
Sunday, February 14, 2021

#GetDown #RightHere #RightNow #ThisMeansWAR #AColdOne #SaintValentineBeheaded @ACDC @WARtheBand @SammyHagar @EricChurch @BugsBunny @YosemiteSam

Gods from the outerspace's atmosphere of a vacuum, empty of the Evil Live hot, pork tacos
In between where your mother left you with the baby sitter who never showed older hobos
How to treat a youngster who misses their mama & papa, don't press my naked face down
Into your incredible cess pool of menudo, all you've eaten, drank & smoked dank downtown.

Completely in for the long haul, as opposed to bein' a cold one, Dead in a Chicago fender bender
On the subway or the elevated train, we move in Space like slow lightening & Silence!  Thunder
Sorrow & joyful reactions to happiness and remembering that it's a #NoVacancy sign, #DaBears
Insider and outsider to be or not to be One and the same, everyone of the psychic psycho fears.

Amazon amazement at the huge giant monster that collects all of the capital for the capitol
On your mark when you're getting set to go, without a head start, Timing is the only thing
A matter of Time in Space, your life and mine, temporary with a hope of immortal voiding
Of the human's being all too human or superhuman, supermen, superwomen, #DoYourThing!

It's what you want to do, you're going to die when it's time for you to die, alive only one Way
My own path may be foreign or domestic yet it's My God's damn karma that's on a holy dole
Taking back the credit that was due to my past transgressions I've got no recollection Today
Balanced like a fox in a hen house, hiding the mal intent to eat featherless, skinned or whole.

Fear your ending because it signals the meaning of t'all, ain't nothing t'all to do with fake Hope
Dreams of what could be or might have been or what'll be, those are the essence, Being #dope
Which helps everyone and nobody at the same time, the Unknown's invisible, undetected zoom
Right or left, up or down, backward or straight up forward, marching toward the room of doom.

Crawl on land or swim in the sea, maybe fly above it all and just float around in society's ecstasies
Winged or finned, hopping, slithering, burrowing or swimming in a Material World's WTF over seas
Unknown why you're here, an orphaned, dead child conceived before a wedding image, two souls
Now adapted & adjusted to Ways & Means, the Void's a #ColdOne #Ho, One of Many black holes.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, St. Valentine Day, 2-14-2021 A.D. @ 7:77 AMPST <3
{ Granted the light of day while listenin' to #ThatWasAColdOne @EricChurch in a loop @ youTube https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE #OneTimeIAintForgotAbout }

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