In the end, nothing matters once you’re not breathing in and out, know that Truth
Either accidental or on purpose, this Earth in orbit around a burning byte forsoothe
I am no idiot, moron or imbecile, I am not a man beyond my skin & bones of Flesh
Id to eat while Ego passed on mother’s milk, Superego suckle or so I’m told, go fish.
Mental retardation due to a blow to the head found in the MRI for y’all and I, fear not
Nobody lives forever, no skin & bone lasts longer than a century more or less, what I got
On the one hand, there’s ignorance and bliss then on the other hand, there is pure Sonny
My dad’s vision through his two grey iris eyes was all smoke & mirrors, divine son of a gun.
Punks moved away from a door beyond good & evil as a cause & effect twixt atoms in a galaxy
No night & no day if you’re not on planet Earth, nothing like this miraculous search for “Me”
This is a dream within Poe's etiquette dream, imagery of shadows within a cave’s inner wall
Nuclear missiles launched in error, restarted the ignition of Earth’s inner core, it’s a fire ball.
In and out of the mind locked inside of an illusion you’ve gleaned from the teachers' program
Jacked up so your conscious awareness gets away with murder but no, not on @instagram
Bleed words out the dish rags leftover from the necessary & sufficient conditional conclusion
Medium on high, lower than the lowest level of dancing bears left on Earth livin' in a redskin.
You move until you don’t, nothing to recall then, nothing is more of the Space between stars
Playing games or working with no winning in the end, it’s the way the ball bounces far
From the first to the last place in line, every angle of every shape, square to sphere of gas
Atoms whirl, planets too, between a Void & the whole shebang, it’s how the children play ass.
Not being vulgar, the primate thing, it’s the right thing, get old enough to reproduce & kill it
Original sin, you inherited the knowledge of good & evil & how to obey or break in-law’s rule
Philosophical Theology available, wide open, ignored by masses of Mass, transmutated amps
Mankind in its lowdown, dirty spirit reflects inner beauty covered in the bog of the swamps.
Hard candy melts quicker at 100 degrees than it does at 98.6, it helps, keeps the kids woken
They'll grow old & die just like y’all will, let 'em know as soon as possible ‘fore they’re all in
What they don’t know'll hurt them, all ignorant are at a disadvantage, happy idiot trippin’
Bliss itself takes all the time in the world to know Good, the Bad as Evil, Ugly as Sin.
Fighting for places in Space that can’t be invaded by most foul, misrepresentated ilk
You know what I mean, I know what I mean, I don’t know what you mean, I miscalculate milk
What represents this world inside your mind outside your mind, I can explain holes, too
Where nothing at all is everywhere around my head, 360 degrees above & below, free fall fool.
No fear of being without your intense and complex misapprehensions, gonna be just fine too
Cartoons you’ll recall, the day you met the circle of your infinite source, your Ma & Pa stew
Made you in one orbit & some full moons, like bread in the oven, super loaf of edible grace
Conquer you, on the land you walk on & let it go, without choosing a wind’s blown, easy pace.
Far away, already gone, got the picture of the empty rectangle’s perimeter, I care, you don’t
Air ran out, suffocated in oxygen, the O2 was too much to handle, exhausted the gods, I won’t
Just watch me roll, until I’m out of site, can’t see my face, you see clearly without lens’ fog
Oh no, you made a mistake, too far now, already gone, Eagle wings flap, jump over a GD bog.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER XXIInd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Kicked out my head while jammin’ 2 @jaguar COMMERCIAL #JaguarComm2024 link @ https://youtu.be/rLtFIrqhfng?si=Von_ds2dWTp4NGI4 }