
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

#GodsPocket #Homerunner #Touchdowner #GoalieFromJupiter #Train #RickieLeeJones @Nickelback #BottomsUp

Inside or outside of the house that Jack built, with or without me & you, porch honk
My halo used to shine when I had the power to shape-shift from man to ghosty head
Above and below the heavenly skin smooth as mortal sin, exciting charge of electric
For the sake of reason & the legacy we all leave when we're gone, can't sing a GD lick.

Born to be free from the chord of the mother yet still under a magic spell of a father
Boys, men, girls & women every culture and everywhere on the planet, suck as gravity
A force to be reckoned with because it will drag your light conscious mind into Never
A place in Time that can never be, an hour in Space that you & I can't spend in a city.

Still we deliver the goods on time, recognize the immortality that's absent in the bones
Body #Woke, mine #Broke but still movin' ahead, movin' on to Ends of the rune stones
Silence to agree with silent noise of the atomic fission and fusion, got Covid from a fox
All of it and some of it and none of it, gonnereah of perspective, outside a batter's box.

Between the rocks and the hard places is where I lived for seven decades, shreddin' it
With or with the instruments of wood and wind, brass and animal skin and bare bone
In a band or recorded in perpetuity on mag tape, vinyl or electronic data, never to see
Spared all of the trouble from the innocent, the good, bad & ugly, yeah you know me.

My bearings are in the middle of freezing from the heat of friction & cherry pie to seize
The moment will be over before you can tell it's hopeless with a dose of a cool freezer
Mama & pop came in like a tornado and left in a hurricane, it's all the same, yes please
Luck of anybody on anthing is a matter of right place being at the right time, a weezer.

Fallen angels & upstanding devils of a leap year holy day, means I got a song to sing
Dreams endings are always the same for the dreamers left behind, the awakeening
It's a matter and form all in your mind, a picture that tells a story, of a real longhair
A few bars and a couple of chords to play the scale, trebble and cleff, a millionaire.

Correction of the pathways obstructions pushing the head forward, close to The Ends
Human or not, this narrow way is the way it is, it was this way 'fore I got here friends
Punks and the hammers who run the 'hoods, the steets of the mean little muthers' Id
Leftover fodder believed a copulation was one's choice but it's just mother nature kid.

You always have to do what you have to do to survive the by and bye or you be extinct
Means to be ready to fight for your life, your belongings, your kin, your friends in synch
Every moment matters, nothing more than two seconds that ticks is important to you
As above, so below to everyone from God's Adam to the newborn, a cosmic beef stew.

Balls and chains rollin' behind me and you like we don't know how to live with the free
Slavery seems to be the pied piper welcomin' the fans into the entrance to hear & see
The sound and light show from the airs beats and echoes from wall to wall, floor high
After the encore, house lights go up and down, mind as well get stone, got cut to fly.

Ain't got the sheet to do, the fleet to be sunk in the pink champagne and pick me up
Higher than the ground of zero and being the living DNA of the Star called Sun, a God
Without It, we don't breathe, oxidate your mindless contents, a cannibal void-vision
Food for thought in big mouths of 32 teeth or less, 2 sets hangin' on for life, Slo-Gin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Wednesday 6-22-2022 Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST 
{ Dusted off my boots & thrust this jam out of my spurs while listenin' to @ChrisStapleton #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Dck-RbRoZEU }

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

#NoCarsForKids #AccidentsNeverHappen #WaitWhat? #TwoBlackDogs #AssTheWorldTurnsBottomsUp ... Want my @Nickelback

what a maroon...
Being in and out of the burger joints to make sure you make it clear to the ended glee
From George to Abe, everything is everything except inside of the holy Singularity See
Cups & bottles to contain the liquid gas, the H2O in #Tongues so oh say can you assist
Bums and junkies have the same bottoms as the resiliant wealthy & poor communists.

Cool your jets and ground the pilots and navigators along with the stewards of fliers' kin
Passengers along for the paid ride along the cosmic trail, every direction of up and down
In and out to the empty space between our ears, we see the ball, we hit & catch it flown
Whether we planned it to be or not to be, we all are here and now, lucky to breathe sin.

At the top of the world, this world that we know, Earth from pole to pole, 'round My H2O
Full or empty of intelligence yet a sentient being, as a slug or snail, moves like a cool head
Younger or older than the first woman on Earth ever was since she was born 22 years old
Mature incubation of the species' survival or extinction is recommended or sperm's dead.

Points made inferred from induced deductions' conclusions, these things are ours, that's all
We've got nothing but the grave ahead and downward bound to boot, in a Jack in The Box
Without me in there, who I used to think that I was is indeed, the lump of ash and gold dust
Left over crowns in the dentures all that's left over for the pirates who will pillage in a fuss.

Perfect yet not necessarily the chaos you'd expect when you are personally out of control
Just The Being Supreme, the only important One you believe that you are, indeed you are
Hidden from you due to the random DNA combinations roaming Earth to kill & eat the car
Half over and around the ellipse of the Earth's planetary sojourn around the Hot As a Star.

Shocking awe, upward to the emptiness & far away from burning love light, all that I am too
Pink inside and darker than blue on the outside, Harold the herald lying like a load of foo foo
Got the musical weapons making vibrations of the Good, the Bad & the grim Uglier than me
It means I'm in a unique position, I'm the only one gonna die when it's time for me, not to be.

So, therefore, then & only then when it's all over, last gasp, mouth agape, eyes wide open, It
A revelation after the facts of life have been spilled like the pork & beans on the campfire pit
Oh man, the women had the XX and all we ever had by chance was the XY, chromosone dice
Dye rolled alone can survive in a vacuum but when the chips are down, a back-up arm is nice.

Drones are programmed only to follow the command and never to adjust the program desire
No free will to choose in the Dronology of metallic configurations of animated antimatter wire
One cell of Life that divides into two cells and those two soon divided into four, All that's a sin
Unconsciously intent of momentum leads from the First Cause to the Black Hole, I'm out & In.

Dreaming sensations as if you're actually right there in 'that' space at 'that' time, all so #Woke
Brought everything to the battle at the end of the war for peace, fought until my mind broke
Like shattered glass falling on grounded DNA fowl, pork, mutton & oxen beef bouillon, as I am
As above as it is below my Father's screaming eagle's flight, grim dawn to dusk, a Door Slams!

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, June XXIst, MMXXII Anno Domini #SummerSolstice #FarFromTheSunSon

{ Jammed while bangin' to @ArmstrongGettyRadio link @ https://radiostationusa.fm/online/talk-650-kste & kickin' some gas around with @Chris_Stapleton link to #Millionaire @ https://youtu.be/MPoN-FNB2V8 }
i am the applicant's dad . . .  & your point?

Monday, June 20, 2022

Alligator legends . . . W O R D U P TRUCK #Mortified #ahoooChooChoo


If you want to desire and need more than your share, just get born against a free will
I tried to abort myself prior to the origin's entry into Light, but I was too GD strong
So strong that not only was I birthed by a wonder-virgin pushed out a window, EEK
Born to be wild, to run & just to be takin' up space for a century give or take a week.

So, television programming shows acting characters pretending to jump out a window
They always survive because they really don't jump to their death, all dead hero fads
As if the Truth is hard to find & when you find it, it's hard to believe, it's Homer's doe
Pointing nowhere, to me, all 360 degrees around the nucleus, in graves' gravity, egads!

Coming to Jesus, Mary & Joseph appear to be ridiculous for the creation-uncreated It
Did I make this up, like a moron, like an idiot, I've fallen for the same old story, etc etc
It'll end & it'll get you down, there's nothing that comes after that, skid road in a sky
Gauge is reading that there's no charge left in the batteries & I'm all out of juice, Bye!

You must go from the day to night without screaming about miscommunication sins
Relax and chill out before you snap an artery or vein in your neck, it feeds your brains
In one ear and out of the other come the words on the air, retain the ID, make a livin'
Ate a chilli relleno at lunch, drank 2 pina colada for lunch, seduced my wife, I'm all in.

Wink at me in a hue of blue not powder or sky or royal or green, it's a lapis lazuli blue
Rock made in the core of the planet and thrust out in an explosion of stored Tiramisu
Cornflakes and crispy rice in and out of the mouths of babes & their babies' of daddy
Gets the money and stamps for the whack smack thrown down for the naked of a city.

Monkeys doin' their thing, dancin' for the food they need to store for late night snacks
The games I played and a game I've hunted & captured while bustin' a move on a mic
All of them players I ran in the streets of asphalt and cement with, they're still here in
Or thereabouts, somewhere they are still pretending they've got the genie in a bottle.

Magic they have little of, but they think and whatever they think, happens in routine
Perfect in or out of the union between us in this gap between heaven & the Void bin
Angels fear to go there but it's The Way, only One free will not to UFO shape or form
Death and the birth are the illusions you live and die with, it ain't my fault, The worm.

Heard a stampede of The Herd begin & get closer than it needed to premature birth
Noise so loud that you couldn't hear anything when the noise ends, watch & read lips
There's the recovery from the jazz that we all immersed in a dysfunctional mortal sin
Fear's an inspiration, The Ways of Id warriors leaking Life's Truth, a Death to begin!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, June XX, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Bent the zone while jammin' to the #FlyGirls dancin' on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BGB2Vm_Msyk }