
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Just before the final blast of Time and Space hit the bay, I saw the Flash that ended the day
Night came without streetlights, without skyline glow and without the cell life as we knew it
Still got the wheels to roll but I ain’t there anymore, to drive it crazy, to and fro, what’d I say
Some monsters of men killed all of the DNA and nothing moves the acid trip into God’s spit.

Bringing all you have to the table, that’s nothing at all, you’ve got neither health nor wealth
If you breathe you’ve got all you can get, it’s never easy when you’ve got to beg to be in a race
Without a house or a home, no corner or anyplace to relax for a moment, to reflect on death
Not because of a desire but of a need to know why life exists down here, in outer-inner space.

So, mom and pop dump you and I without notice other than a “Get out of my house!” echo
Then and only then you become a man or a woman, lost in space without a rudder, in a hole
White Hole brighter than the Black Hole but only because it doesn’t suck the graves clean
Of men and their bones left to melt or rot, in a bushel or a peck without spirit, with no soul.

Calculate a million from a million, subtract the whole from the whole and you become Holy
It’s what we all came here in these forms to do, figure out what this is, this life of soul folly
Putting in and taking out all that you were given, all that you had until there was nothing left
A thing itself, these people, US and THEM see the final green flash, we’re stone-blind n’ deaf.

We’ve borders in four corners of the world, north and south of the equator, on the seven seas
To keep out the killers of the politics, there are warriors and walls to stop or kill the invaders
In a divine mover’s mind, the body of the anima is sacrosanct, Hollywood star in syncopation
Persons and places gone and silence is the last god left to justify a slow ride to reverse No sin.

r j j stephan, i { Beware of a #GreenFlash at the event horizon, if you see it, it’s too late! }
c. June 24, 2018 @ 5:30 AM PST
{ written while listenin’ to the divine mind-numbing, “Beautiful Piano Music 24/7” link @ https://youtu.be/y7e-GC6oGhg }

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