
Thursday, January 09, 2020

#SheDidntWriteMurder #SheWroteRedrum #Redrum #Redrum #Redrum #TheShining #CloudNineFine

Richard Joseph Stephan·Thursday, January 9, 2020
- #GodOfDebris #LateHeavyBombardment #HotJupiters #GreatCaesarsGhost #NeptuneNeonMoon
* * *
Wind, Earth and the Fire of the revolutionary friction and mortifying immortality of the sons
Gift from an inevitable Big Bang of matter to cause the energy used by nuclear colored skins
Lost electrons, neutrons and protons in the Void of the twilight zone’s polypeptide sequence
Still and at One goes an unmoved mover of everything, substance of the thing itself, essence.

I know nothing more than the professors and teachers taught, except everything on the web
Internet unknown to the fake fathers, priests of the blind faith, Chicago boys in an ocean ebb
Nothing but a great lake with holy water where you get dropped into the middle, cesspool jive
Uncle of my brother and sisters yet not mine, he’s lucky he remains a memory in the archive.

Wristwatch and the sundial keeps the shadow moving, darkness animated, in and out the sea
The Light is the main ingredient of the Thing we see and do, living for what it’s worth, Ashy t
Least of mankind’s worries on the planet and after death, yet all curious minds want to know
Kinfolk claim the deal is, Who the landlord is, whatever It is, it’s a UFO of Time’s Space, Bro

Dig, beatniks mothers and fathers, hippies grandchildren and the foreigners of a deep state
Unknown sons of bitc#es and daughters of bast@rds, on the take, all made men and women
Smokin’ savages when it comes right down to it, if you don’t slam on the brakes, you’ll crash
Metal to metal, faced loud bangs of steel ramming steel, roaming the herd, as an alpha male.

Weeds in the backyard and under the stairs that go down to the basement cellar, killin’ ‘em
Woke up in the News on TV, not knowing it was a setup from the get go, I’s a wanted man
Sons of bitc#es who evolved out of the petrie dish, Jennyfromtheblog, I mean #TheBlock
Known Acid of the cells, in the wishing wells of the living things that are plants and anima

Under debris of collapsed @HardRockNewOrleans, trapped under tons of Hard Rock signs
Anarchy is the least of humanity’s worries, look and listen for a silent coup d’etat, man sings
You can’t play me unless you know and like to lose to a red, hotrod in a 1/4 mile faked surge
You might be right or wrong but you’ve got to admit it’s as easy as pie, get down & y’all purge.

I want you to know little girl, grand daughter of the matrix, your 208 bones will be way gone
Soon enough from my broken hearts and soul searches for the cherished, a queen’s red pawn
Regardless of the path you tread with your heavy light loads, not a friend or enemy walkabout
Adam’s Eve cherished this, all too human, divine tragedy, subatomic comedy relief, no doubt!

r j j stephan, i * #Murder spelled backward is #Redrum, re: #TheShining, #HeresJohnny }
c. Jeudi 9 janvier 2020 après-midi à 5 h 55, heure normale du Pacifique (PST)

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