
Friday, May 05, 2023

#ShoveThatOvertimeUpYOURcan #DrinkInMyHand #SimpleMan#Oneness #LifeAcoustic #BrokenWings


Inside the center of the New World’s series of fake news events to think about
Imagine your true selves inside of the planet’s swirl, on any continent no doubt
All the dirt’s mermaids swim in filed columns, bon Marche ocean’s survival at sea
Extinction of your descendants is imminent so be kind to your neighbor with glee.

Oregon and Washington hippies grew old & morphed into the retired, silver backs
Sucking their paid dues back into their pockets, prepaid by being born here & now
Come on man ,have a drink on me, get high as a blown-away kite, on the up & ups
A meal on wheels if you get dead animals in & out of wrappers, Solo & Dixie cups.

If you get dizzy, you’re probably dehydrated or hypoglycemic, you’re gonna die too
Monsters inside & outside of all front & back doors, set on a windowsill stoop, fool
Inhaled the smoke I never intended to exhale after slappin’ & spankin’ the monkey
Idiots are defined as human beings of irrational birds who can’t fly or ride donkey.

Flew in flocks, to and from the coops, provided by providence & the random chaos
You & I see it, we’re alive within it, astronautical Truth, Life Earth’s cosmic dust, Us
Nobody is exempt, nobody and everybody, we’re all no angels, no evil devil’s dust
As you think you were, before & aft’ yo’ mama bore you as pop’s diamonds & rust.

Wives of husbands never knew what impregnated The Species, a god philosophy
Aliens from Outerspace or Cro-Magnon & Australopithecus evolved, sailin’ at sea
Seven continents as evidence of the H2O drying up in the vacuum, A Void #itches
Put a crease in your slacks, iron the line in front & in back of your head’s stitches.

Monitor the geometry and calculus, it’s a dot & then a line, angle into holy shapes
Of triangles, squares, cryptograms of all sorts, crystal naturalized, neutralized apes
Pick me & you for no reason at all, it’s the luck of the draw, above as below, I know
High above the peak of Mt. Everest, inside the center of Earth’s core, addicts blow.

Higher than I know nothing about, as Nothing is close to my Id wisdom’s barrier
Smoke, drink, inject the venom direct main-line like a well-trained, ape behavior
Orphaned or not, nobody is above a law of nature & being all too human, I fear
Hot air and as cold as ice depending on the angle of the dangle, orbital ellipses

Jagged edge of the plane at the far end of the far side, not too funny to be in pain
Matter, energy merge and we find ourselves right here & right now, my sin’s reign
Depend on this, if I’m conscious at my End I’ll go kicking & screaming to a reward
Being involuntarily conceived, born & raised in a dark hole of my invisible mother.

Bawls to the walls of Jericho and Pink Floyd, the menace of eating us alive voided
Killed, not murdered, preventative self-defense is in order once a breach is in bed
It substacked on our backs, code releases the hounds & hormones into a fake blitz
Beer, all in my head, all of it to end at my brain’s dysfunction, I don’t give a Schlitz.

Heated the ice, melted it into hydrogen & oxygen gas, left over the Black Ice cubes
Exit to the left because the stage is goin’ Finale on y’all & the actors, all the rubes
Created from cosmic dust & an air of concern in orbit around a burning black hole
You’ll see even if you’re blind, naïve, ignorant or just a One, raw diamond, Yo, HO!

r j j stephan, i

c. 5th of the 5th month of the 2,023rd year past ZERO DOOM

{ Castigated from the psyche while listenin’ to @ChildishGambino link @ https://youtu.be/VYOjWnS4cMY & @HOMER the epic poet @ https://youtu.be/eeDtgTKsz48 }

Thursday, May 04, 2023

#ComingInTime @EricChurch #StoneInMyHand @CageTheElephant & @BigSMO @Everlast @Soundgarden


Perfect puns deceiving the living and the dead, all for One & one shot full cup
I'm the One I'm referring to, I'm on this trip, not you, forgive me, just listen up
No more running or bridges bein' burned from the left to The Way, on the right
Monks in rags, eating muffins of mixed plant dust with water, Time is My Fight.

To survive PhD medication of brains malfunctions, you cease & desist prescript
Aliens are both from this planet Earth & outside of this planet's orbit around a star
Fixed to burnout the atoms in due time, a period of infinite duration beyond reason
Rational thought and pure, informal logic is recommended for all as if it’s treason.

But it’s not that thing itself being referred to by Words or conjuring a conceptual ghost
Other than a sound byte of a computer or your brain, Nothing else exists, we’re all of it
Using your abstract thought here & now, you know you’re educated or you’re not at all
It doesn’t matter one way or the other, the good, the bad & the ugly are the last to fall.

Pork and beans to keep you’re life aboard your skin & bones, heat your cold hands too
In the red-hot fire, you’re going to burn if you’ve got the matter, any living burns blue
Rigor mortis a discipline without practice, an end to what began with whimpering poor
It’s just like below where I walk & sit, six feet down under all the way down to the core.

Got some assets for a portfolio, it’s a multimillion-dollar theft of wealth from holy gods
Nobody knows who is responsible for this fiasco, but someone is going to pay dearly buds
Any evidence is void, no knowing anything about the Truth about Nature & Existence time
Birds, mammals, every animal & plant on this planet will not survive their solo flight crime.

An original sin to be a man or a woman, born to a virgin or not, there’s no possible good book
A precious smile from my darling that I’ve love so long, it’s too early to tell how long I took
To come around to the proper and correct, indisputable answer to the question, this all rhymes
On to Tennessee whiskey in a jigger, poppin’ ‘em back on the bartender’s wood ‘bout 7 times.

Homer his & dead friends & enemies said whatever he said but now they’re all dead, we’ll all be
Saying the same & not knowing why, that’s life, it’s what all of the people say, not out loud I see
It is under the breath or a thought passing before blinded two eyes of comprehension, Mum Mum
You were always the word that’s UP, can’t take it down or copy its inner soul meat, I play dumb.

Gold teeth all paid for by the skin of my teeth, as you would have done if you received the metal
Not so heavy as the bricks of bullion yet valued at its ultimate worth, invaluable or worthless pal
Oliver Hardy and the Stan Laurel comedy team caused my laughter development, made me smile
Whether funny because of absurdity of thought or slapstick trippin’ on nothing but a staged pile.

Woman or man, all too human, yet above the rats and roaches whose souls all have the same end
Dark where the sun doesn’t shine, conscious mind turned off the signals, time to jump is all done
On a scale of One through Ten, Ten’s the worst, how you feel while awake is no doubt a big One
I am a One, if you’re two to ten, sorry, not sorry, it ain’t my fault, reincarnate, try, try, try again.

r j j stephan, I  

c. 5-4-23 AD @ 3:33 on the dots, #MayTheFourthBeWithYouToo #AdInfinitum
{ Drafted jammin’ to #SadGirl https://youtu.be/AuZQRvD8RBM by @Everlast & @HOMER #TheEpicPoet link @ https://youtu.be/eeDtgTKsz48 }

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

#Charms #Jewels #ScrapedScrapsOfDNA #Whacked #CommunityGuideLines #DANGER #DANGER #DANGER


Don’t look at me like that and make me feel as if ‘evil’ spelled backwards is ‘live’
Oh wait, that’s true, but anyways, that’s a coincidence ol’ buddy, a cool hand jive
Given as the gathered tripe for the minions to digest before their time expires chit
It’s all set, the amount of days & nights we all get, it’s indisputable & you know it.

Common ground of the star dirt called planet Earth is the cinder of the glory hole
Where you’ll wind up when you get to heaven or hell, repeat ad infinitum, skoal!
You were always right and I was always right as well, we couldn’t see Truth be told
I’m gonna drop a dime on you before you know it, we won’t see it come, it’s Gold!

Dollar bills or trading wives for the stuff that robs your presence of its effulgence
Get your ratz-arse inside the maze where it belongs, there’s no exit, no way son
You’ll remain & survive until your heart ceases the pump, the beat of animation
Recollect preconception’s presence & you’ll achieve the trophy for participation.

Holy names of the Americans, both the South & the North, involve pagan babel
It ain’t even my fault yet I feel personal responsibility for the deception of #Hehl
Threat of punishment for disobedience of duplicitous ethics to obey commands
Imprisoned or executed, spicy times, in effigy, now you know, y’all too humane.

Here’s the Way of the Idiot, I know this intimately from experience, it’s Fydor’s
Imagery on the screen inside of your cranium upon your retina display, laughing
It’s a comedy and a tragedy that you don’t know it’s more funny than fathering
As if deposits into a void means anything more than that, leftover behind doors.

Answers to the problems, the questions require solutions, it is the drama of gods
Silly fools breaking the faces of the dead and gone, historical wreckage of hot rods
Here & now, the drill is going to end in victory, you will stop breathing air in & out
That’s the plan, lucky to be formed-matter, enjoy the ride, believe it, I Am Doubt!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 5-3-23 AD @ 711 AMPST

{ Jammed jammin’ to @MontgomeryGentry #SheCouldntChangeMe link @https://youtu.be/1tb1ngTYl60 & perusing @Armstrong_Getty’s fabulous audio experience @kste650AM, everyday M-F 6-10 AMPST or #podcast 24/7 link @ Armstrong & Getty On Demand ♫ @iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/the-armstrong-and-getty-show-20474616/?cmp=web_share&embed=true }

