
Friday, December 11, 2020

HERE IS THE #HOOK @RareEarth @ChambersBrothers #DirtyWorkEyesDid #KingRichard LOLs & @SteelyDan


It ain't my fault that this freak had a failure to launch, driving faster than a speeding bullet

Far away from the far out options on the near right and the far left dream of strife and the life

In the muck and mire of the children of the sun, the star 93 million miles away from my wife

Inside of the major burn of fission and fusion, light fantastic emerges to show the New Dawn.

Eyes opened wide to clear the bad joojoo from creepin' up to your back for the sake of scary Fear

To be afraid is all there is other than the fearless of the warriors, hidden in parochial school cheer

Of wizards and the minions of dingbats and floozies taught by and learned from a Romper room

Sitting in front of an idiot box, flipping electronic images of translated digits and pixels of doom.


In the end, prior to the Singularity appearing out of nowhere, naturally stupid and ignorant pride

Moves the man in me, the boy in me, the baby in me to get ready to die like all of the rest, I flied

From a sound sleep to an eternal blunder of the Big Bang, Nothing to care about, it's all the Void

Monkeys and barnacles come and go, young and old deadhead geniuses who peddle a Great Lie.

That you'll live when you die which you won't, ask buddah and jesus and krishna or the prophets

Common denominator is essential to adding up the numbers to group them all into the fix of debts

All owe something when pondered from 5 miles high, just a vision of blue and sun dried, sand tan

I have the goods, you got the bads and she's got the uglys so we're all full of it, of this Royal Scam.

What left a signature all over our world's vision, hands out, palms up, ridin' dirty in God's hot Papas

Wants & needs, all desires to complete the mission to be happy & avoid pain and suffering lie a Persian

From birth to death, through two sets of teeth that all come and go in a hundred years, but why man?

Woman has no clue, yet she's NO SON of the SUN, mystery's solution, holy holes of Many Mamas!


r j j  stephan, i

c.   Vendredi, Freezember 11th, 2020 A.D. @ 3:11 AM PST

{ drafted listenin' to THE @ChambersBrothers #Time (long) link @ https://youtu.be/hIqwzQ7g-Cc }


W.W.A.R.D.? or P.E.G.?

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