
Friday, November 01, 2019

HAPPY ALL SAINTS DAY @PapaFrancis & the minions of my forefathers and foremothers ad infinitum! #EaglesRuleInFlight

--------------- FREEDOM AIN'T FREE -------------

If you think you’re gettin’ over then you just don’t get it, nobody gets over it, all, none
Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s gonna happen anyways, 5 in the cold morning
Maybe on the way to work or on vacation or maybe just in your sleep, before AM sun
For the sake and for the purpose of the species genome, we’re filled and bleed red blood.

It may be blue, runnin’ through the veins for mosquitoes to suck out life while still blue
Before it gets back to the heart to flow from head to toe, fed my mind and soul, but it’ll fly
Landed right here and now in front of the scales, to weigh my doubts casting spells to die
Friends, foes hit witches all alike, the same exact measure of west side, blind faith brew.

Gone way before the Time in Space was finished with God’s dam and animated toys n’ boys
Alive in caves, condos, tents, campers and high redwood trees, livin’ as high as a man can be
Inside the body and what’s left of the blown away wits, live like whales in the river, no can do
Run out of the room to swim up and downstream, sea to shining sea, pole to pole, let us go!

Wait! What? We’re already gone with the stars, stripes, bars, red, green, blue and pure white
As it is when you’re blinded by stars, staring into the sun’s bright burn, killin’ what don’t fight
Eating, absorbing and defecating the feces of faces, Adam’s, Eve’s matrix of ruby red road dirt
Full of the matter, made the energy squeeze into 208 bones, word a tie-died Dead Lot T-shirt.

Days gone, I’ve been gone quite a while and still hear the sounds of the Eagles Talon on prey
Grabbing and squeezing the breath back into the thin air above and below, rolled in the hay
Princes and paupers, boys and girls, all with the code of Acid, sunlight’s animation of gases
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, CO2 kept us alive and caused the happy ending for the masses.

Ripped up the roads and paper trails, kept us alive for thousands of years, all up in gunsmoke
Fired up from hot, flame sparks, matches sulfur on hard strikers, friction’s never a funny joke
What made us all too human, fire for life and death, solar signals creating bytes and synapses
On the nature of the Word made Flesh, what’s already been said you know, a red heart seizes.

A big one came and went without me, it got away fast like a ship in the night, a diamond word
It was a title, beginning and end of the story, our story, every one of us, with or without a bird
White dove of paradise being the spirit of the Holy of Holies, where the choir sings the hymn
Mighty and weak, all here fine or in decline, the price is high enough to pay, all you got Slim!

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 1ST, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 AM PST
{ jammed out of the heavens while listenin’ to #Golddust of Joe Walsh @Daryl's House Club jammin’ in the garage on youTube link @https://youtu.be/efB3aQkZS1g }

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