Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 19, 2018
You know what that looks like if you’re not blind, you can kiss my #Nickelback rockin’ hoots
Bodies speakin’ sound, repeating live digs, processed pricked holes into a goddess’ reboots
Goin’ in the out door and never sayin’ goodbye, just a hardy fare well, see you soon, ya goon
Not that anyone cares, not even starving kin, that you die alone, they do too, godly monsoon.
Alright now, put me from my naked birth into my blue jeans and cowboy ten gallon hat
Drivin’ cattle and playin’ in a rock and roll band at night, just to see powder on your nose
Bein’ the one who gets to look at your naked beauty means that my fortunate way is Fat
Comin’ in and out of the closed doors that were not locked, nobody wondered, I got close.
Perfect nights and days movin’ conscious minds from pretension to faxed #FakeNews, sons
It’s always YES, that is always the answer, today, yesterday and every day, doom conclusions
Wherever the gods rock, if they are rockin’ in an immortal #Cloud9 waitin’ for a motherboard
Animals, humans, insects, humans, bacteria and viruses and yes, nothing more nor less Lord!
I see the moonlight shinin’ on the bay and I’m havin’ machine-gun flashbacks of God analysis
Believe in the blindness of the faith in nothing you sense with your intellectual capacity’s kiss
Holy reflection of The Emptiness of the Thing without matter or energy, rockin’ fake-infinity
Like an invisible obelisk at the bottom of every bottle of Mex-Cali worm from the angels’ city.
Read and rewrite the horror of the words that repeat ad infinitum, just for grandmothers’ kin
Cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, father, mother of God, wisdom’s holy invisible skin
Covering the bleached white bones, everybody’s skeleton is from the Peg’s dispenser, baby ‘C’
Saved me from the blazes of hell above and below the here and now, gratitude, we are Thee!
Shout out loud when there’s no air around your face or body, you’ll hear nothing loud n’ clear
Imagine leavin’ your place in space, go out toward the moon, Venus, Mars, lost in Dead Space
Between the stars, between our sun and the Earth, it’s a matter of mysterious plethoras of gas
Last song ends, instruments destroyed on stage, All holy Smoke, we’ll take a bow, my heroes.
r j j stephan, i * #YouOnlyLiveOnce #WTFAreYouWaitinFor ?
c. BLOVEMBER 19, 2018 LUNDI @ 7:11 AM PST
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to Nickelback HITS on youTube link @ & @LynyrdSkynyrd #OnTheHunt link @ }