
Thursday, January 21, 2021

#YouGotSomethinToSay? ...well then...#STFU #GoWashSomeDishes #AVideoIMadeAboutEnds10YearsAgo #AColdOne

Using your voice when you're both deaf & dumb makes you a white superman of the girls
Tonight you may be the anti-hero who opposes all the Evil left on Earth by Satan's Tbone
Droppin' F-bombs in your imagination but I ain't sayin' it, you are a nut with plastic pearls
But wait, you're not a nut afterall, Bart Simpson rocks the people's state of MILFs, all gone.

A simple mind inherited from simple men and simple women who survived the anti-bodies
Always and forever, everywhere that dirt rises above the H2O, it's a struggle for Cro-Magnon
Not only will you be ignorant of the reason for being alive your whole life but also, God dies
Humanitarian unrequited, universal charity for others as if they were you yourself are the sun.

Without you you get no ideas and form no conclusions, caput and you'll see Nothing is sick
For the facemasks on a Speaker in or out of Our House, to muffle that philosophy of bailiwick
Monkeys from two to niney-nine do what they do, mimicking survival behavior, oblivion's skit
Appropriate to the kids and elderly, over-the-hill, over sixty-five trips about the bull's of scat.

Red tape & the purple, infinite sanctity of sirens every morning at 6:20 to awaken homer-less
Under the overpass between private property and the railroad tracks goin' to the ville of Rozes
Nothing personal against the hobos and ne'er-do-wells, mostly my brothers, some sisters' song
Wishing for the Great Spirit above to answer the sacrifices of the lambs we've burned & hung.

I shook up the baking oven from the moment I dropped from a Void into the light's unpaid fines
Just what I needed was to figure out why in the Hades this all happens to us everyday, it's crazy
To me but not to everyone, crazy is as crazy does, something to write words down on white lines
Squirrels awaiting the rats to leave the nuggets and nuts, tan rats in black and white TV to see.

Causes of the Ends which you will see with or without me present, no mystery where it'll be now
Pretending it's not gonna happen to you just to everyone else, brothers, sisters, parents & friends
Even the enemies or at least the abhorrent human genome which cannot abide by enculturation
Anthropomorphic ideology in zoos of padlocked cages, dipped in the divine's #CNN elaboration.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Janvier 21st, 2021 *  one-twenty one-twenty one  1-21-21 @PorkyPig #ThatsAllFolks
{  Drafted in the patient state of being, doing as anyone would if they were either me, myself or I & listenin' to #ENDS & HITS @EVERLAST on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/0szqyWvPNKY }
#TBIYTC #TheBestIsYetToCome

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

@DonaldJTrump @POTUS45rocked #ColdOnes & the #Ends #21GunSalute #ThatWasAColdOne #PardonMeToo #NASDAQupDOWN

Messengers bringin' the bottom line to the forefront, in the beginning it was pitch black dark
Light itself, blown up matter showing off it's explosions, what we need to eat or drink, mark!
Fabulous moving into the dream and out of the cream, couldn't land that big one, false alarm
We could have made it all work out but it takes two to tango and I was a boy from a hogfarm.

There isn't two minutes to play the games I want to play, I know the rules and I want to play
Beating myself in a solo gang of one, nobody to argue with & I always agree, might die today
Hope not but nobody knows the ultimate answer to a conundrum, to be or not to be a doubt
Right cards in the right place at the right time, full house or a royal flush will straighten it out.

Overnight the things moved, changed from alive to dead, unfathomable & in smoky dope
Monkeys puttin' down the lettuce for million dollar condos, mansions in their minds' eyes
Punks on corners lived and died, fishermen and apostles smoked turkish tobacco and rope
Burnt booty and now there's the rubic cube rumble in the jungle, maybe it was cherry pies.

White flag tryin' to warn morons and blank pages full of empty words, explain the hot dead
No gratitude for innocence of the human babies and all non-human life, a southern comfort
Calculate the sum and live with it, subtract, add, multiply for division of anyone's godhead
You came to follow me, jump off Earth without a body, nobody gets out alive, it's been said!

No turns going forward from this day to tomorrow, there's no reversal nobody turns it back
Reincarnation's a hope of fear-mongering mobs with a morbidity rate of 100 % Homer grown
Flowers and love began the progress to the end of the story, the casket and the urn, 12 pak
Meaning two six paks ought to do the trick when you are one beer short, all dead & all gone.

Grim & ecstatic at one & the same time, it's just begun & it's all over already, funny bone
Trip on medicine or poison, naked apes try to do this on their own without a cell phone
Now it's over ain't it?  We can't do it over, there are no #DoOvers on the plains or groves
This is all you're gonna get, lucky conceived, random randos & bettys, extinction of doves.

Funk filled up the cake that I bought from the baker, candles all blown out, heaven my foot
Or at least my toes and heel with a dagger in a pocket, I ain't goin' down to the bottom boot
Kicks got harder to come by in Time, kicks fake punted a decade, time's in & out, ain't none
First snap of last straws leads to dark a side of the path, no royal flush, can't land a big one.

Being too involved in the minutes and hours from day to day leads to the same place's glow
In and out of Sun consciousness you've inherited from Adam, Eve and the other anthropoids
Coming over you is a heightened awareness that you're as immortal as the sexual innuendo
Landed on the runway before it was cleared of debris, wings went down, engines got skids.

Drunk and brain whacked by tobacky, put the spirit of God in a difficult position, done wrong
If the creator is the origin of the universe, I mean if that's the Truth, then evil lives in a song
Common dysfunction of a cerebral cortex is related to network nerve damage, stab in a heart
Nothing works but a #cOLDne, when you're high & dry, nowhere mankind is a longneck's art.


r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, Janvier 20th, 2021 Anno Domini  #PunchMeAwake #BadaBing #BadaBoom
{ #EveOfOneTwentyTwentyOne drafted while listenin' to @Eric_Church #ColdOne on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE }

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

#ShortOfATwelvePackAgain #HisHoliness #Papa & me... #ThatWasAColdOneManGod

That was indeed a cold one that day you walked out the door, you slammed it shut, exit sound
It's always open for a come back but that was only once, won't be comin' back this time 'round
Shots in the darkness of Space, sweatin' long necks waitin' for me to occupy my round bar-stool
Freakin' high and dry, smokin' a fatty in the back parking lot, by the woods of the coldest fool.

Flies buzz around the ends of the means, it's nobody's fault, it just happens, it all goes on ice
Eventually even the hottest pistol turns into it's original cold steel, it's all for the good of God
First and last time we watch the love of our lives mow down our #TopOfTheWorld cold one
Sung from the porch or drivin' away down the gravel road, makin' stones and red dust fly son.

Not your mother nor your father to blame for any of this, they made you out of the lust of love
Still you didn't have to leave me so high and dry without the words of love, you killed the dove
Record highs from the lowland, the swamps to the gods' garden of weed and flower candy blow
First and Last Time, First and Last Cause of the End of you and me, be the fish on Cannery Row.

On a trouble hook or a gill net thrown to the love of eaten sea creatures, martians from Pluto
They have taken over the #VirusMutilation and caused the extinction of species catalyst, a video
Shown far and wide on the world-wide web, a record high of likes and hates of this Adam show
Eve didn't like bein' second fiddle either, don't let a bible & history fool you, I say E I E I oh no!

Buns holding Matter in the matrix, outside of the Void or inside of It, One and the same Nothing
Substance, the thing itself, an essence of the origin's mortal sin, compared to what, come-on son
Pretenders aren't recommended & if you persist, you'll die of ignorance, of being hat-checking
Strangled until the heart had it's last pump and beat of the drum, seven holy holes, wide open!

In the finale, what it's all about now is what it will always be about, always been about, survival
Out of the blue from above, in the six feet of dirt atop my leftover skin & bones, talkin' general
When they talk, you better listen, you better start sweatin' 'cause it means a twelve pack's gone
Now & then you've get what comes out of nowhere, gimme a beer, I'm outta here, rock's stone!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Janvier 19th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMMST
{  Drafted while listenin' to a loop of #ColdOne by @Eric_Church link @ https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE #PerfectDayForTheEndOfMay #ImOuttaHere }