When the time comes for silence and no reason to express yourself any longer, moot it
Nobody including your only friend can listen to the Truth, over again, ad infinitum fit
No comfort from above or below this apparent globule of rock and filth, waste desserts
Tightened up in the middle of the core, ready to explode into #SuperNova, God flirts.
With the human girls and women who are discontented with the seed of Adam n’ Cain
Mating with the two first guys, one being a prototype and the other the yoke of an egg
That is all you need to know about why this world, this reality, your and my perception
Is a fog that cannot be seen through to any other side, in the dark or the light, reverend.
High priest-philosophers #Apedom kingdom best paws forward, stuck-up in spiders webs
Nobody is going to get out of here and now alive, with or without a soul, animate holy Zeus
For no other reason than to hunt, kill, eat, mate, hunt, kill, eat, devil-dog sleeps until it dies
Watch television? Listen to #TalkRadio? Play games on the internet’s #WorldWideWeb?
Finally near the finale and the structure erected on an invisible foundation of holographics
Forms and shapes of the things themselves which we refer to with language, to be a human
Without the awareness of the way to communicate the culture, we are as the rats’ve become
Our fortune from Hollywood, California to New York, New York is not luck, Cosmos is sick.
Pain and suffering from the first hurting, cut nerves, damages nerves, demented old mind
Thinking with logic and reason for the sake of the World, to be the voice of a species’ kind
Survival of the most fit with the most variation in skills and ability to assimilate a ho, jackass
It is after all’s said and done, my human genome moving upon Earth, in #TwilightZone pass.
r j j stephan, i
c. 8-1-2018 Mercredi @ 13:40 hours
{ DRAFTED in 26 minutes TODAY & jammin’ on the #OldenDaze of my youth #ExpressYourself #SillyLittleGirl
📷 Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band - Topic Published on Jan 23, 2017 #YAllDoIt https://youtu.be/p_j4J1WKzXI & https://youtu.be/cZ_p66zi7hU }

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