
Friday, January 22, 2021

#FireBurns #IceFreezes #EarthSmokes

Punks born without a father's rules, get the charity grown children upset and spoiled
Like the milk mother left out in the hot sun, in the light of day for the riverside baths
Stunk to high heaven with the body odors to attract the genome into oblivion's shed
Deep down under or way far above or below all that you know, #Woke middle paths.

Germaine to the subjects and objects looking for the predicates of prehistoric essence
When there was no books of Word Spells or stories from a linguistic cache of nonsense
Morons and idiots in charge of the species' presence and future eminence, extinct eggs
#ShotsInTheArms for an imaginary virus works in a 3rd world country's political dregs.

Here and now will get all of us there & then, without our intent or will, It's said & done
Nothing left to do when the Singularity has appeared and it is you and me, we are a One
If & only if you don't take that blind faith step into an abyss, you'll die in this bee's hive
Grace screaming for your soul to accept the notion that God's good not great, evil's alive.

Mutate the acid and know that it makes no difference at all, love and hate are a #FalseFlag
For the reality of the sequence of Calculus problems that can't be solved is infinity's gulag
Locked up with a combination sequence of #Fabernacci and the scum of Earth's scat logic
Pins, needles and middle fingers point to the #Longneck magic, square cube DNA's Rubic.

Fabulous that you can walk & chew gum at one and the same time but it's a dead end
Nobody alive on Earth cares one way or the other, it's a fact jack, we can comb your hair
Fancy morons and idiots teaching the children what they don't know, nobody does man
Opened up the Pandora box full of whiskers from the rednecks and orphans of welfare.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Venredi, Janvier 22nd, 2021 Anno Domini @ 08:30 AMPST
{  Drafted to a cold one I'll never get back, @EricChurch link @ https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE}


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