
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Where did those days go? #SATCH


So, who told you what you could expect from involuntary inheritance of glee
Procrastination of a mind grasping high Truth is neither good, bad nor ugly
What it is, y’all need to know, getting to my point’s a triple, homer long shot
Break dancing with neutrons & protons, waitin’ on the electronic ink blot.

Behind a door or in front of the portal where you’re goin’ like it or not at all
It’s likely to be nowhere you want to go or to be for a minute much less days
Of unknown proportions in some measure of fairness, you get every ounce
Of gold, quicksilver & silicon, procreates all UFO’s useful idiot syndromes.

Cops out the precinct goin’ cuckoo for cocoa puffs, cracked out their minds
And I kid you not, as they say, right before they lie or prefabricate scenarios
Signify the subjects and objects in predication of linguistic simulation of IQ
Which is not a thing itself but the name of a process of critical thought stew.

Barked up the wrong tree but it didn’t matter since I exuded blustering fury
No corroboration with another bible thumping, swearing fodder for a jury
You’ll see nothing further than your eyesight without the third eye to sing
Inside the third eye it’s a matter of Time & of course, Timing is Everything.

Hence, the game begins, rules observed until the it’s over, all gods agreed
Nobody but the One gets out of the battleground’s circus alive, it’s a creed
Whatever was understood by all trainers learned experience, rise above it
To put blind faith in actually being consciously alive after death is a myth.

Feature this event horizon, you see a light in the distance, move to it slowly
Like creeping in the shadows at night clubs up & down, off the strip dizzy
Full house, aces over queens or just a dead man’s hand, gold strike upstart
Black ace of spades & clubs color blinded red aces, diamonds & solo heart.

Believe this or not, there’s no such thing as fairness in the struggle to live
To survive if you’re the most fit to reproduce your hearty genetic matter
On the mark of all superheroes is a supernatural ability to perform magic
Whether shapeshifting by stretching, flaming on or turning a TNT trick.

Mellow yellow or agent orange all in the family and all for you all, my kin
Cousins from aunts and uncles eight times removed from the one origin
Garden we’ll never return to thanks to the law abiding, non-guilty perps
If you lie & retain proper defense, you may violate society’s peace burps.

Well hung on the wall without door or window pane, flat screen godsmack
Proceed to the ends of the race’s original starting pistol shot blank round
Harder than the mental trials and tribulations you’ve shared with the lucky
Beyond good & evil, even beyond the origin-god, evil & I don’t give a phuqy.

Think like a First Cause, created life on Earth, what would you choose to do
You’re a virus or bacterium from an alien planet surrounding a sunny star
Change your mind now, before it’s too late, break bad, about face, die hard
It’s never personal, I refuse to cast aspersions as I mentioned before, son.

Hilarious that you keep all of you eggs in the same basket, that’s #NoJoke
If you honor and respect the memory of your next of kin & distant kinfolk
Shoving you to the side, suddenly blow pretenders, imposters love stones
What is & will always be because it always was, full of the has-been bones.

You & I know a lot & we have no choice but to guess the rest, probable cause
Who do you know creating the common news of the public? Nobody, right
Drop a dime on the cabal & you’ll either join or be terminated, take a pause
Mute your microphone, oh wait, don’t mute my microphone, my Bluetooth.

Picnic & party with a bottle of wine, 2 glasses & a chunk of Havarti cheese
Itemize list in order of importance, our budget is in reductio ad absurdum
Are you dead when you believe you’re alive, when you’re dead, a fly on high
Let me listen to your evaluation before I decry it’s lack of certainty, please?

I’m gone and so you believe nothing matters anymore, you’re in deep chit
It ensures that there will be no dependence on my presence, free your fool
Someone haunts the 208 bones we all get a lease on some life as we know it
We may induce the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, we be hopeful.

Prudence is dear, hope she remembers the whole shebang, of origin to end
Bending light from source to imaginary screen in cyberspace’s hypertime
Simple woman knows man with a complex, elevated to No Man’s neverland
Where your mother don’t know who your papa was, @JesusChristos, OMG!

Babies out of the womb they knew couldn’t contain them, all claustrophobic
Either everything’s the same or everything’s different in some form, a Way
Whether you or I like it or not, it’s the way it is, you’re a passenger, enjoy it
Slow ride ain’t for everybody, for you, me & a handful of ancient step kids.

Angels flyin’ in the dark just like the light, everything & everyone is united
American cradles rockin’ the babies who will grow to procure body tattoo
Glad your great grand folks couldn’t see results of the paint job, oh please
Labels for what you need to recollect, shorthanded quick response squeeze.

Gold and diamonds I found right where I left them the day I got away with It
Booty’s the Jesse James of stagecoaches, a whole treasure of the mystical fit
Put all the words into an empty book of invisible and unintelligible factoids
Treatment of mean tweets with kind responses, wins yin & yang, bad boys!

Mull around the streets & backroads until your Feets' bones creak out loud
Cold as ice or as hot as a pistol, crime & punishment do what they do proud
I’d never hurt you intentionally but if you need me to hurt another, it’s done
All I know, All that I am, All everything we know can ever be, all me, T-bone.

Bumping into the bumper cars was a shock and a surprise, brain bashed
It is so subtle you’ll never realize the facts and fiction are one & the same
Incredible as it seems, the Earth & its activity moves & wobbles until lame
Harmony & the peace that follows are the narrow way ahead, sins cashed.

Hippies drip with body odor sweat from the cabbage you gobble with beer
Sympathy for the devil’s been exhausted, a Beelzebub or Lucifer, whatever
Balls to the walls, if you’ve got ‘em light ‘em up, smoke yours with gusto too
There may not be another coming down the road, a toke for the road crew.

Pronto or not, the end will come eventually and that will be the final Space
Where we’ll be left in that subatomic state without bloody bones or a face
I got shit to do, I’m not being facetious, and it means I’m doin’ it necessarily
All that needs to be done to be sufficiently in tune with all wanderlust dust.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 8-29-2024 @ 111 PMPST

{ Blasted out of the cosmos while jammin’ to @RUSH #RedSectorA  https://youtu.be/g7N6oC-qVMk?si=csSd1nwG7qa_UrMC }


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