
Monday, January 06, 2020

#ThisIsNotEarth #YouAreOnTitan #GodIsDogSpelledBackward #Flygirls @J-Lo

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, January 6, 2020
--------------------- #ParticlePhysics & #TitanSkies ----------------------
*******                                                                                  *******
If the equations and writing of the printed Word is not on the wall, then nothing is everything
Then in that case, everything is not everything, as I always assumed was the holy Truth king
Whether you or I or anyone else likes it or not, the facts of life are what they are, a horror tale
One that doesn’t end at Death’s rotting 208 bones, logarithms of body and soul, windy sail.

Remote observation in an armed drone provides the beings above and below with empty Void
I of the ego and the id that masquerades as the thing that matters in the Cosmic menudo boy
No error in the DNA code because what is perfect cannot mutate without Will of a holy Hole
Utter vacuum inside the head of the mind of the supreme oneness, without you, without soul.

Communicate the connection to the Void to the many who take leaps of faith and hope to god
One more day of breathing the gas, unpolluted, undiluted essence of a revolutionary wobble
In an elliptical, electron-like pathway around a single atom, the sun, the star is man’s Zeus
Compared to the alternative, the dream you’re in is better than the dream without the zoos.

Cream of the crop has risen to the top where it evaporates and is ionosphere’s purple rain ho
From tips of volcano mountain tops to the core of It’s potato shape, seven leagues’ undertow
Earth thing itself, complex stuff naturally selected, star evolved, a United States Space Force
Main data of intelligent extinction, primordial agar fun in a petri dish of plasma’s AIDS virus.

Puff up your gas balls to keep the treasure from disappearing into thin air, a golden lead ball
Inner-outer space, plasma seen and invisible to naked skin, magnetic pole, black hole squall
Escaping the magnetic field that attracts the wings of the birds who fly high, that’s it, they die
Coronal mass ejection is the source of Life on Earth, not the Force of Star Wars or lonely RA!

If and only if I’m right about the historical record being the Truth, then Life is a random gift
Nothing planned by mothers or fathers, anonymous, recombinant DNA acid of a cosmic rift
Dreaming in a dream then waking up in the dream before its end, eyes open, #Woke awake
Blinded by light, deafened by the high and low decibel arpeggio notes, radiowaves of the fake.

It is a tragedy if you’ve run the gamut from birth to death and not realized that life’s my scars
Just a scheme you and I accepted to stay free of being in prison, in jail, behind animals’ bars
Better to go drinkin’ inside the bars that you can somehow get home from, cut high and tight
Melody on cloud 9, 10:4, in my homer slide, a divine comedy of volunteers, we #Woke, g’nite!

r j j stephan, i
c. January 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while #Skeert in a vortex of invisible particles swept up into the Black Hole which is everything, #EverythingIsEverything Donny Hathaway says it like this & that’s the way it is, it’s like that! https://youtu.be/l3p4DFnBpkM }
* Picture on the wall for the header is a #FamousDonutShop in Sacramento I went to yesterday for a cup of #BlackDeath cafe-con-leche & a chocolate donut with bloody coconut on top! Donut Madness http://www.donutmadness.com/ #ScaredMeToDeath so, I bought coffee & a donut before there was #Blood! ROTFLMAO Now, #GitSome }

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