In an instant New York Minute moment in Time, the Space all around you and I lights up
In a black, ultraviolet radiation, everything white turns purplish like a black and blue cup
A holder of the Void, Nothing special other than everything that is Matter, atomic energy
Almost every holy place is the same, where you must go to become awakened from sleep.
Walking around or sleeping and dreaming or just unconscious as my zygote’s bones got free
A Constant in the whole shebang is an illusive recollection of your father’s spermatozoon glee
Among the host’s collection, only One may survive, two will not do and three well it’s a trinity
Which is the 3 persons in 1 God, a matter and energy phenomenon, this explains the mystery.
You got this story from others who came and wrote down their thoughts and then they died
They had no idea what was going on when they walked the planet, did their proverbial thing
On the other hand, it didn’t matter as long as you were happy and not in fear of being killed
By the bad, the evil, the mean men and women who were raised by the misguided souls of Id.
Mothers and fathers are not the anesthetic to the the atheism exuding from animated DNA
From the alpha to the inevitable omega, it’s a straight line from here to there, it’s what I say
Far away from where-ever you’re going to be when you finish this read, pandering rich glee.
Multiplying One times itself is nothing but itself, if there’s a mitotic divide caused by a Will
We get what we got, this is it, you’re lookin’ at it directly and inadvertently you became One
Original, Mortal, Venial get indulgences for the cancellation of responsibility, guillotine guilt
Up, down, to & fro over on the middle path, heads roll into silence, SLAM SHOTS & that’s It.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, September 16th, 2020 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Duane Allman #HappilyMarriedMan in an infinite loop on youTube link @ }

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