I fell to the bottom of the barrel with the rest of the monkeys within, matter forms Time
Space is the empty place which we fill up with our food and efused recycled solid slime
Our designed trip was fixed before we arrived, doom will result in entry into the lights
I know what you meant when you said what you said, silence was indeed, prize fights.
I'm in the mix of the mud, the blood and the beer from the bars and lounges of jetsons
Flintstones extinct before fifty years of roamin' around with nothing to do for my sons
Only you know & I know what Jessie James & Billy the Kid were up to, just eatin' lies
That when you die, you'll be saved or sentenced to an unknown valhalla, angels no go.
Kiss and a hug to set you off, that's the last human touch you're gettin' from high leaves
You knew more the day you were born than you do now, after that PhD in nine heaves
Correction of the filthy brothels that the human species used to repopulate society dregs
Apes ain't gonna make it once the black hole sucks the graves bones into oblivion pegs.
Mars to Neptune up to Uranus and blinded by Pluto and rings of Saturn, God blessed
This potato head made the whole shebang without a plan for eternity, just all us Dead
No soul to sit down for a head to head review of actions of the good & evil of my Pa
It's all her fault the legs got spread, that her father created her in sexy love, hairpie Ma.
Buzzards pick up the pieces before the worms and bacteria annhilate the rest of us all
A circle cycle, unicycle, bicycle, tricycle and all recycled to resume Ends of Infinity
What I got I got from someone who gave it to me, I didn't know that I was gifted it all
Dream in a dream that I didn't know was a dream, now I do, it's on now, We Gods See!
r j j stephan, i
c. December 14th, 2022 AD @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted in utter silence within zero gravity on the boulevard Augusta in #Chi}