
Sunday, June 27, 2021

#EasyLikeSundayMorning #SureSoundsFunny #ImEasy @CHICAGOtheBAND

They didn't want to, they had to, to ride or not to ride on 2 wheels, a '70 mopar coffin cupcake
Even if you're the world's best rider on a Harley, an Indian or a BMW, you could lay it on down
When you least expect it, someone pulls out and cuts you off like you're not even there apeman
It's over when it's over but you never expect the next scoot to be your last, in or outta the Fubar.

Function of the calculus is to figure the relationship between me and the unknown All, the holy
Inside of my own mind, in my own head and not outside of my 208 bones, I'm the One & Only
Judgement calls are the gist of the existence, how to adapt & survive on a hostile planet of mugs
Wheels in the black space way above the Sirius clouds of unknowing, a spastic DNA flies on rugs.

Magic carpet rides ensue for as long as the insurance doesn't run out, some people die on the rug
Last wishes for some humans is to fall to one's ultimate extinction of consciousness, gone to sleep
When you're not conscious you cannot feel pain and suffering, only if the brain works, connected
But in a collision with the ground of being, descending at 32 feet per sec/sec, not to be, undead.

I loved that & you loved that, we all loved that thing, you know the thing itself, come on, aw hell
From One cell, from a God, our nuclear familia spurts from a Big Bang's DNA, rung freedom's bell
Unconscious sleeper, lying down and still alive in a coma without any doctor, nurse's MASH crew
Assimilation of the idiot with the genius and you produce Adam & Eve out of a Void, cosmic stew.

Histrionics aside, I've got to catch a few waves at Malibu in the AM, be up around 5 past amiga
Can't get the surf up until the dawn breaks or the sunset flakes, either way, in a state of OJ juice
Gods underwater life can't be seen from the surface, it's too deep for the philosophy of dementia
Forgot about the subjects & predicates that were passive/aggressive given assumptions, get loose.

Two wheels, 1200 cc's, full tank of petrol & my saddle full of me, myself & I ready to ride, to fly
Up to the top of the mountains of Sierra and back down to The Valley of fruit & nuts, for to die
The doctors say I should've become extinct before now, yet I've encroached upon gold, it's done
For lead to paradise turns to gold, a fly on the wall knows, God's ghosts' summer wind's all gone.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, June 27th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 2:47 PMPST
{  Surf-jammin' to #BestOfOldiesButGoodiesClassicCollection @ https://youtu.be/naqqtuhHAyg }

#HeresLookinAtYou #DeepDarkLight



From the heads to the feet, up and down the escalator to and from the stars above, a bent End
It's what I see & I'm blinded by the ultraviolet light not to mention the irritating sea of infrared
In any case actually in every single case without exceptions, y'all are already fried, way too high
It's not what I want as a person, in a place, messing with things other than me, cheese-apple pie.

Desire of the rocks underground and the empty skies above Ma Earth, absolute zero negativeness
Cancelling culture warriors who cringe & run to mama when the battle's afoot, smoked potheads
If you get what you want, it's what you needed to do while you were present, stay out the beds
Lying down or lying about the Truth, as it is, as it should be and always was, God almighty, Elvis!

Been up and down in the elevator, caught my foot in the door, broke my foot, my ankle smashed
Uncle James, sponsor of my confirmation in the Pope's school of my Pops, my daddio, my pal AL
Called me out from the bottom of the barrel where the rats lie & drink grapes without the wrath
Monkeys seeing whatever monkeys do and repeating the motion, ad infinitum, until death's bath.

Ones leftover who remain alive once your bucket's kicked will weep, rejoice & be happy far away
More than kilometers & parsecs to the Origin of animated atoms, cold souls of Cesarean mayday
Monkey business of the elite apes passing down the gold to leftover cyber punks without a clue
Ignorant and in full bliss mode, the monkeys fill in the blanks with fodder of their Mother's stew.

Now and then you're going to stop and smell the roses before they die and become aster dusted
A conglomerate of historical mayhem, atomic fission & fusion both below and above it all, busted
Jump over the hurdle, fall into the empty hole that you're in charge of, it's your hole, it's your fall
Bottomless pit below and above us, you & I will never cease falling down below, never stop, Y'all!

Huge wanderlust going down inside of the skull, contained but in dire straits of breaking the bind
A memory of what used to be and what it is not now, pushed the envelope to be opened to find
Empty promises of disappearing words, deaf to the sounds of guttural regurgitation, quiet Ones
There's no other left, words unspoken, unwritten, unread, unknown to the gods or my only sons.

Bears move in and out of the picnic grounds before the rats and squirrels get the word out, Lunch
Crumbs dropped from the lips of the mouth-breathers whose noses are stuck up & stuffed up too
Can't breathe, can't sniff or huff or get a scent of the matter, world dire straits don't confront me
Comin' in hot for a landing on the short runway of the carrier, I'm down, I'm One again, I am Out!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, June 27th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Drafted in a liquid state, in a solid state of hoping & a gaseous state of California while jammin' to @TheSylistics #HITS #StoneLoveWithYou link @ https://youtu.be/XMAL-TRMZnE }


'5' Grand Daughters from Other mothers!  #EyesGotDown  #SpeciesSurvival

Saturday, June 26, 2021

#ThreeStooges #BoweryBoys #BugsBunny #PorkyPig #MyBabysitters 1950's

Forever and one more day, just one more than the one that's already a given on a rock & roll
Chip off of the old block, my pops was a teenage navy vet from WWII, I'm an ex-con pothead
Paid my debt to society that didn't give a hoot about me until I tried to skirt the outlaws' hole
Tried to get in and out before the trail was laid down for the bloodhound trackers just ahead.

What is the code of the language scribbled on the blackboard, is there order to the fake chaos
Appearances can be deceiving and sometimes you don't have the essence in sight, aim at us
You know this is where it's all at down here above the Mason-Dixon line, one arpeggio away
We all seem to retain some pre-muscle memory from our seed, microscopic piece of a baby.

August and July come once every year, named for the two Roman Caesars of olden days dicky
Seems as though they've succeeded at remaining steadfast in their intention to rob the cradle
While that baby is rockin' & rollin' it ain't being a pain in mother's and father's rib cage rattle
Within no error of distance, figures calculate bristles on a hair brush, gotta utilize the trickery.

Hillbillies and the uppercrust elite have children via the same method, blue and black of blight
An epidemic from a laboratory rat who scurried into a freighter headed for China or ourselves
I'm rollin' with or without the silver bullets, I used 'em all yesterday in a fire fight, my F4 flight
I action for the stash of cash, high performing punks in the hood and above the top shelves.

Steppin' off into the parental discretion for rhymes that rope you into the loser to tempt fate
Funky or in the dirt, the dicks move in and out creating the raps and the vibes of monkey hate
To smoke it ya gotta roll it, light it or make a brownie cake, hell I'm the one & only holy chunk
Streets criss crossed, sidearms with an attitude, lit up the black holes, slitherin' in dope funk.

A boatload of foreign-speaking, babbling humanity, landed there in error, inebriated, drunken
Fast forward centuries & here & now we're in 2021 after a divine God was DNA cloned human
From a virgin and a carpenter came the humane movement, to know why a humanitarian can
Pretend all's well, speeding in circles as do punks playin' ball, wobbling vibes all slam dunkin'.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, June XXVIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted this TETRAGRAMMATON gem while listenin' to 3 hours of #ThreeStooges epic slapstick link @ https://youtu.be/R43TUqp2q8g }