Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, November 22, 2019
---------------- #YouGotALotOfNerveMer ---------------
What is new will be old soon enough, nobody can rush the onward march of the TicToc
Either measured or not, the days and nights swap place in space due to the orbital rock
Regardless of the intention of the ego residing in each one of us humans, alive here, now
Facts of life are few, you live and dive deep into blind faith, reason and logic, above, below.
So I’ve been told, you’re a series of theories in my mind beginning with #WeAreOne, aye
Alternative that we are Many is not only unacceptable but also impossible for a third eye
Going down the rabbit hole while wide awake and alive with a camera crew who followed
Impossible conjunction at the intersection of Hollywood and Vine, good guys get blowed.
From a happy day to a sad day, back and forth ad infinitum, grabbin’ bulls by the balls/horns
Still, I stare at the problem which’s as clear as glass test tubes, vaping goddesses’ native born
Like the smoke from a cigar or a vape or a bong or a hookah, it’s like a forest fire on steroids
Walking slow up the country road like I own the property, I got killed by a lightspeed truck.
As I rose from the dead body bag of bones, I could still hear what played the ties that bind
Spirits go on and on, stopping for a brief moment to tuck in innocent children of self-worth
Or in the case of the lone drifter without a friend, being an orphan with no kin, dust in wind
No chance to be right or wrong and the evil and the good are the same before and afterbirth.
Always keepin’ the eyes on the prize, the beasts who move to and fro, searching unknowns
For this end-game target, the prize at the end of the struggle is at once a One and the Many
Inside of your thinking mind, the container of your understanding languages’ wisdom bones
On Atheist freeway to our #SemperFi hearts, yelling AHA, Look ma! No Earth, wind or fire.!
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER 22nd, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ drafted while listin’ to some Everlasting Badasses Multiservicios Zztop on youTube link @ #me2 #IGotToHaveAShot before I #BlowMyZZTOP }