<3 Sacred <3
Now and then you find yourself and the others all around you in the same place at the same time
Then & there you'll know logic & reason for being alive, here & now on Earth, livin' on gods' dime
Talking because you know you're listenin' to the words I'm makin' into the flesh of understanding
I'm already gone but I knew I'd never get to stay here forever 'til the little Big Bang into nothing.
Apparent to the sensation I used to examine the subjects and objects that predicated my journey
It was always whatever you said, I listened to you, loved you to hate me above and below old me
In a hail or a scat storm of loving lies to get innocence & timidity o'er the hump, winds of whiskey
Got me here to the cell door bangin' behind me, broken laws and broken hearts in my wake's sea.
Nobody told me about the end of the road where you all will get to before or after the Kracken
Desert, dirt and death are all a huge part of Life, as we or any star in any system or galaxy of sin
Against the positive and negative flow of the electronic solar wavelengths, high-def subjectives
In the complexity of the simple mind above your neck, beat this down your moral imperatives.
Monkeys with a virus passing it to the rest of the DNA's broken code, they see what they do too
Eating the food that keeps the function moving from A to Z, from 1 to 10, 7 feet under aster dust
Again and again, repeat the identical movement of the cause and effects of the highway endings
Faith forever, blind or educated guesses all, nothing for certain, it's the gist of It, sweet Nothings!
Bang, bang for the last time right before the fade to darkness, without a peep, not a dot of fire
Frozen stiff, mouth agape playin' tricks on your empty form of shapeless, all whiskey swallowers
Bangin' shots of that #Jack while you were whisperin' in my ear, in went in One & out the Other
Heard it all, some you haven't heard but I ain't the One to say, that's your beast of burden buster!
At the crossroad ahead, there's no returning back to the comfort zone where you're pop got lucky
Your mama doesn't have your back anymore, if she ever did, she's too old or dead and gone now
Remember the day you wanted to be in charge? Now, you are, so gitterdone or it'll be just ducky
Think and you get exactly what you intend, intent, will to be, to survive, dog, god, a skeleton key.
Already gone before the last mile home to the rear of the refused dump of skulls and crossbones
Pirates and saints, all of them innocent babies, elder care abusers & their holy souls in rest homes
Bums and junkies are the successful who lost the way down the middle path, on the way uptown
Never meant to be a happy ending, just pretenders making believe in Santa, Jesus and the Blown!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, Freezember 7th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AM #PearlHarborDay #TheDayThatWillLiveInInfamy #FDR #InfamySpeech #FACTS
{ Drafted while gestating this link @ https://youtu.be/xWOOtgk1Jq0 #AbsoluteVictory #VJdap #NuclearABomb #Fission @SonnyStephan #RIPpops & thank you for your service in the @USNavy when you were 16! & as a bonus because I love all 3 of you (LOLs) here is the reason we need the Void, #HitlersLostSecrets @ https://youtu.be/i65GDSXy9H4 }
Now and then you find yourself and the others all around you in the same place at the same time
Then & there you'll know logic & reason for being alive, here & now on Earth, livin' on gods' dime
Talking because you know you're listenin' to the words I'm makin' into the flesh of understanding
I'm already gone but I knew I'd never get to stay here forever 'til the little Big Bang into nothing.
Apparent to the sensation I used to examine the subjects and objects that predicated my journey
It was always whatever you said, I listened to you, loved you to hate me above and below old me
In a hail or a scat storm of loving lies to get innocence & timidity o'er the hump, winds of whiskey
Got me here to the cell door bangin' behind me, broken laws and broken hearts in my wake's sea.
Nobody told me about the end of the road where you all will get to before or after the Kracken
Desert, dirt and death are all a huge part of Life, as we or any star in any system or galaxy of sin
Against the positive and negative flow of the electronic solar wavelengths, high-def subjectives
In the complexity of the simple mind above your neck, beat this down your moral imperatives.
Monkeys with a virus passing it to the rest of the DNA's broken code, they see what they do too
Eating the food that keeps the function moving from A to Z, from 1 to 10, 7 feet under aster dust
Again and again, repeat the identical movement of the cause and effects of the highway endings
Faith forever, blind or educated guesses all, nothing for certain, it's the gist of It, sweet Nothings!
Bang, bang for the last time right before the fade to darkness, without a peep, not a dot of fire
Frozen stiff, mouth agape playin' tricks on your empty form of shapeless, all whiskey swallowers
Bangin' shots of that #Jack while you were whisperin' in my ear, in went in One & out the Other
Heard it all, some you haven't heard but I ain't the One to say, that's your beast of burden buster!
At the crossroad ahead, there's no returning back to the comfort zone where you're pop got lucky
Your mama doesn't have your back anymore, if she ever did, she's too old or dead and gone now
Remember the day you wanted to be in charge? Now, you are, so gitterdone or it'll be just ducky
Think and you get exactly what you intend, intent, will to be, to survive, dog, god, a skeleton key.
Already gone before the last mile home to the rear of the refused dump of skulls and crossbones
Pirates and saints, all of them innocent babies, elder care abusers & their holy souls in rest homes
Bums and junkies are the successful who lost the way down the middle path, on the way uptown
Never meant to be a happy ending, just pretenders making believe in Santa, Jesus and the Blown!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, Freezember 7th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AM #PearlHarborDay #TheDayThatWillLiveInInfamy #FDR #InfamySpeech #FACTS
{ Drafted while gestating this link @ https://youtu.be/xWOOtgk1Jq0 #AbsoluteVictory #VJdap #NuclearABomb #Fission @SonnyStephan #RIPpops & thank you for your service in the @USNavy when you were 16! & as a bonus because I love all 3 of you (LOLs) here is the reason we need the Void, #HitlersLostSecrets @ https://youtu.be/i65GDSXy9H4 }
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