Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, November 16, 2018
This isn’t a moving picture it is reality, it is the thing itself in front of imaginary faces
What’s wrong with that? Nothing at all. It’s a matter of being without you, no traces
Something is missing from the puzzle, my Void is Emptiness, as it should be, if only I
Am the One who makes it become what it is and always will be, this here weird blue sky.
Sometimes cloudy and sometimes clear as the diamonds and sapphires, divinity’s bone
To see the face of the goddess who was there at the origin of the Big Bang’s atom hoarder
Whether you are a present, former or future POTUS # 45 - Donald J. Trump’s spy/clone
This world is in a better place now for you, for me and for the beggars at our holy border.
There once was a razor that was so sharp it could cut itself on its own stoned consciousness
In and out of the reality of the present on the planet’s surface, in or out of our minds’ bliss’
Unhealthy air to walk and run around in, go ahead have your lungs blowout my own wildfires
Jumping out of this place in space where morons fear to go, you see what I do, funeral pyres.
There’s no surprise when your number’s up, when your name’s called, you ain’t deaf, dumb
You and I will gasp our last breath in our lungs to make our blood pump oxygen in the dump
We call it home, our life, our gift from the creator’s universe, occult #Isis or fallen #Osiris
#Zeus’ nature as above, so below, gods are NOT dead, immortal brothers on a magic bus.
#Zeus’ nature as above, so below, gods are NOT dead, immortal brothers on a magic bus.
It’s for me to know and for you to find out, just not a concern to the immortals, O2 gargle
Don’t need the air, alive in the outer space emptiness of the Void around the blue marble
Modify the scavenger class, the beggar class, weed out the workers from the freeloaders
Beggars become the grafters of the 21st century, have kids, they’re not his, they’re hers.
Eve’s children or whoever began this evolutionary survival mechanism, kids are all alright
Kids are alright, they learn no ethical guidance to the good, the bad or the ugly prize-fight
Herd the punks in line, straight, narrow paths from chaos to nirvana’s leapin’ blind faith
r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 16, 2018 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST #BreatheIn & soon you will not #BreathOut
{ drafted in a vacuous void with a curvaceous one while listenin’ to the mighty Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE GETTIN’ ready to go out in the #SmokeOnTheWater @ }
W.W.A.R.D. ??