
Friday, May 08, 2020

#Queens666thReich #COVid2019 @SANTANA #SANTANA

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, May 8, 2020
------------------ #COVID2020 -------------------

Pawns moving slowly, slogging to the Ends they must reach because there’s shots in the bar
Yet there’s nothing to fear other than Fear itself, a @POTUS named Roosevelt declared before
The world’s war started again, fighting for the life of the young men, killing to get all of us
Miracle brings back a healthy state of being, the diseased deceased from other than a virus.

Poking your eyes out after they’ve been dotted by a hundred jabs, right and left hook punches
That is all I could do to help you at the fungus among us, plants, grass, roots of Texas bushes
Got a bead on the target, it’s moving and frequently stopping to smell the air, snortin’ sounds
Antlers still attached to the bull and the herd was far from base camp, backpack out 100 lbs.

It’s a tricky situation, if you don’t know what I mean by now, you’ll never know, two byte Or
That was a long way down the labyrinth to the bottomless, holy reverent One, a son of a beach
Exit stage to the right and never to the left, that’s onstage and there’s no comin’ back encore
Cosmic dust of the commission to collapse the matter into a byte of data, to be delete bleach.

Up and down the same ladder that comes out of nowhere, it leads to the same place in Space
Right in the pocket, buried in the sweet spot of the wood just before a 15 second crowd shout
In a pandemic or after an epidemic the trees and weeds still grow and burn and die, #CeLive
If not you, there would be another and there will be others either way, to breathe in and out.

Derby’s almost over when lights dim and you see the curtains fall on the stage, what the hay?
No way, I’ve got thirty or forty years left until I’m a hundred, one of the trophy winning idiots
Don’t you know who I am? It’s been a topic of idle conversation in empty circles, OK yeah?
Jokers reside within my conscious multiple personality, fragmented by the LSD’s microdots.

This ain’t a joke? You must be kiddin’ yourself then ‘cause I’m laughing so hard, I’m weeping
I am an honest and innocent man, being accused of lying and being guilty of original singing
Absconded DNA from minions, played games in programming, calculus’ loved a red hot oven
Bewitched to exist here, now, where I come from, it’s why they ain’t here, a loser’s cool coven.

Dust and lust down in the same matrix, makin’ morons and more of them than ever before
Since the first microbe, first micron, the last macrobe has come to be, winning with chagrin
It’s not what it was before today, it’s what it is now and what will be, no freedom, no choice
But to be or not to be aren’t the only questions, there’s one in tact, “Is Fear phuqyn’ wichou?”

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, May 8th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ Inspired listenin' to #Winning in a loop Devadip Carlos Santana https://youtu.be/0FmPg4lrBKc }

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