Now & then, you’ve had a tough Time of it accepting one mortal nature, Space death of us all
There ain't no justice, postmortem has no answer except, WTF did Earth come from? A Bang?
Come on now, we weren’t there but we’ve constructed language to yield yet One mortal Yang
Ala Herr infinite Ying’s supratomic disaster awaiting all Ends & Means, ourselves, all suicidal.
Born to be wild, free, mortal runnin’ with the wind blowin’ sideways into the falls of Niagara
Over the edge where the water drops into gravity’s snare in the recycled H2O, never for RA
Sun, superstar that shines closer than the rest, hundred million miles away from hot blood
Staying cool but not frozen, ice-cold feelings disregarded in a mirror but effective, wet mud.
Be dishonest, you have no skin in the game & it doesn’t matter one way or another, lie to me
Begging for words to mask a Truth to be uncovered by Holmes-type investigation sleuthing
Cause of the first effect means that #TheChicken did indeed precede the laid DNA birding
Without the Thing itself there would be no other things, mortal or immortal, to be not to be.
Open close eyes of blinded boys and girls associated with the philosophers of Karl & Fred
Putting the nihilism in your baby pablum force feeding the hungry critters, innocent, dead
Of the importance of your personal parents’ love and devotion to your well-being, word up
Devoid of the feeling of happiness and contentment, led to a sheep slaughter for Zeus’ cup.
Dog food for the masses, buy a case or two to avoid the metaphors of Man eats Dog’s food
Puddle of blood underneath your 208 bones, can’t stand-up comedy although y’all should
You don’t know like I know or maybe you do, in any case nothing matters & if it did, I’d expire
Without any ceremony, wake, funeral, monument of engraved granite-rock, soul lit, on fire.
Conspiracy to fix your dull gaze upon the inner society you’re not any part of, all in plain site
Of your mice or your women and men, spiders, snakes, insects, bacteria and old Dolomite
Bringin’ the fools back to the jungle’s deepness, ghetto of the streets ‘tween BS & hot kicks
Being is less or more than enough, got scars and tattoos to remind you of unforgotten licks.
Knowledge although impossible is still all there is left of the ignorance of the Cro-Magnon
Nimble Jack jumpin’ over a candlestick and finding your mother & father in bed, havin’ fun
Kind of weird seeing your origin, once again conceiving something, a form of daughter/son
One, twins, triplets, quads, quints or sects matters to none but mama, on to her extinction.
I suggest running and hiding from the Truth, it’s naked and it’s not for the innocent of guilt
Full responsibility you’ve assumed, before your conception, you’re still undersea in the silt
Flagged for danger to avoid extinction, it’s all you’ll get, a red piece of cloth waving to & fro
Ready & get your consciousness set, only we know, life ain’t easy, whistle lips, let’s blow.
Ennui defined, I’m not your thesaurus, therefore, google it, start Marx’ search engine, hottie
You’re lucky to have lived to be able to wonder why you’re alive, what happens when I died
I’m long gone, but this bears repeating, you’ll be dead too, like your poor kids who ain’t fried
Hum along if you don’t know the song, got only 7 notes on scale, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti.
Work hard for your bread, it goes in and out of your proverbial pocket, as if it’s not for real
Yet it is all there is, then you die & someone disposes of the remnants of the skin & bones
What is consumed is defalcated and then defecated in an infinite cycle until the supernova
May be today, tomorrow but for certain not yesterday, bend over me & kiss me, mitotic ova.
Funny to have more money than anyone else on Earth, a billionaire for real, Reality of One
No more than that one can handle the shattered Many, a leftover of the Big Bang’s All Done
Subatomic to the macroscopic and galactic up unto the cosmic totality, mental image void
Nothing before & Nothing after, here & now where you are, dog head Jesus was an android!
Think I’m wrong & that’s OK, at least you know the Truth now, incredible Vibe to carry-on too
Until the day you die, you’ll recollect the day you became conscious of the reason for being
On Earth, alive above the dirt or dead & gone below it, full skeleton & skull’s bones, be King
Of your breathing function, follow rules, avoid humane judges, online, in print, black & blue.
r j j stephan, i

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