
Sunday, January 31, 2021

#KingKong vs #Godzilla 2021 A.D. #SomethingIsProvokingHim #LastOnesStandingExtinction

It never felt like the feeling of rolling along the roads & rivers without a nightmare's anomaly
Lit up the darkness when worlds spun around, with smoking, drunk gods, with or without me
It matters that energy is spent star dust and Space emptiness, solo comfort ride from the Voids
Inside of the womb, the egg and the gamete shoots bullets at the target, until Truth is androids.

Blown up before it's time, illusion of the buzz and the toastin' up in the foothills, party on down
Out at the back, up country where the sun shines all the time, it's summertime, old #Hangtown
Where Jessie James and a posse pretended to be in the bank together, a nightmare, too human
Never happened, fake reality, out of nowhere, wet-dry dreams are gods' events, fill'erup the can.

Noted that it's all gone when the last sights & smells don't allow any more sounds or foul tastes
Feeling it falling from the highest place a human can be, stratospheric high above empire states
Provoke you to remember the bad and the good, your death & your birth, alien reason kingpins
From the mud and hydrogen-oxygen soaked gas, alienated from the origin, out for eternal spins.

Fun to be in fear of the life you've gleaned from your inherited DNA replication, survival I am fit
A battle of things that eat things to continue the First Cause's perpetual motion of Galactic chit
In a movie, in a rerun that will never stop until the lights go out for good, Darkness' Void is real
It's not the tales and sagas of your ancestral heritage, encyclopedia of the Truth, here's the Deal.

You came, you saw what you saw and you'll leave without a squawk because Eagles fly, we ride
Last ones flying are the last ones standing, only ones dying in a volcanic rush from god's bowels
Thump your books of words from your patron saints and prophets, Godzilla & Kong kids' dates
Who bows to whom, nobody gets to bow at the end of the performance, my stage disintegrates.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, Janvier 31st, 2021 Anno Domini @ 0820 hours PST
{ Jammed without bowing to anyone, #JustLikeKong trailer @ https://youtu.be/odM92ap8_c0 }

Saturday, January 30, 2021

#HighRider #LowBalls #KickYourArse #3DChess

Not being a dot or a period's point, so to speak, I don't know what that's like, I can't know It
A being a priori and a posteriori for the sake of the whole shebang, so immune to Nothing too
No need or want to be animated yet the full thrust of being replicated, by God and too human
A song sung by nobody in sight, some sirens in the distance crying about a no good dead man.

Mortified to be a stench factory of accumulated matter, condensed and transformed into a Me
I, myself know the way it's all going to go down from now until doomsday, that moment's glee
When you find out that your last breath is all you get for free, that's it, caput, you'll be in rooms
From St. Louis to Tipperary and back to the holy host we all come from, our po' mothers' wombs.

Now, let me see if I've got this straight, meaning that If I do have it right, y'all don't really matter
Not even a small bit of love is left over when you cease to be an animated man or woman hipster
In expletive of philosophy, you glean universal rules for particular units of Fire in outerspace Time
After all's said and all is done, the finish line's crossed and the race is over, God knows DNA slime.

And on to the next race of DNA evolution in Space-Time warped in hydrogen and oxygen gasoline
Earth the soul and heart of all we will ever know, except the astronauts and cosmonauts we fling
Out of our orbit into the bliss of the abyss, the Void between our sanity and our origin's ignorance
It's bliss to Be without responsibility for the activity of the gas inside the outside of creased pants.

Altar boy to musician-scholar to old man watchin' days turn to night as the world spins, in control
Of everything under the burning, mortal sun, star of our mothers, fathers & children, sibling foal
All in One human race to be alive and well, healthy and wealthy, not poor or sick, yet a holy ghost
Came without intention to fix or heal wounded egos but to have faith in blinded eyes of The Host.

My move and it's a checkmate back to you, third dimension, the second one too, anyway it's over
Broad strokes of a pen for an authorization of Force to change the Tide of natural selection myth
That this is some form of random event, a life of conscious experience, that's life's ups and downs
Buzzing consciousness between my ears moves my heart's soul to free 'em, old gold, sad clowns.

r j j  stephan, i    * #checkmated
c.  Saturday, January 30th, 2021 A.D. @ 3:33 AMPST
{ AM jammin' to some #LooseGrooves of @WARtheBand link @ https://youtu.be/aAXwaPrajiE }

Friday, January 29, 2021

#CHANT #DREAM #WOKE #Apemen & @TheKinks @ThorGodOfThunder

Filibuster this you mothers and fathers who believe that there's a life after death, a sham's bet
Pick life after death's unknown and you'll get there for certain, as if there's a higher boondoggle
Than the one with your fingers on the trigger/keyboard, thumbs up or down to the empty set
Final ending after the stage is cleared in a Super Nova, bytes to smithereens, Nothing to google.

Completely adept at living and dying on one of the seven continents of mixed up monkey shines
Picked up from their elders who knew nothing more than a rock, a pebble or a bud of the pines
Punks and the elders in rehab homes who'll never leave their drone-like American heroes, pills
They are round and easy to swallow with a little bit of help from the H2O gas, to fuel the shills.

Purple skin where the bruise hurts in the middle but not in the bitter end, Nothing feels so good
No evil at the place where nothing is left to breathe in and out, what's the matter with GD hell
Contact high with the climate change low, knowing the Earth has a spin of it's own, a Robinhood
Ready to exhume the owner and the designer, the creator of the matrix' position to buy and sell.

I'll put your mind at ease, you'll Be the power guided to rise to the hilt of Cream, fake milk spilled
Or get drunk by the prisoners of the war, war against Evil to Live forward and backward, tin foiled
Common yet extinct forms of things that used to be alive, out the doors of perception prize fights
Apemen forms of giants' ghosts at the End of our Days, spoken words, original sins, apple's bytes.

In the cave of monks, history is written on the wall with the blood of dead ones, old & in the way
Putrid tastes & rancid smells entering the pure halls of newborn orphans, raped by ma & pa rays
Historical and hysterical at one and the same time, your last chance is revoked, follow your leader
Who is your leader?  It better be YOU, not him or her because they'll try to make you get higher.

Mind on the edge and off of the cliff, falling into the abyss without any bottom, no core, nothing
Bums & junkies, a browsing bunch of n'er do-wells, wannabe brokers of FOX #gamestop cellphones
Hot, luke warm on the frozen stiffs we bury in boxes underground or in tubes of ash human bones
Back to phonebooths and landlines, shut down towers of power, doom I say, you know the thing!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, January 29th, 2021 Anno Domini
{ Jammed while listenin' to @Journey HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KDQrMoksJ4Q }