
Friday, June 10, 2022

#SANTANA #BRANCH #CHICAGO #ShockTheMonkey #Apechit


Blood in the water, on the ground down to deeper graves down to gravity's heaping dump
Underground in holy dirt, somewhere outside the hoods where angels fear to go and hump
Meaning jumps back & forth, no interception of conception, an explosion of population ilk
Broke into the notes of the melody that did my dirty work, it's not for me to say, drink milk.

Simple & inferior soul & mind that's been moved by the unmoved movers who preceded me
Don't care what happens after my death, it's comin' but I am tryin' to delay the monkey's key
To the lock in the door and combination of the safe's numbers, the key is to sublimate apes
Evolved from them so that they must be arisen from, the very nature of the vino's red grapes.

Wrath of the minions comin' like after the monster of Dr. Frankenstein, idiots leading morons
A herd ready to follow the leader over the bottomless pit's cliff, let 'em go, let 'em go right on
Rockin' in the free world to function as a catalyst for 'The End' effect, a Singularity putsch hell
Mum's the Word made flesh, out of nothing, no thing, it's what it is, IT ain't Cuervo Especiale.

I've got a secret only God knows, if you're God then you know, if you ain't, you'll never know
Why your origin, the egg & sperm turned to the zygote that grew into the life of the low blow
Do to you what I would not want you to do to me, before you change your mind, it is all done
It's either yours or mine, you want it and I got it, you can't get it out of my cold, dead hands!

Scream until your voice is lost in the Void, nobody hears anything out in the universe's hole
It will not be your will that wills the world to end, it's above and below this planet's forces, so
Get ready for the end of at least your breathing, heart-beating, thriving in terrestrial bliss' sky
Between Earth, the Earth's singular moon, the other eight planets out to Pluto's infrared pie.

My god, no god, accidental collision of matter in the middle of an empty matrix of atomic jizz
Moves or unmoved, energy to last forever and a spin of the star or the dirt you're on matters
Heaven, hell below, we're all gonna go, graves allow the power of gravity to bury us under It
We'll be a Supernova in spirit, you'll never know it, blow me down, it's a trip's monkey purse.

Struggle for survival, it's seriously worse than you think & better than God thinks in jailcells
Making inferior things, forms of life like humans & others, some extinct, some unseen angels
Professional or amateur, as a human from zygote to corpse, a certainty principle rings bells
Logic, reason, induction, deduction, rationality of philosophy ideas, form, matter or all hells.

If all hell broke loose, it would mix with the heavenly scents wafting from the easts & wests
Pardon my blooper, actually I have more than one, more like many bloopers & absurd jests
It works, to be or not to be answering questions with more questions until you turn it vague
Every day & every year in anyone's life is precious, Chicago to Rio Cool, it's your path, a leg.

Spare parts aren't the answer to the problem of mortality, bones get decrepit, you dig man?
Snowflakes in the desert fall and melt before dawn, we're a planet in space, sheet happens
For a good or not, existence thrives during the divine's momentary lapse of pure reason sins
In a little while, THE IN & OUT, no more breath or good times, no memory of baby cries, sons.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June Xth, MMXXII Anno Domini

{ Drafted while scoring a series of home runs and striking out on balls in the dirt, while listenin' to the #BourbonBlues 3-4 hours @ https://youtu.be/fPb7doh686c }



Thursday, June 09, 2022

#CareerAdvisorToTheVoidNothingSpecial #YoArchie #LosLonelyBoys

It's unidentified yet it's a material object in a material world, of the men & mice in the maze
Gave the minions, you, me & every other homo sapiens, nobody's left out of the last phase
When the Earth atrophies and in retrograde from the monkey paws that have corrupted God
Now and in the future, the time ahead of all of us who won't survive the death of the hot Bod.

Corrected the professors exams just for kicks, they didn't know the answers were all fictional
Followed logic & calculus, induced deductions followed by false premises of prophetic fools
Dying in the end, mouth agape and bowels loosed against poetic justice of DA's & the drones
Singin' the same old song to the same old people at the same old time, holy mother of Ones.

Ace in the hole, four or with two jokers, six Ones, no peek at the faces, just the coded rears
You cannot come and go as you please, the property is private and you don't own mirrors
To make it appear that you have a deed of ownership or a lien on the thing itself, good lie
That you possess the dirt of the planet in a place of longitude and latitude, dirt to the sky.

One and only way to catch the meaning of the virtue signals comin' from every direction up
In and out of the mouth through the canals of energy generation, can't runneth over a cup
To the pain and suffering of your mothers, I salute them for the trouble, it's a cursed reprieve
To bleed out for the species, to raise the brood & propagate the blind faith of Adam the Eve.

Infinite to null and void, that's Time, Space & matter to energy transformation, hot & cold
Extinction will become the norm but there will be no record of it to recall in any time old
Language and printing preservation in the pages, volumes of tomes & oral sagas of the clan
All in the fire of the supernova's singularity, stroke of luck you got to know before Peter Pan.

Magic in a dream, better than the actual fire in the hole, comin' with the roaches & sty pigs
Barns in the yards in charge of the locomotion of the herds, all in the family doin' Irish jigs
A dance & your mother's labor, pain & suffering just to hear your cryin' & bitchin' until ends
We all gotta go, come on man, it's all you get out of it, dead food, life gives y'all the Bends!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, June IX, MMXXII Anno Domini
{ Cracked out of the nut while jammin' to @GovernmentMule LIVE link @ https://youtu.be/cYvvnvtNDxQ?t=82 }

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

#KILROY was here with #STEPPENWOLF #TwoFerOneTodayToo


I don't care if you like it or not, the way it is, my friend, is the way it is & just ain't nothing else
Meaning only that my advice is to enjoy every single day you get on this Earth, it's ringin' bells
Like I don't really recollect the time on the planet before I was born, except for one thing too
I died & came back to life a few times, like I'm a nine life cat but I'm not, menu-do cosmic stew.

Nothing I can recall of the past living on Earth other than I was no insect or reptile or mammal
Something extinct in 2022 A.D. except inside of a DNA recessive gene which is immune to hell
What the One is can't be mutable, it's necessary condition is that it's immutable, always One
Common ground I step down upon is the same as yours, if it isn't then you ain't in on it, son.

You may be on a different path than I am, you may not be on any path at all, just here & now
Rationality and the quest for the Truth be damned, take the hand of the virgin & jump on in
The volcano hole accepts the flesh and bones for sacrifice to the imagination's conflagration
That you live after you die without a body, without a mind, only a soul you & I eagerly blow.

Into the plethora of star effulgence created from Nothing, out of Nowhere in no Time at all
Yet, here we are, y'all over there & me way down here on the block or in the backwood y'all
For the sake of sanity and the power to sleep and wake up ad infinitum, until the crows caw
Absentee fathers and unwed mothers have the Commandments to be thankful for, Raw Law.

Choirboys learn the lessons and transmute into altar-boys, paperboys & bat-boys until the end
Swept up in the hub bub around acculturation, I'll follow like y'all follow, I'm gently weepin'
There's no reason nor rhyme left in the baked bean souffle, empty of the form & anti-matter
Wake the discourse by force, unless it's a talking horse like Mr. Ed and rode by a mad hatter.

In the groove on the platter groove, first to the last RPM spin, it's about the tracks 13-19 teens
Where the start is the finish and vice versa, a bizarre world where nothing's right, it's all wrong
As the day allows a conscious awareness, it's a dream within a dream moving random scenes
Will to control the causes and effects is futile, resistance is always futile, Mari fire up the bong.

So, I slid safe into home, caught the catcher in the cup, I felt bad that I felt so good, team hug
Wisdom fled my conscious awareness for several important moments today, I am such a lug
Listen carefully when I croon the words of the chimney sweeper, spittin' creosote of hot bricks
Unfolded for your eyes only, it's not for me to say, it is what it is. upstream down river Styx.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, 6-8-2022 AD @ 2100 hours PST #gODamFinklestein
{ 2Aday drafted while jammin' to #BestOfStyx link @ https://youtu.be/UjnCTHi9Qf0 }

