
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

#WakeThePhuqUpKids #LetsGoNow #BeforeItsTooLate #YouGotTheMusicInYou & #JustDoItNow #TripEights

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Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, February 11, 2020
-----------------  UnselectiveDraft -----------------
It is not your fault that you’ve been thrust into the magma of the mount’s sacred fire
In a play on a stage or in a moving picture film recording, just a flickering flame of ire
Divine on this plane of existence has become extinct with the naked apes without soul
They all lived in an evil funk without the benefit of charity and love of their down low.

Punks on the corners and pusses in the boots, cowboy or combat ready to stomp some arse
In a fracas with the skills to defend and offend, after the players all fell, a victor was sparse
Complete morons and idiots runnin’ the shows from dusk until dawn, on land and sea blue
It’s a matter of being invisible as you were a moment before your conception’s spark to do.

23 and 24 skidoo for all of the children’s meat stew, with herbivore flare for incarnate chew
Mink skin and fur for the coonskin caps that keep my balding cranium warm as butter toast
Avoiding the reflection of the apeman in the mirror and on the calm, river run’s cosmic dust
Compared to Nothing at all, this is Everything, all that there is in the vacuum of our Devoid.

The bones inside will turn inside out in the end, free choice to be or not to be is All y’all get
Your inherited sloth of the cave dwellers who light fires and the apes’ naked skin all in debt
Night hawks dreaming of the warm smell of defrosted meat, not yet absconded news, I fake
Out of nowhere as if they’re everywhere, always waiting in Time to be a grub, an effin’ snake.

Peers without equal, far above and beyond what’s below and deep within the genome of man
DNA out of the blue and black, a pattern of life and death in revolution around boiling fumes
A nucleotide of radical systems meaning nothing more or less than everything’s Everything, I
Thinkin’, I’m the sight seen in the movie scene, glory to be prefabricated fame, aw Mama, cry!

r j j stephan, i *Header’s my cousin’s guest-head-shot, grati, Nadine Stephan x’s & o’s }
c. Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020, Jahr des Herrn (A.D.) @ 23:11 P.S.T.
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the beats of the Heart within the rib cage go thump, thump in Timed out Space & jammin’ to Welcome all.empath.starseeds.lightworkers/warriors .truth seekers 💚💛💜💙, we are the One! #NeverForget911 }

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