Reducing your kin, mama & father into the fodder of dead air, land and sea salt Highways to imaginary demon hell have been all but destroyed, left a stairway
Neither up nor down, ahead where the neon sign says it all, The Twilight Zone
Hot foam atop the liquid, some quenches y’all & some poisons an apple i-phone.
Mopping up the mess, left over by the aliens who don’t do anything but live as bait
With or without you & me, they’ll do what they do, words of mankind on the wet fly
Light of the burning sun is the only important thing in this world, ice cold alternate
Frozen motion of the ocean, inner spirits killed in their shells, buried is the hot fate.
I live to show the blinded fish in the sea that they’re more than a shot of Jackie D’s
Like at least a flask or a quart and a bag of stank bud that can’t be hidden, please?
Hollowed Earth or solid rock left over from Big Bangs or crazy gods fighting the jizz
It comes out like it or not with friction of movement, it’s over, extinct as evolved kids.
Suits not adorned on birthdays, birth date of the first breath to lucky dogs’ masters
Naked to allow the sight of the gender product of gestation, hope of survival sisters
May or may not be what you & yours are willing to accept as the art of the deal, I am
All or nothing at all is the philosophy gleaned, during of my time, I yield God’s a scam.
Pills dropped & swallowed, metabolized for the sake of the whole, the parts replaced
Transplant of organic matter or just severance & scars underneath the tattoos’ face
Hurry so that you’ll not be surprised by the outcome, face the music, the holy is sacred
To the dead and gone, well now, they tell no tales, no need to pray for the holy dead.
Traffic on the one way street or on the turnpikes and expressways coast to coast et al
Seeing it moves you from space to space on the other side’s chess board, it’s 3D too
More than one plane of existence to experience, dead men tell no tales, just turn blue
From the rigor mortis and the frozen diaphragm inside skin & outside bones of a pal.
Davidson’s Harley had two or three wheels, they laid down on the blacktop like blood
Underneath the leather and lace, broken apart half of the 208 bones, God ain’t so good
If there was a Good God, the evil and rotten, bad things wouldn’t occur, it’d be paradise
On Earth as it used to be in the fable of the paradise garden, nowhere to throw the dice.
Game begins & ends in a disappearing whisp of suspended smoke, wind blows the job
Easier than thought, at first it looks grim like you’re gonna perish, then it’s on the tip top
Of the heap of things alive and dead, physical, mental, psychological pilaf and pine nuts
Kicked out the house to The Street’s club fate, Timing’s everything in Space, god’s sluts.
Masked to cover the naked face of reality, skin-covered skull’s bone, seven open holes
Two ears, two eyes, a pie hole & two nostrils for the immaculate air to reproduce bowls
To contain the liquid and food consumed, before and after the funeral of friendly, pyres
We became who they were, it will become all of them who are to come from squires.
We the people of occult states of consciousness, do ordain the holy savage of caves
All we’ve ever wanted to do was to survive and avoid suffering, for a moment’s raves
That it will all be fine in the future even though it’s so FUBAR now in front of your eyes
That’s the rub, odds are it won’t be fine in the future, you know gravitational capsizes.
As you read and digest the function of the relationships of prey and predator, I know
You know all there is to fly in the muck and mire, above the fray with no paddle or bow
Hail to the ones who left without knowing that was all there was, shoot to thrill the blow
Hidden deep within the leftover atoms of hydrogen and oxygen lies our Oneness, H2O.
Balls bounced on the ground of being, Earth’s denizens up high or down low, in or out
It’s not a free choice, no free will that you’ll be smart & adapt to the evolution of a crow
Caw in one tone or another, breathing in and out of the feathers of tail and two wings
No quoting Nevermore from any other dark ravens, this is how the goddess’ all sing.
Flight higher than the stratosphere in that X-15 just to see if human beings muster
So high that no species of the Earth could ever survive, except we did, him & her
Rich as in wealthy and poor as in destitute and ready to die an atheistic, cynic cad
You gotta go when it’s the right time, so do I & the whole shebang will be just a fad.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, June XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted pre & post concert at the Indian Casino & here’s a link to the #ACTS that rocked for me & my baby, link @ https://youtu.be/PpC4E9DLIPQ?si=jpAbqNCw91J1hZSW & https://youtu.be/svqrttEAs3I?si=PK0E8XFRB8VnURyz @Daryl_Hall & @Elvis_Costello concertos }
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