man showed me the narrow way, reality of musician & philosopher of the bull’s scat.

Holy or just a bit less than sacred into the profane oneness of burning into ash in a hot fire
No free choice about that, nobody gets out alive in a fire or out of it into an ocean of H2O
Jump to a conclusion, believe blind assumptions are immutable, induce & deduce the blow
Everything’s synchronized timing, invisible thing itself, @Ai cyborg, forgot about it, I’m a liar.

Love means doing unto every other person as you would want them to do to you, It’s OK
Gods don’t come down or go up, from heaven or hell, mythological blind faith for giggles
Old men and women wanted to shield the innocent among us, fictionalized a human play
As you get closer to the final resting spot of your memories and karma, that day is today.

Comfortable when you breathe in and out before anyone can hear your output, psycho
Neurosis of the personality inherited from the complex of your parental guidance mumbo
Jumbo as it was before you were conceived & as it will be once you’re just dust in the wind
Nothing and nobody was here before the Big Bang, Silent Whimper will be a solo, I’ll find.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, July 3rd 2024 Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Compiled while reality impinged it’s claws upon my virgin crawl-space & jammin’ to the mighty #WhiteBoyDoesTheApollo link @ https://youtu.be/nNIi_sEsjgY?si=Eem8Swy61k3to6SJ & #TheRichGetRicher #TheOjays link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTwr8ba2ZM&list=PLreahN7ishnlibbshPLQIYFxYWjmVEPSC&index=6 }


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