

Friday, February 26, 2021

#OriginalEnds #CreativeVoid #AteRumSoakedRaisins #DangerDrunkenJudges

Kickin' your mothers & brothers to the curb just 'cause  grandmas' sons were pretty, dead dads
So, big and little sisters of mine, of my mother and father or others' ma and pa yoyo & top fads
Common denominator and an infinite numerator divides and conquers the hysterical woke folk
Power in the hands of weakened #WarDead genetically inferior allele carriers of not to be woke.

Hire the best judge and jury that would use logic and reason to convict my body and soul to hell
My own people who fly up and down above the ground below you, can't see invisible smoke sigs
A puff means nothing if you can't see the smoke rise without the wind, without the rain rung bell
Which tolls for nobody but me, I ain't your teacher or your fellow #wokeman's probasketball bigs.

What I am is what I am and what you are is what everyone has always been, one's always my fun
A stream of shared consciousness with an effulgence of photons from our burning star, black Sun
It is All there is to me although to you and others there's More than That, cryptorize It, farts, see
Jingles some bells in the steeple, something to bang old chains upon hallowed grounds of coffee.

Compared to Nothing itself, wrap it all up in a cheese and bean burrito, wait until tomorrow AM
You will move it into the energy transformation of the gas to run your machine, then body slam
Down underground, poked & bled out by strangers paid to relocate your bones, option ash urns
In any case, on Earth or in a capsule sent to outerspatial Void via Space, COVID facemask burns.

Hurting with the pain and suffering inherited from the men and women who left us commands
I relieve the pain with the burning of the chemicals the Earth grew from the seeds of the weeds
Social convention has put the many at risk & now the few are in charge of transgenderal breeds
Excellence & superiority above and below the scum of the planet exhibits for morality demands.

You may not judge without enough information but you'll judge anyway, it's all way too humane
Jumping to conclusions takes less time to take care of it all, increasing the Time to be fake, benign
Thunder & lightening birth was the 1st light & closing your eyelids once more, brings Homer ends
All of us going to the same place, we ain't gonna think about that a lot, that God's dead offends.

Sucking more air than a professional hockey player blocking shots on goal to manage the score
A sudden death to play off a tied score, after three periods of an hour, Stanley's cup at the door
Empty or full of It, as above so below, the creator created the creation, it doesn't reverse a spin
Murder application when you are not fighting for your country, stalking a plethora of killer sin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, February 26th, 2021 Anno Domini
{ Rollin' to #RollinSevensEveryTimeIRoll @DelbertMcclinton https://youtu.be/FNd0OMUPMR4 }

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