Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, January 10, 2020
--------- #oldPhaartHunchedOverTheWheel ---------
When it comes and goes, you’ll know because it’s what you feel, not all your fake azz-jazz jive
A miracle that the road to heaven led to my front door in the middle of gale & thunderstorms
I was what I was and it’s not what you think, not apparent to the naked eyes of earthworms
DNA moves where it moves without a thought about me or you, nobody gets outta this alive!
No need or desire to make a comeback to where you never wanted to be, who wants to be sick
Yet here’s a tragedy in the middle of the comedy, you know it and I know it, this just has to be
Truth is everything is everything and it’s all right, no problems other than the last gasp of air
Bless my po’ heart, dead animal skins’ souls, wooden plastic sticks, golden drummer symbols.
Inventing everything that you don’t know out of Nothing but the inherited chicken scratch art
On the cave walls, out of the light of the day where everything disappears into the dusted part
Milky Way or just a Snickers or Three musketeers bar, to rot your sweet teeth to the core fate
Pulled away from the jaws of your early expiration, on the beach under palm trees and dates.
Always the faith in the unknown to satisfy all of the atheists and theists, thirsty and hungrier
Than the mothers and fathers who came before all of us who are here and now, pretombstone
Everybody may not have a stone, possibly at the worst, buried under Earthquake’s headstone
Ready, willing, able to be handicapped, given a micro-edge over the most prolific star’s scorer.
You can either bet your life on it or put your cash where your unshut trap is, no sky’s the limit
Space of infinity or microscopic invisibility, either way the matter and form becomes this, It
What it is, good, bad or ugly, possibly attractive to the need to squeeze a fake form of orgasm
Out or in of a moment of distribution of the atomic electronics, a case of divine mesmerism.
Boys and girls, settle down now kids, no need to call the Man or a mom you don’t know, Joe
Just immerse in free flowing rivers north or south of the equator, then go with the force flow
To the end of a place in space where it all goes in the end, oblivion it’s always been, hero flaw
What it was to be Man is the same as being a dead man, trailer begins, hot Jump Street draw!
r j j stephan, i *Header is CAS at the tip top of the Seattle Space Needle in 2019 A.D. back from PrincessCruise to #Alaska ... OMG, she travels like a pro!
xoxo darlin’

c. Friday, January 10th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Naturally cued and blasted while listenin’ to the PoynterSisters #JUMP - from the #SpaceNeedle? - on youTube link @ }
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