
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

#ProofPositiveOfNegatives #KneeJerksRuleTheWorld #rushDEAD70 #BukowskiListens


Apemen and apewomen mated and became the humans of 2020 A.D., this is the way, be nice
Dice got rolled every time rolled sixes and nines, never snake eyes, not even once, OK'd twice
But I was distracted by the perfume in the room, a small back cubby hole under stank & fur
Mothers and fathers wouldn't let their children roam around in there, but there they were.

Punks and the bartenders ruled the roosters' roost, you can bet your bottom silver dollars
Throwing back the shots until my elbow wouldn't work any more, I loved the battle scars
Find the heavy duty and the light weight idiots and throw them into the menudo of lava
They'll all turn into the rock as they roll down from the blown holes, seeping black kava.

I don't know anything about what you know but I do know one thing, you are One or two
Either way split into a million pieces is the future of anything named matter, college learned
Pyramids and the holy burial ground where burned bones lie undisturbed by quaking Earth
Mothers and fathers need medical attention, here is all they'll get, six feet down or burned.

Here's the pressure that you're under, you're gonna die today or someday in the future, I say
You say that you're immortal because your soul lives after your heart & mind seize, a flombet
Marketing to the consumers, all is eaten and recycled for the left over and subordinate 'bot
I came, I saw & I conquered what ever will be recalled by anyone anywhere, rolled bones bet.

You are welcome and I thank you for the many and the last one I see before I die is the real me
Who I am and what I am is not what you want to be, not who you want to be, I'm in charge see?
Final test for your grade is going to be an essay on why you think you're on the planet for, Jack?
A model and the absence of all things that have atoms are the identical, imaginary brig a' bract.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, February 17th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 PMPST  #RushHourAllDayLOng #RIPrush
( RIP @RushLimbaughEIB          S I L E N C E  #RollTheDice
* https://youtu.be/awGN5NApDy4   2 kinkLinks #RUSHmysterySolved  #RollTheDice @CharlesBukowski @ https://youtu.be/36CYMdFmDeQ }

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