
Monday, May 29, 2023

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO THOSE WHO GAVE IT ALL! #HappyToGetBackHomeWithMySkullAndBones #VietnamSqirmish 71-75 #SometimesWeCryBabyJ


Mortal sins against nobody but me, myself & I, no good God in me, come on man
At the final end when your bones & blood go down in fire & ice, One’s in the can
Meaning nothing you can do about it all, it’s a cause & effect of rock & roll teat
Holy milk cows put into the DNA position of being hamburgers on a hot grill spit.

Feared boo of the boogie men who interrupted your & my path’s crossroad pass
You and all of us others you are not related to other than the atomic anti-matter
Know who you are and you’re half-way there, in the final end, eyes will all see it
The truth only hurts if you have feelings without a body or soul, ain’t no s#it skit.

Stay with me now, it’s not just a random scree about reality of a third kind
Killer doves of peace & war making treaties to be broken in fair downwind
Just because you & yours think you’re prettier than the other tribal cluster
Burnt & consumed into the Ether, where goddesses get their kicks, yes sir.

Blunders occurred on my watch, keeping a look-out was a good forty winks
Not this day, the harbor of Pearl was found to be the noose-necklace of finks
No need to cast aspersions so we’ll leave it at that, if the shoe fits, pay dues
Boss, you know & I know, it’s all in the alleys, in the streets, on the avenues.

Money ain’t easy to get, it’s Fool’s Gold on printed paper, circular jerk love
Laws created controls, a Base Exchange of big bangs for bucks below above
Of peace and the war of the winners & losers who know they’re all gonna die
Today, tomorrow, some millions yesterday, all gone, finished, caput, let's fly!

Gods are never responsible for the accidental collisions of planetary cosmic dust
Everybody has sacrificed all goods of labor fruit to unknown nothingness’ K-kiss
Shoes, socks, two feet down & out of bounds, a leg to stand inside a divine door
Out in the open, right in front of my very eyes, while lookin’ at me in the mirror.

Banks full of the gold-fingered blood, sweat & tears of wonderful dead papas
Last gasp of wind into your esophagus before you let the ghost loose, all recall
It’s a memory of the Past in the Future that you can’t remember, dead mamas
All the greater & grand ones, even single, old & young ones, god means: I Am!

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, Memorial Day, May 29th, 2023 A.D.  #SomeGaveItAll
 {What it means is people died, because people lied!  Don’t kid yourself with the pompous pretension, just all about the sexy girls that the dead warriors never got to come home to… drafted while listenin’ to #SexyGirl & #Hits by @GlennFrey link @ https://youtu.be/v1f-PP8WPGc}


Sunday, May 28, 2023

#YouCouldHaveReadMyMind #ButYouDidnt #JellyBeansAllInTheOceansSugar

Copycat of the DNA genetic code of the group of aliens on the dark side
Life on dirty Earth is far better being alive with the bones, above or below
It’s all much better than the empty space above & all around the dirt ball
Rocky roads rockin’ our hearts, mind-souls until the last outfit, that’s all!

It can’t all be just this, this is good but there’s got to be somethin’ better, eh
Nothing at all but the impression I got from the orphan child, never was cool
Constantly without breaks in the scenes, the life is what it is my brothers funk
The incident itself, it’s the thing itself that we all are, aliens to the God punks.

Descended from mud, blood & Nutbush brew, vintage vino & whitey blow
Disguised as the hippies and the beatniks who cared about the lower high
Below the underground down at the core of the beings who left us all dry
Out of cool salt water, fresh water & hot, polluted sewer water, UFO H2O.

I got nothing & you’ve got it all, according to your hippin’ hoppin’ in the zone
Twilight chill, colder as a witch’s hot teat, nothing’s free but ‘bama cell phone
Fill up with the Fool, dead flowers of THC from the tropical zone, Maui all blue
Deceit unto my eyes, both uptown & downtown, there’s danger on Rush Rue.

In the West, South, North or Far East, there’s free will here & now, all my way
I remembered what I’d forgotten for the last six decades, I was still ten, all day
Fell down & out a computer window, jumped twilight zones, evil genius amigo
Rushed to Emergency, too late be revived, dead in a box of ash, Homer Doah!

Had no platinum rock and roll, so she looked far away, didn’t care, diamondback
Snakes slither in & out the creator’s UFO’s born & raised in a holler back The Zen
Girl & boy, make moot points, overpopulate & expire in a puff, extinct Hydrogen
Troops just the motherless children, yellin’ like they can’t hunt the game, Track!

Flippin’ the Word from the soft to the hard as it was & always will be, What up?
Where’re the alligators now? I mean it’s later right now, y’all busted, spilt wine
All over the top shelf of the bottom floor, stain rug, cover-up a hurting scenario
I cut the rug, so what’s your dancin’ named? Fax of Life, my mama naturally, yo!

I got my yellow cake with the Philly cream cheese frosting, stacked my presents
Birthday celebration on the seventh decades days & nights, a speeding wagon
Red Flyer four-wheels and a steering handle for one-legged, shoe-foot dragging
At sea, any of seven of them or the dirty rocks we call planet Earth, I’m singing!

If I want your hands and your head upon me, I’ll let you know, if I don’t, back off
No threats comin’ out of me, I back up my Word, it’s silent & quite as bad as golf
On the run or just walkin’ away in silence without a trail to follow, I vanish, son
Ghost & spirit, nobody but two in the bush, I’m invisible Space-Time, have fun!

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, @911 AMPST #FiveTwentyEight #TwoThousandTwentyThree A.D.
{ Trapped WORD this AM, as above, oh so below, #Roots radio jammin’ link @ https://youtu.be/H6b9yGRSJso }


Saturday, May 27, 2023

#AlanWatts & #FiletGumbo #RicePrinterFromHades #LooseLipsSingShips

Y’all were never, ever missing anything you couldn’t do without, it’s all about War
No peace can ever be achieved by the conglomeration of the species’ DNA’s star
From the eyes or the odor-sensitive poly nasal passages, higher than a kite, I can
Wind up the map and take the rolled up directions to the bloody, iron steely dan.

Time is up, time out for everybody on every game field, expired infield & outfield
Watch and see the development, right before your very eyes, it’s a miracle’s shield
To cover my eyes & my vital organs between my head and thighs, it’s all real good
It has to be good because the alternative is either bad or evil, it could be my food.

I laid my hat everywhere I felt home circa 1971 ‘til 2022, played chess checkmated
Checked them & knocked the minions off of the board’s sixty-six squared & dated
Pawns behind at the front line’s defense, a good offense as above, so below flicks
Jacks & Jyls of all trades, maids in a row or tenders of the bars, just for the tricks.

Apes’ bones appear to be prehuman or posthuman, maybe both or neither, son
Range of life span for this life on Earth as we know it is between a zillion & one
Over and out of the Def-Com, in jest the whole shebang rolls like it’s hot cocoa
But it’s not, there’s a sweet, sugar bloody panic to terminate the river’s upflow.

New mink coats and diamond rings along with the jazz & blues’ backbeats silk
Off to the finish line, ‘round a final counter-clockwise turn, right on oozing milk
Horses, dogs or people, around they go, where it stops, nobody but God knows
Florida to Alabama & Mississippi & Louisiana, finally New Mexico, the AZ & CA.

I could have laid down and died a long time ago but my extinction wasn’t the chit
As if it ever could be, The Way with all the wonderful chit happening everywhere
Of America & it’s satellites on 7 continents, full of peace’s love or simply God’s sin
To be or not to be smack dab in the middle of the road, shebang comes to fruition.

Gargantuan models of promiscuous behavior causing broken balls & innocence
Too good to pretend that evil is anything but the scat that don’t go, mortal sins
Wish nobody had to recognize the facts of life, this accident is no divinity’s fizz
Mississippi River runs south to the equator, Amazon River to north, What it IS.?

Terror here and now before you meet your maker again, your father & mother
Both too high in heaven to see with my own two eyes, four with black shades
Swimming, climbing, flying, running, crawling, digging down deep diving her
Mother Nature and my own birth mama both had the egg, hatched me here.

There’s one way out, beautiful or not, it’s a holy, body-soul of a slow curve
Pitching in retrospect, it all comes down to the first to come & first to serve
Train rolls, get on or get off, no choice when you’ve done somebody wrong
Unintentional, flagrant fouls get the penalty, I think I heard it in a love song.

Paws off the ground, climbed high in the tall tree, top shelf flowers’ apex
Filled with the grace of the empty, vast Void of mystic fears of the perplex
On the job, on a knob, on trigger-finger to get ahead & win the game’s pot
All in or all out, alive or dead, eyes wide-open revolution, love’s what I got!

Free to die and to live like your ancestors, like ain’t no tomorrow at all, Man!
If you have that stone blind faith then why can’t you believe in heaven, blind?
In front of your face even if blinded by blacklight, you dread poetry, I’m a fan
Geometric, algebraic, triangulated in Trigonometric dots, a Calculus function.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, May 27th, 2023 A.D. @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted during existence while being enlightened by @AlanWatts lecture link @ https://youtu.be/ivTYfOWXLmw }