
Monday, June 10, 2019

#DoItAgainAndAgainAgain #TryToBeEverthingToEveryone #DotItAgainAndAgain #OneHitWonder

If it’s the last thing you do, fire all of the guns, explode the ordinance in your Earth mother
Fall down the Fallopians into the holy soul’s gravitational collapse, essence of my God father
Perfectly trained to aim high and move sixteen hundred feet per second, open borders now
Highest mountains and deepest forests, jungles, swamps, open seawater, lake or an overflow.

Breath of the gas mixture your lungs can metabolize into the animation function of matter
Burned out star-stuff making a comeback before the Supernova in progress, a timely spacer
Between the occurrence of the matter and form of the Earth’s left over crust and never, ever
There is a chasm which cannot be crossed by sea, land or air, neither below us or below Her.

She is One in a million as far as I know, so I’ve been told a million times since I was six or ten
Brought wisdom of the ancients to fruition with the occult, hidden demons of a ocultish den
Of fish, mice, men, lions, tigers, snakes and other slithering anima, inherited blind faith exit
To be or not to be DNA anomalously penetrated blind faith, ship’s ahoy mate, keep rockin’ it.

For no purpose at all, my parents mated for the fun of it, here I am, now and then, I will be
From a random, zygotic DNA function, a fake-intellectual misfit of cultural bastardism is One
With all guys and gals that died & who will die because they are alive right now, 21 gun salute
For those about to rock, alone under gravitational law of extinct Newton, #21Guns #OOrah.

Now that we found love what are we gonna do with it? I got mine tied up in sleeping beauties
Who are all for One and One for all, a #Muskateerish type/mode of being my civil liberties
Atom to Universe, atom to universe, this is your Captain, come in please? Do you read me?

It’s all over now, it’s easy to see and easy to tell from the writing on the invisible wall of fame
In the hall where light’s been dimmed, nobody can see the fluorescent sand of fission’s fusion
Alright to be you and your kin and mates, sooner than later, it will be as below the dirt’s game
Buried bones under ground or water, burned, crushed, shattered, banned now, Original sin?

You’re killin’ me for reincarnation, ad infinitum cause/effect wings of demonic fallen angels?
Is this some kind of a joke? Why live and die for a hoax light-soundscape, half-wit, she-devils
Hoax me once shame on you! Hoax me twice shame on me, that’s fair so dance to a backbeat
Co-mingle asexual photo-synthetics and 80,000 feet, we’ll look the same, AM radio on a teat!

r j j stephan, i
c. June Tenth, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the #FatherOfMine Everclear & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kkcbxjWG9Mc }
*header photo is an A-10 Thunderbolt #Warthog close support ground support:

“A-10 THUNDERBOLT (WARTHOG) The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is an American twin-engine; straight-wing jet aircraft developed by Fairchild-Republic in the early 1970s. The only United States Air Force aircraft designed solely for close air support of ground forces; the A-10 was built to attack tanks; armored vehicles; and other ground targets with limited air defenses.The A-10 was designed around the GAU-8 Avenger; a 30 mm rotary cannon that is the airplane's primary armament and the heaviest such automatic cannon mounted on an aircraft. The A-10's airframe was designed for survivability; with measures such as 1; 200 pounds (540 kg) of titanium armor for protection of the cockpit and aircraft systems that enables the aircraft to continue flying after taking significant damage. The A-10A single-seat variant was the only version built; though one A-10A was converted to the A-10B twin-seat version. In 2005; a program was begun to upgrade A-10A aircraft to the A-10C configuration.The A-10's official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt of World War II; a fighter that was particularly effective at close air support. The A-10 is more commonly known by its nicknames "Warthog" or "Hog". It also has a secondary mission; where it provides airborne forward air control; directing other aircraft in attacks on ground targets. Aircraft used primarily in this role are designated OA-10. With a variety of upgrades and wing replacements; the A-10's service life may be extended to 2028.376th Air Expeditionary Wing; AFCENT; Airmen; Kyrgyz Republic; Kyrgyzstan; Staff Sgt. Robert Barnett; Transient; Transit Center at Manas; U.S. Air Force; United States” -- #WashingtonTimes article link @ https://go.shr.lc/2Dg9oKT

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