
Saturday, February 08, 2020

#PhonyBones #PretenderEnds

------------------ #UltraRockin -------------------
In the deep space allowed to my living DNA, I got a strong back for the heavy, #2 load of scat
A whole lot of love coming dead out of your mother’s and father’s thighs, knuckle sandwiches
Crying does a little bit of good for your soul and spirit, a cosmic dust cover-up, the Truth seal
Pain and suffering will motivate even the bitter idiot savants who carry me from birth to debt.

What I owed was because I spent the loan, I wasted the cash on pretty little mamas who loved
Me forever is what they all said or at least that’s what I heard, a distortion of real gods above
You’ve got as much control over your animation as you do over the revolution of melting ICE
Knowledge and wisdom just conceptual analysis of the incredible place in Space, Time’s rice.

Hunger is all gone as if it never existed in the second or third place of liberty’s will to power
I could blame everybody but me since I had nothing to do with the entry into pops creation
He came before my mama did and I guess she conceived me without a nut, not even a wiggle
Debt that was owed from the ancestral garden of Eve, now I pay the love and hate struggle.

Come along with me on the high and low roads because the middle road is now a dead end
You can’t get past your last breath, your final heartbeat, omega thought of being an incarnate
In the flesh and bones, in the brain and mind of the Many who split from the host, godsend
It is what it is, back turned on carrying everybody else’s debts to the creator of this caliphate.

In absolute darkness of the cosmic menudo, I am what it is and I always was and will be It
All of it, not just some of IT, the whole shebang, literally and figuratively as the case may be
It all enters from a one way street, direct sunlight burning star causing evolution of species
Think, an alien form of being, not of this Earth, left us on the planet for the Congo Ubangees.

#SpaceForce is a way to look beyond the atmosphere to the Void we hope is full of live bones
Friendly or hostile, to know you are not alone is better than being alone, be the tattoo of apes
If and only if you can mimic the ones who came before you, God wastes the starlight’s cosmos
Regardless of the outcome, divinity’s dam right here & now, #JackFlash rockin’ your cradles.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedi 8 fevrier, 2020 Anno Domini
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the Gregg Allman #AintWastinTimeNoMore LIVE on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/X-bBWbrHgGE }

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