
Saturday, August 13, 2022

#PapaWasIndeedARollingStone #TheRollingStones #TheTemptations #TheFourTops #LetsRoll #InTheNameOfStones

Loathing with an influx of fear of the light's darkness' flight of invisible chit
Atomic molecular formulations of random designs of fools and idiots, that's It
Nothing more nor less than A Truth you searched for since your terrible twos
Maybe you're 80 now & you still don't know anything about Gods or the blues.

Monkeys and gods made the dogs and there they are, down in front & center
Sun shines down with or without a full, new moon, y'all rolling, blinded stones
Quit squinting when you can't see the things at all, you look far away to a sea
Water of hydrogen & oxygen, happy to come inside & outside my skin & bones.

I'm your master, I'll whip you into shape, you'll have scars but you'll obey It
The rule, the law, the categorical imperative from all intricate philosophic chit
Bleeding over the shore lines into the rivers of life that quench Void's thirst
It is what it is whether you're pleased with that or not, nobody GAF at first.

Then you discover your own personal tune to hum along while you blow TNT
In your mother or father or country full of stranger nuns & priests of glee
Followed the birds when they flew in for the trial, every one of them there
Front or back row seats, same day, same ol' way it's always been over here.

You got everything you gave, if you gave nothing, don't be surprised with God
It's One thing itself that remains when it's said & done, I'll remain the same
In the sunshine or under the rainfall that keeps Death honest with my hotrod
Speed don't kill easy, over a hundred in the quarter mile in a 9 flat requiem.

It didn't hit me until all of my sins against my fathers & brothers were SONS
Of fathers from other fathers, I inherited the boulevard's Irish-Sicilian kiss
I'm never alone, only my 208 bones know that, on fire or as cold as ice tryst
Got screwed roughly & aided by soft-hard strong hands, 8 fingers, 2 thumbs.

Gods & evolved dogs & cats who become extinct as cavemen & ship barnacles
Created and destroyed the things themselves, form & matter, full stop bulls
Fighting for the freaks, the bums & the junkies, champion of the world's hum
Same tone of the flats and sharps, the natural A's, B's & C's make It come.

Dodging the act of the insemination and the whisper of conception, how I got
Here and Now, addicted to the water & air, I'll die in the fog & bullets shot
Out of the rifles and pistols or the cannons and missile silos, I pretend to see
It's all about beat, nothing more nor less than the narrow Way, to be of Me!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, August XIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ No Trouble @Meghan_Trainor link at https://youtu.be/7PCkvCPvDXk #AllTheRightJunkPhotoshopped }
F I N I S 

Friday, August 12, 2022

BOLDLY STONEWALLING, WTF, OVER . . . OnTheJustification of "#PartisonSkulduggery" #HomerRidesThebomba #BloodOnTheHighway #BLOODonTHEfreewayToo

Short period, clicks & ticks on an imaginary circular jerk of retrorocks' yin yang
Prior to the genesis & dissolution of matter that exists in One shape the Kid sang
Heard this the moment you were born & the day you die, forget about it, bull scat
If you're an idiot or a moron, you didn't go through basic training of military chit.

Whippin' up a mob from jerks raised by instructions of preachers like Karl Marx
Followed souls onto their uneven-handed process of being alive on beach parks
Problems occur once you allow Words to be comprehended by innocent minds 
Going to annhilate divinity's dream, whether you're kin like it or not, boom signs.

Amazing Mets beat Cubs, Chicago year that'll live in infamy, jumped upper deck
Happy for old Homer, God's fan jumped up & lost it on a foot long hot-dog's trek
Jumped up in 1999, still I don't have a red Corvette but this is what it sounds like
Private parties' concert cash cows, T-shirts & Hoodies for the bands' tour psyche.

Peaceful war game we need to watch today, right now, don't delay, give it pause
Persuade us all that the unreasonable & illogical is in fact Truth, hands are paws
You know what I'm sayin' & don't lie about it if you're surprised, NOW y'all know
God particle released upon your sons extinct 208 bones, it ain't my fault, so blow.

Unseal the affidavit you liar, twisted truth ain't the Truth but your lyin' re: divinity
Doctors & the Marshalls of Sherwood Forest or Waco, Texish Raid of Mar-a-Lago
Found hard drives with software from the SWAMP ala DC, DOJ hacked I can see
Only Homer Simpson could grasp this irony, maybe Nixon might either way, flee!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, August XIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini at 0700 AMPST
{ Drafted while playin' #AllBoutTheBass @MeganTrainor https://youtu.be/7PCkvCPvDXk }
F I N I S 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

#FishingExpeditionForMOOKS #CoupD'etat

All things that get Mind off of living in the middle of Nothingness, that is a crime
Meaning nothing more nor less than the whole truth & nothing but the Truth, so
It matters that you understand exactly what I'm saying by the words I use to
Show the death is in me, the authorities are me before Space & Time on a dime.

Perfectly sound of mind, the body the bible says we don't need, only a holy flimflam
From another universal 1 or at least somewhere else than this solar system of Man
All too human, a seven year itch went away in fifty years from Tuesday, I'm the most
Less than I desire and more than I need, guys and girls with simple minds rule the roost.

Bums with or without a clean shave from the China White barber who raised prices
Slit the capillaries before they knew that life was nearly over, letting the blood leak
Mothers & fathers with sarcastic points of view versus the whole herd of the bleak
Bleating in the fond flocks and herds that move the Unmoved Mover into sacrafices.

It means nothing more than an ambiguous interpretaton of a fallacious phuq up
Sons of the sons of sailors & marines held the front for the airmen who flew high
Fire of the shock & awe lasts a minute and stays hot for millennia, don't wait up
You will know what we are talkin' about once we tell you what to do, obey or die.

Seven up & cherry cola loses the flatness down in the middle of my belly hole soul
Christ's sake 39 homes explode for no reason, nobody was home, luck of the Irish
It's the anti-matter of Time, ready to compress or implode into the singularity flow
On the epic horizon of the Event, the Origin of the Cosmic Egg, all species', egg, roe.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Auguist XIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1455 PMPST
{ Drafted in a tizzy, watchin' #LoonyTunes link @ https://youtu.be/3vLHelBuTRM }