
Sunday, December 09, 2018

#CannotQuitTilWeGetToTheOtherSide #WeKeepRollinOn #LetsRoll ! #ChopChop #PedalToTheMetal #TrafficMovinWayTooSlow

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 9, 2018
Being, as such is the issue, #TatTvamAsi survival of the fittest motto requires, don’t be food!
Procrastinate to become the Way to avoid species extinction of atoms’ run of neutrino blood
All the RNA genes within the bone marrow adjusts Rock to become alive in AM radioactivity
Timing’s blind faith, God’s more than a fake hole in a faux-holy matrix of antimatter Energy.

That is the only way to efficiently survive on the grounds, where the strong go with weaponry
Biggest swords, loudest booms and the spectacular planetary species, hairless, naked history
From Day One’s origin of the Sun, a universal Big Bang and bada-bing, bada-boom, it’s over
Just when you think you got it all figured out, All’s in Space but you it’s a secret, I am covert!

Keep up with me, listen carefully to the musical sound of the pictures rollin’ in above heaven
Hell to pay and it’s hotter than a six-shooter after an OK coral gunfight, freemen vs. lawmen
Companions and cousins, grey and blue, in shining or in black armor to fight to a finish blow
Drawn from sea to shining sea, in an imaginary mind’s map of a place that angels fear to go.

Stayin’ out of the burial grounds where bones wind up hidden underground like the rebels
Angels and demons spent the gold and silver on my genius’ miracle in the middle of empties
Bottles and cans, jugs and reservoirs of the Hydrogen and Oxygen, repeat ad infinitum, seize
If and only if you follow the inductions to the deduction, then you’ll wake the fugue-up. tease.

Dyin’ to get my point across which is pointless in the Big Picture of the hallucination, I am It
This is all there is from heaven, I hope you get what you have faith in, All’s buried in dog-chit
Send Love #Nauts to find the Truth gas of #Earth, a #BlueMoon and #Mars’ new SingSings
Bad, animated acid to reproduce a wunderkind of Red Sea Dead daughters’ of ding-a-lings.

Queens, kings and paupers spunk mingling blues with rhythm’s soul-matter, It Is All! Over!
Need nothing but the happiness that makes mankind go, run out of it and you’re in the clover
Dreamin’ sweet, bad or good really has #Little to do with #It other than your mama’s dreams

r j j stephan, i { *Header’s a place of angel rest in #SouthernRioLinda Delpaso Heights..., #California, where #Death plays for #Keeps! }
c. FREEZEMBER NINE, 2018 A.D. @ 7:77 AM PST #GetItStraight
{ drafted while listenin’ to critical music of #TheMeaningOfLife #ItsChristmasInHeaven on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kntQNeSge5s }

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