
Saturday, June 01, 2024

#SomethingToTalkAbout @BonnieRaitt LOOKIN' BAD IF I SAY SO MYSELF, I'M THE SLICKEST THEY IS?" #WillieSmith #WillieNelson #CHECKTHEWILDDOUBLEYOUEESTEE #EvolutionWildWildWest #CherryBombers


Justice is a ham samich if it’s anything at all, good’s bad & ugly’s beautiful, bad to the bone
All the spoils which are merely the thing itself’s matter in subatomic formation, single file
Before the trail was purged from the wilderness, all too human, as divinity’s smoke is high
Her time is here & now with me, Love in heart & soul in raw war to bleed the rolling stones.

Doom appeared as a nirvanic paradise standing alone, denizens who consume defecations
Swallowing the #6 hooks of 8 test fishing line, respectable to shake it off the overlord breed
Microscopic insights you can’t hear much less see, common as extraordinary women nuns
Hot fudge consumed, beer drunk, top of the heap’s ­reflection of an invisible spark in a fire.

Certainty that we’ll fill Earth’s space with loaned calcium chunks of cancelled RNA/DNA
Why the accidental conceptions occurred is the crux of the conundrum, reason for being
If you have no reason to be alive, you may as well die & conserve LIFE for the rest of us all
You’ll be able to qualify for nothing after-death like everyone else, God laughed, y’all fell.

A dragon breathes the same fire you do, you have no power to heat it up to perform a burn
Spark would be more than anyone could ask for but it’s the necessary condition to learn
How to cause an effect as intended & survive a cause of another effect another day or two
Compensation given as alms for the confrontation, to be or not to be the one I knew too.

Millions of digital additions to my enormous portfolio, search for a rainbow, deserving kids
Be ready for the waterfall’s power to pound sand into a pulverized pile of stardust ashes
Supporter and fanatic follower of the fame and scent of success in the middle of blazes
On fire for as long as there’s atoms to consume, I drown now & then in the purple hazes.

Pretension of the mensch is that you have control of the ground of Being, come on man
There’s a complex simplicity within souls invisible to naked eyes of being all too human
Idiotic morons born to all women raped by men most ignorant of wisdom’s cosmic dust
Run all ancient & modern civilizations with or without you & me, Love’s prayer, sex, lust.

Dragons upset below the nightmare Earthquake now, shakin’ the ground, what you forgot
It’s revolving & rotating not to mention wobbling, let it be honest, powerful, miraculous hot
Gods perfected the sexual healing acts that propagate the families of viral bacteria carriers
Ancestors evolved out of bacteria, learned conceptual analysis & extinguished monsters.

Here for New York minutes & only your ignorance of how to be a bully works in public eyes
Pulse resonance, magnetic frequency vibrations are good & bad, it depends on the forces
Hard or soft to touch, sight unseen, sound unheard, tasted live is evil, live double reverses
Smell the scent of the Unknown, it’s neither sweet nor sour tasting, nothing is just my size.

Found what I searched for in the mass, volume is zero over zero fractionalized, cinematic
Negative vibrations sensed by the poor dogs and cats, you have a halo or an uncool vibe
Systematic journey from conception to annihilation of the thing itself that causes all Life
Ignorance for all, enlightenment of whatever came before the Big Bang, fight with a knife.

Animation of Life on Earth is inside of your head, that’s life, that’s reality’s crusader feats
All over when it’s over, neither heaven with the gods nor hell with the mind deceiver teats
Mark my words, my mother used to say that, forcing me to recall it decades after the fall
Stolen thought behind the sound, that it’s Life, it’s all about me & you and what y’all bawl.

Effect of a First Cause of Life, mitotic and meiotic subdivisions of cellular multiplication
That is what it’s all about, the Effect of the First Cause is just this, that’s all there is, Sin
That’s the strength of disobedience to almighty laws of a universe, punishment rhymes
As it is above, so it is below us, conclusions are inductive/deductive at identical times.

Mental & physical without psychic content, it’s the creation of the creator, soulless ego
Tremendous pressure by the time it’s all over and the rigor mortis solves the dilemma foe
Many of everyone’s other than you deep down inside, all the same in Time and Space, Up
Annoyance of angels and mortified nekid-apes at a concert’s smooth repayment in a cup.

Binge until the undeniable threat presents itself, Life wants you dead in the end, freedom
That’s all there is for real, without freedom that means it’s slavery to the master of Doom
Before you & I were born & raised in the city & out in the backwoods country, bang, zoom
Open mind, Death means it’s a holy deadline, wake up to be woke, dragon, go get some!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST

( Cream of the Crop drafted while jammin’ to #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt?  In an infinite loop link @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=O60_evdjTcES9jrf }



Thursday, May 30, 2024

#HeyNow #AllYouSinnersMonsters #Santana #ZZTop #LynyrdSkyrd #Form #Function #Fondue #FourDEADinOHIO #CSNY #TimingIsEverything #RightBaby? #HillbillyDeluxe @BrooksAndDunne

You flow or you’re stagnant by the rock & silt that block the narrow way, river bent
Full of the emptiness of interstellar space, a Void of unimaginable, infinite masses
It is more than enough to blow your top because it’s your own time to die in a fizz
Lucky if it was gin but it’ll probably be a disintegrating bubble of gas’ bubble of jazz.

Stones in my hands used to be the buildings above & below the ground of dark blue sky
On board or overboard, I need nothing but the air between me & a fish-target bullseye
Important or not, it’s just a pastime while waiting for the last gasp, cast & dropped a fly
Cancer or accidental smashing below a boulder fallen from a broken off-chopped cliff.

Caring neither for seed nor the fruit of the vines, weakness & hunger better than a Jones
Bartender filled me up ‘til closing time, 2:00 AM again, time for sleepy work’s cell phones
You know what I know since you knew before I even suspected, that I was a whiff of dead
Stagnant balls in your belly comin’ my way for the end of your engagement, bloody head.

You ain’t my brother or sister you abandoned piece of dope, smoke or swallowed powder
You better listen for the rat-a-tat-tat that the apes leave behind their wake, clam chowder
Left over cold as ice with chunks of the dead lives of sea life, crackers kill the shock & awe
Without the dead lives of our brothers & sisters of other species, it’s all about my squaw.

I thought I could move around here & there without her, I can’t do it, she’s out of sight too
Stood in the middle of nowhere so long, I thought it was all that there ever was, y’all blew
From this place, here & now to eternity’s trip to an imaginary spin of Earth’s retrograde spin
Wobbling around a finite infinity, we’ll roll around on the course, last gasp, I got it, #TheFin.

Long & lonely pathway between the macrocosmic microcosm, cartage before horse hooves
Invented a wheely for the tire, load carriers injected in a vacant hole, two in a rollin’ dance
Of wooden, metal, rubber & paper wads of all filthy elements, burn dead meat night moves
Weaponry tools, execute in self-defense & necessary & sufficient tools for herd sustenance.

Being alive on Earth is all there is, outside of Earth, nothing exists above or below us all
Dog is God spelled in reverse but it’s a mere coincidence, there’s no reason for the word
For once in my supernatural life, there’s a shaman inside of my face shedding the grace
Five’ll get y’all ten, your conscience is the organ of your living soul, dreaming interface.

Enochian Metatron angels on high as well as in function of the calculus, creepy below it
Since supernatural is what the matrix finds within itself, that’s all there is, high and low
Here now it’s then, no time like the present because the moment it comes it’s all gone
Nothing you nor I are allowed to do anything more nor less than the denizens of bone.

All 208 of them we possess from head to toe, inside lust for life to be gutted, alien food
Boned humans once they hunt & cook us well, we don’t eat them, they flourish so good
Identity theft through the interjection of subjects & objects in hush money predication
Failure to communicate with me is now a fait a complet & the finale is original fake sin.

What you are, who you are now & then in the past yet not who you will be tomorrow
Essence that preceded your & my existences, all of y’all I’m wanting to take a deep bow
Deserved for performing as all creation has been programmed to function for survival
Uptown, downtown, countryside, deep woods, above or below reality, y’all had a Fall.

In the prolegomena of the hyper-future of the species, beginnings are a windy city sea
A lake of great sorts, one of five named after the tribes who survived the big bang tree
Of knowledge exhibiting the good, bad & ugly of being all too human, humanity to quit
In post mortem awareness, nothing is left to contain the guilt, indeed, I Am, too legit!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, May XXXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Conflated before sunrise boulevard woke up the greenback lane-full of bovine scat which cannot be dammed-up, the flow link @ https://youtu.be/BvXj7NSLvkg?si=bm01X62JbGB59pqf }

Monday, May 27, 2024

#Kiss? ... The Muse has spoken with the pen/sword! #Stop #Look #Listen @Elvis #ELVIS

What I said the long day I was born, I can’t recall the exact thought but ‘twas dark, man
Freedom cost for me is everything I got, I’m the gift from above, as it is way down below
.409 cubed, little deuce coupe, under the hood disguise by a 1962 body’s dual quad, I see
Hottie, top tin can fuel-injected all in my mind when my father said I’d wipe out in a ‘63.

Freedom & slavery are words referring to happiness or sadness, creepy, holy old souls
These guys are all dead & gone, they left marks upon cold terrain in a heap of hot coals
Bringing the load on your back will break it, so use the tools of the all too human mind
Let the beasts of burden carry the overloads until they shut down, then a BBQ unkind.

Hunger for the things to chew and swallow, fuel burned calories to animate your bones
If you don’t keep moving your 208 linked-up skull-to-toe chunks, they’ll require a moan
Neither more nor less is the case, all here today & we’ll be gone tomorrow, son, oh son
Freedom is liberation from linked chains you gravitated toward, accident-malfunction.

Fools merely evolved amusement of subatomic collisions in a Void, as above so below
Freaks collected into a pool of acid in a cytoplasmic trap, be strong to survive the flow
Freedom is all we ever needed, everything we’ve wanted was all angels left, this bliss
Foment a foaming at unleashed mouths, distill the moisture, transform a French kiss.

By the narrow way we move in and out of the trip upon your mother’s innards, a hotrod
As we know it or not, just a mortality experience of a forgotten flash of pure nonsense
Nothing more you can do about it other than know that existence precedes an essence
Whatever we are, the unknown that preceded our appearance is really the Void of God.

Linguistic predication of subjective objects, it is done, 20/20 visionary, third-eye blind
I am both in and out of the dream within the dream, your mind is nothing for me to find
I got mine, I hope you’ve got yours, one way or another, it’s a pearl prize, old man, see?
Blackish white, invisible to tiny ones blinded by starlight, ultraviolet-infrared ain’t free.

For the third and last time, I’m falling from some plateau above or below heaven’s gate
All there is left is my consciousness, 208 bones have atrophied to be an atrocity of fate
So tiny it’s invisible to the all too human eyeballs, so huge it’s unimaginable to all DNA
Starve & die of thirst is a way to go, other ways are a myriad of permutation, eggs of RA.

Mothers before fathers, rules and regulations enhance the survival of the fittest, y’all’s
Only females know the inseminator, the progeny are the downloads of paupers’ royals
Kings & princes, dead-lines from the most devious & strong, hysterical in-bred sapiens
Extinction announcement, cut the air & the water, all stupide become holy has-beens.

Beanstalk will grow from seed & fall back to a grave of Doom, anti-gravitational gravy
Imagine or perceive reality to be what eyesight, hearing, tasting, smelling & feeling do
Everything else is the trajectory of possible probabilities, a finite conclusion of infinity
What I am, who you are, what this is that’ll kill us in the end, this Life, crack of the sea!

For what it’s worth, the First Cause of me & you is unknown, invisible yet indivisible so
Do what you can to avoid having any children who’ll reproduce themselves, just blow
Up or down from top to the bottom of the cube’s six square sides of 90-degreed angles
Immense propensity for compression into the golden lead leftovers of the Big Bangles.

It’s something that appears on the stage now and then, you are that something, DNA’d
Premises assumed to be true lead to contingent conclusions which are literally untrue
Garbage into a disseminator leads to garbage coming from an inseminator, @unethical
If you know that you know, you may be mistaken because of the herd’s misleading call.

End of the world is your end, keep it in mind 24/7 to ease you into the Reality of a Void
You can’t get out of the operation now, it’s in motion, follow orders & become a droid
Free will & love have nothing to do with it other than the mind-control of a woke bloke
Nobody gets afterlife, nobody gets out of life alive, corpus dillecti for all, I Am Smoke.

Nevada to Carolina, windward to America from the Atlantic Sea, just oceanic fake glee
3/5th’s of the Earth’s matter is H2O gas of a liquid nature, naturally polluted with death
Living die, that’s Life, all it’s cracked up to be is a minute on Time-lines of Infinity’s tree
Rolled the die, marbles & mumbley-peg played for the whole shebang, I am my wraith.
r j j stephan, i
 c.  Lundi, May XXVIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Concocted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #HITS link @ https://www.youtube.com/live/41vMbny2bz8?si=pAzAllifdTCo7A8m  & @ZZTOP concert/LIVE 2024 }
