Richard Joseph Stephan Friday, July 13, 2018
Civilization of humanity, stuck the men, the boys, the girls who grow into the tax-you gang
Who defend Freedom, kickin’ in the barn, little feet over size #7, in a deep pocket blowhole
Took all the jobs and shoved them, the herd heard with their ears, they hear the gong bong
Filling the creator’s Void, empty pocket is impossible, it’s full of emptiness and a rubber soul.
Pumped up muscles, young and strong, energy and drive to be the best, to become the One
There’s where the Many reside, All for One and One for All, two, three or four musketeers
Grabbing the babies who are born to the unfocused, uncivilized parents or ‘parent’ is a rash
For the boss of their life, the people who reward your labor with a paper check of the cache.
Is it really an accident that the mantra isn’t generating peace and love, sharing the free-fall
I don’t think that can be proven or disproven but it’s an important point for the sake of all
You have the high hopes of the dreamers who live under a tyrant’s rule, island or province
All humanity want to be taken care of by the Big Daddy in the sky or a POTUS’ footprints.
Today may be rainy, dark or light and sunny but tonight like magic, it’ll now prestidigitate
Rolling and rocking not even felt by any of the residents upon or below the burned as#es
Leftovers from the #Fire that was the origin of the petroleum we use to combust our fate
In a deep, wet dream or just praying that there’s a Creator who cares, holes, women, ashes.
How did the ignorant, young idiot pay attention to the language long enough to feed the face
The meaning of life, maybe Monty Python and Benny Hill Funny Videos shed the ultraviolet
Disguised as the infrared wavelength, unseen yet present at all times, everywhere void, Space
Minds born to xy-zygotes, DNA’s size #0 to#7, All of It’s alone, a Divinity’s empty-mind-set.
r j j stephan, i { If you don’t know what the HEADER is a representation of, just forgetaboutit! You already did right? Yep, yep. Google Iwo Jima! }

c. July 13, #FridayTheThirteenth, 2018 AD @ 5:11 AM PST
{ consolidated the random stimuli into the inferior scat preceding this bovine excrement and all the while being entertained by Curtis Mayfield #SweetExorcist “To Be Invisible” & HITS on youTube link @ }
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