
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

#ThereThereNow #SettleDownOrYOUllHaveAnAneurism

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, March 31, 2020
-------------- #TickTockTickTock -------------
Unholy to the taste of the holy and reverent souls in tallyho bodies of human runes’ bones
Trebles and bass in a concerto playin’ the sharps and flats like there’s nothing left to say
But every day is today without fail, even yesterday for a moment was the ol’ rolling stones
For the philosophers to collect before they die to see the Truth and pretend in the replay.

We all heard the rocks sing it hard and soft, in the studio and on the road, cops searched me
For the answer to the question that nobody knew to ask, what’s the answer to a rea; mystery
Extrapolated in the form of syllogistic arguments, in a rational, logical method, listen my son
Philosophers’ stones roll down a volcano after an eruption of fool’s gold & silver tons of fun.

I can’t recollect my first scream but I assume it was quite a bellow comin’ out of the darkness
From the warm and dark blood fest in the mama womb, I got decades of use out of the egg roe
Fertilized by only the gods know what, microscopic flagella searchin’ for the home’s river flow
Only one vacancy for the One but not for the many who will fail the trip & die a hero demise.

Hearing what only deaf animals can hear, seeing only what blind men can see, that’s a trip
Reality of one’s perception of the world is tantamount to being happy and living on the flip
Meaning something subtle and no doubt incomprehensible to the rational being, logic is up
Irrationality is goin’ down like it or not, I’ll get the gist of it before my last gasp’s gold cup.

Periwinkle and scarlet are the colors of my shield, force field around my lead turned it to gold
Wherever I go, any direction, up, down or North, South, East or West, I get where I gotta go
Here and now is a miracle only dead men can’t get a grip on, if you’re alive, you’re in this jive
There’s nobody who has ever been born on this planet who ever died just to forever stay alive.

Punks all gone now, they’ve lost their lives to the hither and thither, beyond the yonder bench
To be or not to be the man that walks softly in the sandy beaches of the coast, that’s the ticket
All of it is all you know, stop thinking that you don’t know it all since there’s nothing to pinch
Can’t steal anything that’s already yours, you’ve no reason to own it, you are what it is, slick!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, March 31st, 2020 A.D. @ 6:25 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the #PhilosophersStone in a silver-lined loop by Van Morrison link @ https://youtu.be/hrsq1werkfs }

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