
Sunday, October 06, 2024

#OutOfYourEverLovinLifeLoveLichtenschtein #ThisMeansWAR #BugsBunnyBro


Whether you know it or not, you’re gonna die just like the food you ate today
Buckle down with the swashbucklers who roam the seas on pirate ship booty
Jokes without punch lines set up at the comedy shop of abused, battered kids
Who laugh at the funny guy, girl or team of funny speaking clowns, like I did.

Hunted and killed for the meal that burnt upon hot gas or open fire pit, I too spit
All of the time, once the taste in my mouth degenerates to rotten scat, that’s it
Reaching the finish line before anyone else had even begun, allowed my privilege
To rise to the level no one can exceed inside of your mind’s eye, allegiance pledge.

Overwhelming odds that your mind will be wiped clear once you die, Nothing but It
Nothing like a she or a he, no hermaphrodite, neither Aphrodite nor Hercules have fun
Download from Zeus or Ahura Mazda or another namesake for the power that Is, One
Drool or chew slowly until the matter melts in the mouth, not in your hands, it’s all Out.

Nobody knows who let the dogs out but a posse’s on the job, put ‘em back behind bars
Suspected rainbow, infrared to ultraviolet blue, red for blood, white for noise, blue too
Follow the logic & fill in the gaps with the “x” of the unknown, add the “y” gone too far
There’s nowhere else to roam, yes, it’ll go around in circles, intelligent life in a bayou.

Done my Time in the Pen for a crime I never committed but was found guilty as charged
Four score more or less, as above, so it is below, like a mirror image in reverse, bizarre
Percolator is the thing boiling into a small slice of white bread, to rise in the yeast’s scat
Deep as the shallow end, three feet height of a love child, it’s a mud hole cuz, just a scar.

Put the hurt on yourself, it’s the least you can do, there ain’t no justice which means what
That there is justice after all, you must be right and have the judge on the same page flat
No disagreement about premises nor the inevitable conclusion, life ain’t fair, you’re here
Now, deal with the facts of life, commands of one through ten, walk softly as a gum bear.

RIP to all of y’all before y’all get there, I won’t be seeing you before then, I’ll save a place
Like it or not, you’ll get what you deserve based on your karma, good, bad & ugly skin race
Fallen into the rabbit hole where monkeys fear to go, haven’t hit the bottom & I never will
A holy ghost, a white dove spirit or so-called soul is a figment of the pretender’s fear to kill.

Astonished to have been here & for over seven decades when it could have been over
Nine lives of a cat had nothing on me, I think I jumped the shark over a dozen times, lover
Or just a ship passing in the night, didn’t have to stay as long as it was true, blue & mutual
No squares allowed to voice the reason why everything works, we’re in on the take, fool!

Be on the team of One, depending on anyone leads to highly probable disappointment
Love the game of back and forth, cat and mouse and fining strife in being within scent of
No evil or living things in the black hole on the way surging toward the Singularity, a put-on
Forward or backward or sideways will get you from where you were to where you’re going.

Hip to be a square for certain, even if you’re a rectangular triangle or a hexagon, you rock
From any point of view, you have that you want to make, you deduce the whole shebang
Try so hard that once you succeed, you’ve exhausted your capacity for joy, it’s all overbent
It will not return on a white steed nor through an underground sewer back up a hind end.

Force is imposed by the strong and absorbed by the weak, it’s the luck of the draw, a trip
You and I will reflect a day in the future, if we’re lucky, it may be a quick death poison sip
Every time, the bones lie down, get buried under dirt or burnt into fragments of DNA bone
Good, alright, it’s incredible that you crawl, walk, run, jump & fly on Superman’s i-phone.

Ignorant POS pulls the energy from the scat & dumps the rest in the pure H20 backflow
Recycled the regenerated oxygen & hydrogen, we can’t manufacture things without stuff
Holy whores and rotten geniuses have absorbed the goodness, the sweet science of blow
Drama from first curtain to the finale, satisfaction absorption is necessary, ain’t got a bluff.

Again, ad infinitum, cannot terminate the momentum, forced to assimilate a divine being
Not better or worse, just the way it is, presence without expectation, it’s Nirvana to try it
Pumped up for the billionth time, adding digits and debits, a cruise on the ocean won’t do
Devils are in blurred details, finding time, it’s tumbling in a Whirl Of Swirl, her lips do blow!

Legs up to here, you know what I mean by that, where here is & can be the only valid point
Rock, roll, slip & slide just for the kicks you glean from the happiness & laughter joints
Took a toke over the line, sweet Jesus, ending at the finish line, it never comes closer, so
Jumpin’ the shark is the only way, it’s the Mack daddy of redistribution, I’m the river flow.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER VIth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST

{ Bled this out of the matrix while jammin’ to @SteelyDan #AJA CD cut  #BLACKCOW & hits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/JzrDs_Vaho4?si=K4V_tOKe_R61eddp }


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