
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

#BlindByBlackLight #CopyXeroxFakeNews #HowLongCanThisGoOn #WAR #ThePointerSisters #Springsteen #BeatClub


It ain’t nothin’ but a thing, you get scared before you discover that you’re the monster within
There’s the fruit of the loom that’s the cream of the crop, you’ll know it if you commit a sin
Against the laws of God & Mankind, there’s commands and there’s categorical imperatives
You have no free will other than that blind faith in the notion, it has no factual precedence.

After the last day you’re alive, there’s a residual realization, you’re long gone & police backers
Plain as day, the nightlife is awake and full of the #Woke chicks on the side, unmarried slackers
It’s just their nature, there’s nothing uncreated, these are the divine’s creatures in self-image
Broken arrows on the hardened hearts in the things themselves, heathens and warriors aged.

Since the day or night we see the light, nothing is ever the same again among the innocent kin
Brothers, sisters, cousins, multiple great, great grandparents and great grandchildren, Space In
Things themselves are like this & that form, shaped & functioning DNA program fishin’ for carp
Cause of Earth & Sun, Void because of Space & Stars above & beyond Eve’s evil two-time warp.

Suggest the propositional logic be written backward to understand the induced conclusion hit
Between the eyes or just a passing, indiscriminate passing of the future into the past, sick of it
Or not, maybe you adore the function with no end in sight, on your best behavior to be a hobo
Just a bum caught up in a world-wide spider web, failed to escape a tricky situation, job blow.

Love gets over you when I find something or someone new, all pass in and out of the scheme
Fear and loathing of the rumors and propaganda will get you no trophy-wife status ‘V’ dream
Do not enter the zone between daylight and twilight where Chicken Little shouts up to the sky
Hemlines go up & down to attract or detract to the reason for the species survival, climax, die.

Some girls and boys will grow up to reproduce either maladaptive or adaptive payors of alms
To govern the beasts who cannot or will not follow the commands of the Golden Rule BLMs
Capece Italiano or not, what matters is that the Truth about life on Earth is told and heard too
In Sanskrit, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Nepalese, German, whole Babel tower’s clue.

Freaks evolved out of the perfect creation of a supernatural essence of the divine Void squeeze
Without wondering about why you’ve not become more in tune with the fission and fusion biz
Awareness of your freaks of nature in the middle of your families enculturated in mortality sin
Not their fault they’ve descended from the disobedient, ungrateful, immortal hominid muffin.

Heroines and heroes out to devour the villainesses and villains of Oyl Can Harry vibe, just sayin’
It really doesn’t matter, yet just to keep the flow of the river on the way to the deep blue sea
Avoiding the dams and holes of bottomless maelstroms somewhere in Time and Space hidden
Blind faith and skepticism of the mentally inept who believe that they’re enlightened in ZaZen.

Light in the shadows will need sustenance in the middle of nowhere, where we are in Space
Ask any space traveler who has both come and gone in and out of this atmosphere, far away
Near or further than the moon, scared of Nothing these far out men and women, saints of RA
Never has even one pharaoh or queen of Mankind been able to survive one last alien drama.

Open up about our arguments blaming “them” for the things they’ve done to the minions
Subjects of the sovereign objects of reverence and respect, just because you sired the sons
Of the virgins who bore them, unnamed but loved for a momentary lapse of reason’s logic
Deducing conclusions, irrefutable premises, RNA wad of categorical imperatives out a dick.

What all of that means is that I didn’t want to frighten anyone with the actual, naked Truth
It’s not beautiful or even a little pretty but it’s alive and kickin’ here and now, spooky tooth
Ghost in the machine will be removed when the corpse is introduced to the maggot infest
Don’t shoot the messenger, conclusions are your own, production of facts are to ingest.

Who among you all have come to conquer this world and become the czar of us all?
Nobody? I thought so. It’s nothing personal meant to offend anyone in particular
Rendering all of the flesh & bones into the ether which has more volume than God
Oh, remember those early days at the desks, in the single file lines from 5 to 23 Ball.

Reasons for the dark side is every side is dark but the spots in the middle of nowhere
Those are so bright they blind your eyesight, death & mortal life disappear somewhere
Can’t bury it all underground unless it wasn’t there in the first place, copy that down too
Put it in the history, you’ll let it bleed out and it’ll die and be edited out, killed what grew..

Pretension filling your reality because there is nothing else to blow your open mind’s eyes
Bottoms up before you get slammed on the mat or the hardened ground above the skies
Only get what you give and that’s more than enough, it’s fair game & fair play, apes’ swings
Not tomorrow or today, it is ancient history you hated to know, kill slaves, pass away kings.

Willing to see the invisible and to hear the inaudible, to inhale the gas fumes of corpses
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, seven continents and several millennia in remorse
All you have left is what you see now, it is what you get, all of it, hook, line & sinker sets
Tears that you couldn’t sweat without a mix of blood & tears ‘til heroes turned to vets

Frogs jumped, humans jumped off lily pads and bridges over troubled water, dead right
Nobody to argue about the deductions and invalid conclusions without putting up a fight
Yet, it is what it is & I can’t say more than that, it’s a matter of time before even I #STFU
Above and below, at one point, at one time, only you know & I know, which way is up!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, August XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Drafted this masterpiece while listenin’ to Vanilla Fudge #YouKeepMeHanginOn (1967) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/NCwzCQcjC0M?si=PpyunX4NLTfjbTNl  & #OneMinuteYoureHere @BruceSpringsteen link @ https://youtu.be/s-RT3nxr3T4?si=2pKxk7ITds5bFedV }

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