
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

"#EyesAreBlind & #ICannotSee #RightOnForTheDarkness" -- @CurtisMayfield

Richard Joseph Stephan·Tuesday, June 30, 2020
-----------------  #GivinYouABreak ---------------
One chain don’t make no prison mama, you know that you taught me to be so GD fool cool
Nothing gets under my skin without me knowing about it, I overreacted to Catholic school
Production of the fame and fortune is still in the mix of super hero, bein’ ghetto-bum lucky
If you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, just forget about it, pretend I didn’t have the key.

To the beings alive on the plains and prairies to the coastal and inner cities of the 7 ‘bumps’
Where your babies and parents were born and raised to see your face on #FakeNews frauds
Letting the strangers who’ll never actually see or know you or I, who we are, y’all are chumps
Never-land in the palm of the pope’s and oligarchy tripe, stealing your freedom for the gods.

Alrighty then, too much is too much, like my mama used to say, yes and I say daddy too, yo!
But if and only if I can irritate the powers that be who regard blind faith as the gospel truth
Not I said the blind man to his deaf brother on his cellphone, he could read the text forsooth
Out of nowhere the End comes shootin’ right past your face, you can hear the swoosh go-go!

On the other side, there’s no other side by the way yet, let’s entertain peculiar notions of folks
Until there is no other choice than to conclude that this is it, we’re alone, it’s what she upshot
This is all of the nature of being and nothingness, existence and super-mankind, a god jokes
Telling the punch line after the final gasp of thin air, survival of the fit and even then, caput!

From the avenue in Chicago from the lake to Oak Park, I ran the C.T.A. 12 cents up & 12 back
To and from the squeeze-box lessons my daddy and mama squeezed out of their teeny stack
Greenbacks came from working, as much as possible for the minimum wage, below above it
Making the democrat machine the button pins by the thousands, for mama’s & pop’s skillet.

Happy is a word but the feeling of happiness is much more, that one you get with my rejects
Out of the darkness for nine months and into the light for the unexpected causes and effects
Luck of the draw, your spirit picks the lump of 208 bones to be, as long as it’s a possibility
Random causes and effects in the future have already become the past, Presence is the key.

Treason is the reason for all of the stars and stripes, rebellion against a crown of hacked gold
Fifty stars, thirteen stripes for the patriots who know, who recollect the sacrifice of the bold
Monkeys saw this liberty being done and they wanted some too but didn’t know what to do
So, an King and Queen and I turned the spigot OFF, not a trickle or a drip from the big Ho.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, June 30th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:44:44 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ on Curtis Mayfield Music #BackToTheWorld on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/g2udbdAmdkc }

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