
Friday, February 07, 2020

#OnAFreightTrain #ReadyToJumpOffInAlbuquerque #JustRanOutOfTracks @GreggAllman #ImNoAngel

---------------  *Assimilate  ---------------
Well she comes and she goes with the candles in the wind, they get blown and move south
Cut off from the oxygen to burn into the ether, the atmosphere, the Void of the herbivores
Nothing to say to the animal cannibal but to stop eating things that crawl and jump around
From the womb to the ending of the breath that comes in before I blow it out of my mouth.

To the entire being that burns the stars in the middle of nowhere’s darkness, I do love y’all
Every atom full of charm and love, invisible to naked eyes but insight and dreaming this ball
Is all I have without any heaven and hell that was a given notion for Supernova or Singularity
Y’alls will to power bring ballsy love into the deep womb I know blindfolded, it’s all ‘bout me.

Nothing personal to the others, the Many who are not me and never will be, I am what I am
I crawl, walk, run, cry, laugh and put it all into perspective, mine and only mine, all gods dam
It is what the ruler of the empire does, lives alone in solo flight being the alien, the Earthling
I always know the fire is with me, burnin’ holes in my pockets like cash money needs no ring.

Married to mobs and unfiltered pond scum to glean the water from the wood, metabolize me
Consummation of the transubstantiation changin’ water to blood-wine, a crucible’s grace fee
Drinking deep into beings where angels fear to roam, spotted hunger, ate wiseacres’ thumbs
Animated the 208 bones in silhouette form-essence, moving Unmoved Mover’s holy crumbs.

Sacred hearts of my people and their pretend Savior who lurks in raw words, bleed out to Ur
Fantastic place of lore where we’ll never be and never return to, it’s a ruse to control the whirl
Menu-do of punks and intellectuals on the divine menu, dream in a cosmic dreamer’s sin bin
Original, mortal, venial and other transgressions keep the species in check, humanity’s killin’.

No wishes allowed, not three, two or one, you get exactly what you get in Karmic relief, OMG
Only the presence of my super-Ego and Id ‘cause the Ego’s toast, in & out the land of the free
Obey or be incarcerated against God’s Will, a straitjacket of your ma and papa, house of fun
To be or not to be, all too human words of an epitaph on my granite head stone, “One done.”

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi 7 février 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the emptiness in my mind’s eye & jammin’ to greg_allman jams link @ https://youtu.be/NWNKHi2joJE & #MidnightRider with one more silver dollar @ https://youtu.be/yojZ-Ksr8AE }


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