

Thursday, June 20, 2019

@JoanJett @ZZTop @MidnightOil

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Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, June 20, 2019
Begin at the end, where angels fear to go my friends, A MAN was born to reverse engineer US
New men and old women trying to be the olden ways they’ve been since their diaper day trust
Where the games get played and the citizens play on one another, a real man comes to stop it
Morons and idiots triumphed to the 535 members of our “Homeland Security” in error, F me!

Fortunate or just opportunist matters not one twit, not one tweet, not one post on a face tome
Washington said, if you wake up and you are #POTUS in the #WhiteHouse, you’re The Man
Every POTUS from the first one to the present one is the top dog of the military generals talk
MidnightOil619l burns brightly until it’s returned to the #312, prepare for home’s long walk.

We need wants and desires of the people to coincide with the founding fathers’ freedom force
Aliens are anyone who was not born and raised in the USA and the citizens of the world ARE!
They cannot depart their own country to come to the USA unless they are SENT by the CASH
Sealed borders, north, east, south and wild west will change the tragedy of the Trojan Horse.

When the food and the water turn into the refused and recycled human autoimmune wrecks
I will pretend that you are not an idiot or a moron as we all induce/deduce conclusive specs
Agreement is not required by the Earth’s wobble, revolution and orbit around a Holly Wood
Asleep in a terminal coma, divine and all too human, supreme bill of rights, we’re #AllGood.

r j j stephan, i *When the generals talk, you better do what they say...” - The Midnight Oil
c. June 20, 2019 A.D. @ 4:20 AM CST
{ drafted for #Reelection while listenin’ to #MidnightOil on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mqP61lGsXOM }

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