

Friday, September 18, 2020

#CourtesyCats #BootsNeedKnockin' #LipLocks #ForGoodBadAndUgly #Starbursts

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, September 18, 2020
--------------------- EZ $$ --------------------
Both ends of the dream fade, the significance of everything & nothing, fightin’ pandemical me
In 1951 A.D. I came here to be alive in 2020 A.D. so what’s up with that whistleblowing glee?
Mentally ill and physically infirm are the tickets to be unamerican boys and girls voter’s bawl
For the freaks and the well adjusted mooks who have intellect on mute, a sweet dream y’all!

Drinks for the boys and girls that get to 21 or sooner if they’ve got the booze binge in mind
Hearts beatin’ to knock boots a time or three, if you get lucky maybe hundreds to be found
Shades drawn once the formality of introduction has been moved from present to the past
Pending results form the conclusions of formal logic, practical reason becomes a vote cast.

All the way from Nome to Timbuktu the bells tolled for me to hear the place I lost to the dark
Out of the light from flashes and neon gas tubes, it appears that it’s all a matter being a quark
Moves on the board, moon full, new dew, shades drawn, boot knockin’ pointin’ up to heaven
Lucky to be alive here and now, regardless of whether or not this is a punishment or accident.

Booms of the boomers and the bams of the bummers comin’ apart at the seams, need a fat fix
Unmoved yet moving, incomprehensible although impossible to deny the presence, Earth’s 6
Pertaining to the substance and the form of the dream within a dream, this is what it is, Taxi!
Let’s get jiggy and undercover, it takes two to tango, me & you ain’t becomin’ extinct Ms. Fifi!

Pretentious attitude is what happens when you exceed your warm welcome of a Homer plate
You and I may see eye to eye but when the Truth comes out, the mystery is a blinded fig date
Knockin’ boots at the end of it all, then 50 years go by, my hair’s white & yours is coco brown
Small town or metro mash by waterways & lakes, fishin’ for sugar stirrin’ to see the lowdown.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, September 18th, 2020 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PST

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