
Friday, February 01, 2019

#ContractionToBe #BridesHymens #CageTheElephant @LogicOfZeno

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, February 1, 2019
Begin before you even start questioning the age of the reader, if you can read, the Word’s you
Now and then, there’s a function of a flute and the wind to connect you to where you belong
Space’s place and Time’s momentous occasion which gains momentum in the dream, a song
Completely surrendered to the boiled liquid of the Agave, on a trip ordain Cheech and Chong.

Burned your filth from the aliens who produce the chemicals to delete the human genome
Chemistry mixed with a #Fakehumanity philosophy of life, 4p + 5O2 yields 2P2O5 to come
On the scale of trebles and clefs built into the complex DNA within the acid, star leakin’ flow
Moving light’s waves into glucose particles between quarks of charm, methane bubbles blow.

But that is Life as we know it, far away from any Twilight Zone in the mind of mankind, One
Two or more up to the top of the heap, top of the pyramid, built to remain, to avoid a topple
Pointlessness with a point, a sound, a sight, a taste, a smell a feeling inside or out, we become
Just a shot in a glass, a shot in the dark, clear light from the firmament, a Voice of the people.

Rock hard, rolling and bowling balls up and down the alleys of pins and needles, a 300 score
My drinking and eating got to me and you, we exploded and imploded with the squeegeeing
Getting the muck and mire all in one place, gathered to disintegrate the mass of Earthen core
Used to be a hot, burning star and is losing energy, byte by byte into the Ether’s biosphering.

Hunger for the menu-do, the pizza, the flesh of the animals in unidentified chunks and slices
Pairing your cellphone and your mates with your ID number and your place in time’s vices
Everything known to us, known to civilized humanity, voided by brothers doin’ the #Dozens
Alcoholics are not anonymous, we are them, we drink it, we are the #Redox of the heavens.

Oh, but wait, fluorine bonding with sodium yielding my spirit’s #Redox reaction, combustion
My holy and sacred mud and blood are the building atoms of a thing itself, a form of fake fun
A move on a boring trip through the empty cosmos becomes your and my experience drought
Ending as it began, in an inaudible puff of wind with nowhere to go, up nor down, I am out!

Cactus in the desert with the liquid that keeps the Earth in it’s altered state of consciousness
Keep the mushrooms and the ground up bark of ancient trees away from my face, countess
All seven holes in my form reject the foreign bodies clamoring for entry at the wall, the gate
Either this is all there is or it isn’t, if there’s more, bring it on, here we go, let us roll, mate!

r j j stephan, i { *Header is Milagro Tequila bottle of power! OM Carlos Santana }
c. Friday February 1, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted while immersed in the platinum edition of #CanyonTrilogy #AirFlowFlute of @R.CarlosNakai #RCarlosNakia on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/XHdOSMpZ1_w }

Thursday, January 31, 2019

#YouCannotSaveTheVoid #KingsQueensPawns #BeastOfBurdenNot #CantYouSee

Tiny bubbles of gas turn into huge bubbles of gas, expansion and gravitational collapsing
Conscious of your foolish living on the dirt, the ground of the being that comes and goes
Before your fathers and mothers, after your children or your brethren kinfolk, #Incoming
I’ve got some old news for you, take a nose dive in here and be amused, don’t come to blows.

Nothing to fight about, ideas conflict in their artificial disagreement #ElkCloner in my #DOS
Boot sector virus, 1982 15 year old is now 52 and has become a star, origin of our cyber-verse
Peeking through the fence of your neighbor doesn’t work, install a micro-cam on your roofs
See through the fences, through the walls, inside the rooms, watching the animals hooves.

Perfectly genuine, all of the visible universe, all of the sensations received into historic record
A metal object, shaped like a pyramid hovered over the pentagon in D.C., Earth’s a UFO, nerd
Piece of fragmented rock and liquid gas, here and now, our world, is an anomaly, it’ll go away
Comprehend Holy Grails with 20/20 clarity, temporary bones, fade to black memories, I say.

Flowing rivers from snow-caps to the sea, It can neither be created nor destroyed yet I matter
#FakeNews is a deception tool to attract the followers who need a leader, one too legit to quit
Like an arm or a hammer that you use to smash a nail into the wood, to create It, connect a fit
Old news, good news, ad infinitum, light up the white blackness’ fire, I’m a Nothing hoarder.

I’ve as much as I can get but I will accept more of the Nothing I’m filled with, sunlight warm
Love UFO time travel in space, whether you do or not, it is happening and it’s a swan song
Punks grown from the educated nannies and their #FakeNews about doing right and wrong
Good, Bad and Ugly all mixed up in a menu-do of A Thing itself, astral bodies of blown Form.

I didn’t do it! Nobody did it but somebody said that someone did do it, hence, fake dilemma
Here’s a comedy and a tragedy, there is life on planets’ Matter, an inter-dimensional groomer
We can never be alone on Earth, DNA will survive until #BigBangers rearrange hyper-data
#RichardGardnerHardRoadToWorldOrder will freak y’all out, move slowly, checkmate over!

r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday, January 30th, 2019 AD @ 11:11 AM PST
{ drafted after getting my world in order and listenin’ to #RichardGardner @RichardGardner @HardRoadToWorldOrder on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/YOaVuWpiaQU }
W.W.A.R.D. ?

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

#SayWhat @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

A single atom spun, two lips cause an unnatural effect, systematic star formation, guffaw flaw
Suns, my son’s stars, my gravitational field becomes the Void of coherent gas-dust collidings
Putting effects behind the causes, a #FibernacciSequence causes a rubic cube, vortex of Ra
Fractals are infant blocks of complexity, quantum mass of a proton, 13.8 billion years sing.

A momentum disruption of the fabric of Space, from the Past the Future becomes soon
Presence is a matter of a momentus realization that our ancestors elevated the bafoon
Cooling the ash and cinders from their annhilated state of remains, where did I go now
Never was anywhere in sight of the mirrors in the fun house, snow caps to bust and blow.

I won’t relate the equation more than once and it may be repeated in an infinite sequence
Survival of the fittest is the code of the day, if you break the news, it’ll crush your innocence
Consumption of the heroes and sinners, the saints and ghosts of the Self, I’m unconnected
On-line, out of sight, out of mind, in and out of the attic and cellar doors, calculus is Void.

Dark matter’s dark energy of the unexplained nature of this mysterious Mass, down stream
Isolation of the ego and a launch into the enlightened state of Being God, Creator in and out
There is nothing but the things and nothing at all, that’s comprehensive, functional fake hope
Unified theory disconnected, Positron out of Time in the E=mC2 place’s, God’s twisted shout.

Stones rolling and the rocks left over from the critical burn and fast freeze, human to become
Atomically profound in this paradigm shift, a calculation of quantum shiftsh, One’s vibration
Unconscious, subconscious and conscious theories of the Cosmic amalgamation of a vacuum
Black holes cannot destroy matter, interference patterns are what I am, a dynamic hologram.

I think, my mind, a casket or urn, in or out of units of Plank ripped, proton fabric of The One
Not a small one but a big One, imprinted inside of my awareness, my old memory recalls Fun
I changed, Space and Time changed a misfortune or three, being The water or The killer sun
Passing through the path with attention to the flow, cosmic dancing with One I Love, the OM.

Black holes spin, coffee is stirred, the cream spins and the heat rises, toilets drain into sewers
Dynamic love of life and amazed at the light and darkness spinning a matrix for our ancestors
From the infant to the lucky elder who escaped death by accident or murder, mystery intact
Nobody can guess correctly, it’s a natural desire to want the Truth but Nothing is a vacuum.

Everything that can be imagined is all of it, connected bytes of ancestors C, N & Fe sub-atoms
Stardusted and animated to masticate and digest the star stuffing, a holiday of gin and rums
Proportional to a comprehension of the Nature of Being, peace and happiness 3.14 quantum
Being a radius and a diameter of a circle, being will disappear into the holy void, verbatum.

r j j stephan, i * HEADER is #TheScream by Vango Vincentvangogh
c. Wednesday January 30, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
