
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

#DontBelieveMeForEver #BlameItOnLoveLust #ManIsNOTKind

A dream within a cosmic malfunction of the Unknown, an Occult origin of our daddy's shelves
Where our fathers came for a second and caused this mess of the order of things themselves
Mamas feared the days we'd come unglued & give the the Earth itself it's due, runnin' dozens
From Mississippi to Peru, the pipeline of the golden triangle was complete, an isosceles' three.

Bunch of crunch and munch that eats through the mud and the cool breeze by my head blow
Inside the mind is nowhere to be found, the guy or the gal who made me, they are all gone
Never coming back that I will ever acknowledge, no reincarnated essence of Ma & Pa's song
Nothing but dead air & space between, like 'tween your own two ears & everyone you know.

Pink and aqua make it all a royal purple as the chiefs and queens prefer, an honor to be One
Many are the concocted philosophies of the Many, all done, begun as a daughter or a godson
Virgins from heaven are scrubbed and we've received the communion of the empty Void cup
No chalice of whining blood or communion bodies of God's daughters' all too human wisdom.

Age zero to a hundred, there you go again, one after the other, 20 people & 20 generation Id
Moved from one mind to another until the whole shebang passed out from asphyxiation, kid
My kids and yours all know nothing to begin with, just like all of us, they'll always know it too
Bigger than the microscopic nuclei that comprise the things, I sense, you sense a useless fool.

In and out of the country, I play country music and rock the socks off of my sweet darlin' girl
Written what it was I was thinkin' about when I was asleep in the dream last night, ah curls!
Hair to die for above a mind-set that knows me like my sister or mother, she's the One, pearls
Nothing better and nothing worse than thinkin' about being way gone without her, my world.

Funk inside of the race and you drop it all down to the bottom of the pit when Time comes in
To find what needs to be taken away from the preset and blown channels of Texican rock rolls
A Senorita living in Mexico or California just waiting for all of us to come in and find her, bam!
Goin' up and down my naked spine, expecting the happiness that's been here forever, a jam.

Gone long in the tooth & the ending of the story progresses from here to there yet, I will not
Won't be the One any longer, I will be None in my baggies & spats, my ducktail draggin' robot
Life of the tattoos on my legs, arms, back, chest and face, all of the ink for divine recollection
Of what the men and the mice forgot about, here today, gone tomorrow, free will, mortal sin.

Something to write and nothing to say, be the one who doesn't know anything, that I am One
Of movement and duplicating the DNA over and over again until perfection results from dung
It will sooner or later, in the treble or in the bass, music of how far heaven is from me, parsecs
One step beyond the last step is the next step into the menudo of playdough, it's all for #SEX.

r j j  stephan, I
c.  Mercredi, June XXXth, MCMXXI Anno Domini
{ Jammed to #KnuckleheadsSaloon #LosLonelyBoys @https://youtu.be/atuCez5DgeU }

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


For the first and last time, the notes are clear from Do, Re, Mi to Fa, So, La & a rock sound
Ad infinitum, one and the same as the many...EYES in heaven can't see sound underground
From the topsoil to the core, this burned out sun called Earth is all we got left of my 3 sons
Wrinkles in your sleeve can't stop you from handing it over to the authority, one's hot buns.

Implication of taking a chance at the resolution of an irresolvable conflict, with the heat on
Hot and on the street of every city in America, don't know about the other six continents' sin
Therefore, don't ask me any questions and I'll tell you know lies, although come to think of it
Maybe I will and maybe I won't, it just depends on the whim of a moment that I see the light.

Sixteen to a hundred and six, I left everything I gained out on the street, what I got left, I need
Without y'all following me around as I gallop around the block with a hollow interior, I bleed
Dripping the effulgence of my indulgences owed to me by a power that is, not powers that be
Feeling of hopelessness and an inevitable nuclear option is the end of the line, just to be free.

You ain't gonna live forever either, don't chew know?  Just because you think you're so pretty?
Coming into the future from the past leaves one, single moment of a present unmoved mover
Everything in the game's rules and the point of the instruction is guidance to avoid the Void
Which is everywhere else but right in the source of Soul, Spirit, the Word, I am robot android.

Becoming one with a moment of one's personal conception of Oneness, a live facebook post
It's not because I said so, I'm just a messenger so do not nail me to wood or let the Squad fire
Meaning and incomprehensibility are what I'm talking 'bout, I get the last mumbled word, sire
Pilgrims and scientists cracked atomic fission & fusion, naming a father, son & one holy ghost.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, June 29th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1500 hrs PST
{ Matter, Energy, me & with or without you, it's a matter of Time in Space, mortality with hope of immortality of a non-chemical body without DNA, you're kiddin' right?  Jammed this little ditty while listenin' to a bit of #Ozzy & the boys, @BlackSabbath #LiveInParis1970 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/7rF2OSSDoMU }

Monday, June 28, 2021

@TheRollingStones 1 @LosLonelyBoys #BuyHerSomeDrinks @RunawayJune #LOWrider @WARtheBand #RobustBlunderbust

All too common humanity coming apart at the seams, lettin' me become the iconic MRI mind design
Filling up all of the holes in the arguments I can discover in the lexicon, both on line & in a bibliotek
Writing may not have been inside of a cave wall but the meaning of the unknown is clearly apparent
Look up at night when the clouds don't interfere with your vision to see for miles and miles, godsent.

What in the bottom of the Earth's hot core are you positing, cro-magnon & neanderthal were #aliens
Disturbing to find out that there was no Adamic malfunction of the Will to Power or Eve's mortal sins
Compared to this & that of the normal, a day's frequency & wavelength of light & sound, now ending
End your surname with a vowel or a consonant will signify you're ancestry, the DNA gene pool O-ring.

Without history, I begin again but with the identical causes preceding the identical effects undercover
Never upset the apple cart, never pick the first apple, never admit your #FakeGuilt to a sheriff or her
Either way you lose since you just wanted to satisfy an ego like we all do, a Santa Barbara original sin
In regular or irregular beats of the heart, the ending is always the same, a cardiac arrests the attention.

Milkin' mother's breasts until the formula is reproduced by Nothing in Mother Nature other than DNA
Pure essence of nucleic acid freezing in the arteries and veins, up and down flow into & outta the heart
Red or purple as long as it's not black and blue, that is the healthy color of burning Love, stare at a Bay
When old sol sets, it's only our own movement on the ground that changes the vision, Sun's God's fart.

I am the only one that will die when it's time for me to end the cause & effect relation to waking sleep
In the dreams & out of the night's mares, I shuffled Harlem to Watts & up to Wenatchee forest's keep
Rode a pony ghost from camp to camp, unseen, fearless pioneer cowboys of a post revolution breath
Monkey's shining from gluteus maxiumus to the thin lips of disguised, tooth decay, not food at death.

Bury 'em deep in a hole, six feet or more under the grass and granite above, waiting for rain to dance
Allowing all living to see the ending before it's over, pay attention to the ritual, the holy roll reverence
For one who's all gone as well as acknowledging Blind Faith myths, a narrow gangway to the unknown
It's a fungible token, symbolic pointlessness to the DNA movin' into SuperNova mode, apes in a gown.

Bums & junkies grow from babies gone to school to learn ABC's & how to dissect arguments for Truth
History, geography, science, math give the awareness that you're not Food for the Agriculture's tooth
From microscopic understanding a blind faith overcomes it all with the personal fear of dying, forever
Happiness is rolling stones singing songs & other rolling stones joining in, such a cost of long, red hair.

Of pirates with long hair. they will move on to all of the seven seas because land lubbers, it can't move
Staying in the same spot because they either own it or were allotted it by the Organization of a groove
This made in vinyl, gold and platinum for the sake of the almighty dollar, $$ cash is king, queens know
All there is left is the record of the past, seen in the future by those in the present presence, just blow!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, June 28th, 2021 A.D. @ 10:10 AMPST
{  Jammed while listenin' to @TheRollingStones link @ https://youtu.be/kfORcR2VSbc }