@ricoSacto #ricoSacto
There is nothing personal here if this diatribe matches specific circumstances here on the ball
I know this is true, so don’t give me that ‘look and roll’ of eyeballs into 6’4” holy skullduggery
Make it burn the whole way down to your soul, to the core of the Earth where nothing can be
Straight shots of #JackDaniels downed, #JoseCuervo mercy, better off to git over hearts y’all.
You may not’ve been around the block before but I have, I ain’t braggin’ just statin’ the facts
I am what I am like a #Popeye, high on spinach pizzas’ double cheese, more shots, no redacts
One drink led to another, now half the bottle is all gone, it’s been done afore, bottoms up thee
Slurrin’ the speech ain’t helpin’ the comprehension of the mystery, get closer over here to me.
To like or not to like is not an option, no freedom to choose at your personal conception of Id
What you saw is immediately what you got, starving-thriving mothers of you, mother of gods
At night when the Earth turns it’s face away from the light in the middle of nowhere, shine It
I’m what you are, no difference other than I know and you do not know, stars, One Sun, God.
So, you’ve gone too far now to stop going on with the game, you know the rules, tiptop cream
At least you’ve got an immortal soul, dontcha? Of course you do, your life is all re-recorded
Before you arrived in the Past and the Present you knew you had a F-Future, ‘til you’re dead
Come closer, over here, me, myself and I are fishin’, oh, the burn! #HappyEnding’s a dream!
One’s function in the infinite as a mortal representation of the unknown is to be or not, Balls
An immortal function of the language and both oral and written on stone, paper or dirty walls
Strong forces want to erase the functions we’ve historically recorded back into The black hole
Regardless of liking it or not, findin’ Truth makes you take T-shirts off and get one last kiss!
Planets invisible to me, in a book of words, at the end a sound of words, don’t go but you go
Where? I don’t know but you will know some day maybe sooner than later, hehl you’ll know
Surprised, maybe not, it’ll be what’ll be, that said, live and let live, kill the viral infection bean
Humanity! God’s beauties in short skirts easy in blue moonlight, sweet woman in blue jeans.
r j j stephan, i
c. June Twelfth, Two Thousand & Nineteen A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST
{ DRAFT complete while listenin to #LoveTheLonelyOutOfYou by The Osborne Brothers drinkin’ heartache & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/yhPNZKdVRh8 }
* props to the legs used in the header ON FB, I know whose they are but they are now property of DAVEYJONESXX � 6 feet under! X